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Releases: etianl/Trouser-Streak

Trouser-Streak v1.3.2

14 Dec 12:46
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PotESP Module Added!
This module finds the dank pots for you, in Minecraft. By "dank pots" I actually mean Decorated Pots which contain items that are not natural.
The module will tell you the location of the pot, and what is inside of it.

I was thinking some people might want to stash things in Trial Chamber pots thinking they are sneaky so this will prevent that.

Here is an example message telling of a detected pot:

Customer Support:

Trouser-Streak v1.3.1

13 Dec 23:35
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Deactivated Spawner Detector for the ActivatedSpawnerDetector
Added a detector for this which flags spawners that have light blocks within a box shaped radius of them (default radius of 1). This is enabled by default, and can be disabled if you want.
There is also an additional chat message that will let you know of the torches or other light blocks.

Thank you to Journey for their idea to check for torches on the spawner

Notes for the new ActivatedSpawnerDetector module are here:

Customer Support:


Trouser-Streak v1.3.0

13 Dec 06:58
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This is a hotfix release for Trouser Streak 1.2.9's ActivatedSpawnerDetector
The notes for the new module are here:

ActivatedSpawnerDetector Fixes:

  • Fixed false positive with nether spawners.
  • Added option to obscure coords from chat response for detected spawners. Merged this PR for that option #57

Trouser-Streak v1.2.9

13 Dec 02:41
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There is a false positive with about half the spawners in the nether, I am in the process of uploading a fixed version right now

EDIT: That's already done, if you find yourself here go to the new release for the download after you read up about the new module

Release for 1.21.3, 1.21.1, and also 1.20.4! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.4 and 1.21.1 is in the zip files here, and in the 1.20.4 and 1.21.1 branches.

BaseFinder Changes/Fixes

  • Moved Hoppers from block list 1 to list 6 to prevent false positives with Trial Chambers. (Trouser for 1.21.3 only)
  • Moved all beds from block lists to list 5 due to Trial Chambers now having beds of randomized colors in their chambers. (Trouser for 1.21.3 only)
  • Fixed the Entity Cluster detector not working. It detects if there are large clusters of certain entities (such as dozens of chickens in a farm or something)

New ActivatedSpawnerDetector Module!
This new module can detect if a player was ever near a spawner block.
It does so by checking the countdown value on the next spawn which gets changed from a certain value that the mobspawner generates with.
The change occurs as soon as a player comes within 16 blocks of a mob spawner.
The intended use for this module would be on anarchy servers where people try to hide their items within chests in dungeons and mineshafts.
This allows you to see if a dungeon or mineshaft has been visited even if the player who visited has not modified ANY of the natural blocks.

Below are some images of what the default spawner detection looks like. It also highlights a box around the range which a player was known to have been around it in the past.
The big rendered box can be turned off if you want to.

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don't mind the module name in this picture lol I couldn't decide on it
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Customer Support:

Trouser-Streak v1.2.8

19 Nov 00:00
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Release for 1.21.3, 1.21.1, and also 1.20.4! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.4 and 1.21.1 is in the zip files here, and in the 1.20.4 and 1.21.1 branches.



  • The check for doDaylightCycle in the .world command has been removed in Trouser for Minecraft 1.21.3 due to code issues. Just look up at the sun or something.
  • Added a Color mode setting for Boom+, Airstrike+, and NbtEditor to resolve a crash when incorrectly choosing a color.

New Discord Server for Updates and Friends:

Trouser-Streak v1.2.7

13 Oct 09:36
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Release for 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, and also 1.20.4! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.4, 1.20.6, and 1.21 is in the zip files here, and in the 1.20.4, 1.20.6, and 1.21 branches.

New Discord Server for Updates and Friends:

ForceOPSign Module Added!

Demonstration video here:

More details and a standalone version of the mod is here:


  • Added the ForceOPSign module which allows you to make signs in Creative mode that are pre-loaded with operator level commands.
    To use the ForceOPSign module, configure the options to make it execute the commands you want (default is /op yourname) then give the sign to an operator who is also in creative mode and have them place then right click on the sign.
    The signs that ForceOPSign creates appear to be blank when placed, so the person may not know there is anything wrong with them.

Thank you to Rob for figuring out to use \n (newline) characters to make the sign blank and for figuring out the exploit is permission level based.

  • The commands that are executed by the ForceOPSign do not always appear in server chat response of operator commands. The operator will have no idea they just made you an operator when that command executes from the sign.
  • There is an option to use the last three lines on the sign for a set of commands to auto grief a server. (These use /execute commands which only work in Minecraft 1.13 or higher)
  • There is also an option to have the sign run a command to disable a server and have it crash over and over again.

(Paper versions grant atleast command permission level 3 on signs. Thats why we can Force OP on all Paper versions including the most recent.)

This is still really good and fun. You can run permission level two commands.
Any Player can click these signs after the OP places and it executes the commands. (Operators could have fun trolling their players with this!)
This includes /fill commands and even /setblock which could allow you to insert a malicious command block into the server in a spot that the admin does not know about.
Gamerule commands are also permission level 2 meaning that you could get an admin to change any gamerule you want without them knowing, just use "/gamerule sendCommandFeedback false" as a command before the rest.

I also made a build of Meteor Client for 1.20.4 from the latest source available for that Minecraft version. This is required for Trouser-Streak for 1.20.4!


