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Releases: dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/GemsFX

Release v2.16.0

10 May 15:03
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7083a55 🏁 Releasing version 2.16.0
1345b39 Add history on focus loss feature for SearchTextField
be5fd62 Refactor code and add history on focus lost
1e696f8 Moved the creation of the search text field used by the FilterViewSkin to the FilterView control class. Added accessor for the field.
5681833 Merge pull request #173 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancement-SearchTextField
1308091 Update default property name for historyCellFactory
f998f52 Refactor cellFactory method names in SearchTextField
5849ff6 Enhancements to SearchTextField

Release v2.15.0

10 May 11:12
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cbb98fd 🏁 Releasing version 2.15.0
fa2be51 Refactor preferences usage in SearchTextField
3083135 Add preferences property to DialogPane
708e29b Rollback changes made to SearchFieldApp.
89cc9c6 Add search history persistence feature to SearchTextField
917736f Fix typo in DialogPane's method call
4a82672 Corrected method name in DialogPane
8d413dd Update SearchTextField default behaviors and