  • Added a Render Distance option to Hole/Tunnel/StairsESP which removes the rendered boxes that are outside of the render distance that you define. This fixes the lag due to the boxes staying loaded forever
  • Added a Command Delay option to the AutoCommand module. This adds a delay between listed commands.
  • Removed the FULL AUTO option from AutoCommand and replaced it with an option called "Loop Commands" which decides whether or not to loop the defined commands.
  • Fixed BoatKill not killing things for some reason.
  • Updated the .world command to show your permission level for commands.

Trouser-Streak v1.2.6

15 Sep 21:23
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Release for 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, and also 1.20.4! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.4, 1.20.6, and 1.21 is in the zip files here, and in the 1.20.4, 1.20.6, and 1.21 branches.

Hotfix Release

  • Make BoatKill not kill you, only the passenger that you have with you. Thank you very much to Nxyi for the update!

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v1.2.5

15 Sep 03:54
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Release for 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, and also 1.20.4! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.4, 1.20.6, and 1.21 is in the zip files here, and in the 1.20.4, 1.20.6, and 1.21 branches.

Added BoatKill Module

  • Enabling this while in a boat instakills it's passengers. Thank you to filepile for writing this! This has been patched in the latest 1.21.2 snapshots.
  • Depending on the server, the module may need to be enabled multiple times

Macekill module

  • Fixed MaceKill not working while flying with NoFall enabled.

Chunk Tracing Updates

  • Fixed false positives of chunks showing up as Old Generation in the overworld with NewerNewChunks. That's rare now.
  • Fixed lag when you have lots of chunk positions in memory and your character is dead in BaseFinder and NewerNewChunks
  • Removed Exposed and Weathered Copper blocks from the default detection list for BaseFinder because they can occur naturally from copper oxidizing in trial chambers (Trouser for Minecraft 1.21+)
  • Added the Weathered Copper to the default list #2 though in BaseFinder so it can still be detected if there is alot of them in a chunk (Trouser for Minecraft 1.21+)
  • Fixed the Delete data button not working for the nearest detected base chunk with BaseFinder.
  • Removed pumpkin stem from the default un-natural blocks list in BaseFinder because it does actually spawn naturally in some villages.

OnlinePlayerActivityDetector Update

  • Added Cactus to the default list of Overworld false positive blocks to prevent false positives in deserts.

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v1.2.4

30 Aug 11:41
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Release for 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, and also 1.20.4! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.4, 1.20.6, and 1.21 is in the zip files here, and in the 1.20.4, 1.20.6, and 1.21 branches.

New Modules!

  • Added the new Book And Quill Dupe which can duplicate items and create chunk bans by overflowing the text in a book's title. Thank you very much to Thorioum for finding this! This only works for versions 1.20.6 and up, and possibly versions that are lower where the book dupe worked previously (like maybe 1.17)
  • Added the OnlinePlayerActivityDetector which detects if an online player is nearby if there are blocks missing from a BlockState palette and your render distances are overlapping.
    It can detect players that are outside of render distance. Short clip below showing what it does here:


BaseFinder Updates

  • Added Ender Pearl entity finder, for locating ender pearl stasis chambers.
  • Added Bubble Column block finder, which locates bubble columns made by soul sand. People use these for elevators.
  • Added Open Portal block finder, for locating open nether and end portals.
  • Removed melon stem from the default un-natural blocks list because it does actually spawn naturally in some villages.

Hole/Tunnel/StairsESP Update

  • Improved detection and rendering for tunnels, stairs, and diagonal tunnels. Screenshot is below showing that.

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See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v1.2.3

20 Aug 07:39
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Release for 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, and also 1.20.4! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.4, 1.20.6, and 1.21 is in the zip files here, and in the 1.20.4, 1.20.6, and 1.21 branches.


BaseFinder Updates

  • Added Entity Scanning options to find player modified entities.
  • Added ItemFrame finder which locates player placed item frames (people like storing shulkers in these to hide stashes).
  • Added NameTag Finder which locates name tagged entities.
  • Added Villager Finder which locates villagers with a trading level of greater than 1.
  • Added Boat Finder which locates boat entities (they are always player made).
  • Added Entity Cluster Finder which locates clusters of the entities you define. The default is preset to animals which may be found in automated food farms.
  • Seperated Block Specific detectors from Entity detectors in the options.
  • Added the "Written Sign Finder" block detector which notifies you if a sign has been located that has text on it.
  • Added various Saplings (including bamboo) and Melon/Pumpkin stems to the default list of un-natural blocks.
  • Fixed a potential bug with BaseFinder that may prevent bases being detected if there was already data for that block position in the RAM. I derped up block position handling just a little previously.
  • Fixed Crash when using the buttons for deleting saved data when save data is not enabled.


  • Fixed height calculation inconsistency for rendered boxes for the Tunnels.
  • Added an option which finds diagonal tunnels when Tunnels are selected to be detected.
  • Seperated the different parameters in the options into different sections for easier reading.
  • Changed the default for the "Chunks to Process Per Tick" option back to 10 from 20 to prevent lag with default options.
  • Adjusted default color opacities.

MaceKill Update Updates

  • Updated default value for MaceKill to 22 blocks from 10 because in vanilla servers we can also spam a couple packets before the final move packet for a larger teleport and therefore damage boost.
  • One small bug I noticed, for MaceKill in Trouser-Streak to work you have to disable the Mace-Smash in the Criticals module.

AutoVclip Update

  • Updated the max teleport distance to 22 from 10.
  • Added the "Highest" option from .autovaultclip which teleports you to the highest open space within 22 blocks.

Diagonal tunnel detection:
A quick note, tunnel detection is chunk based and therefore has some detection issues. When I get time I will work on it some more!

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)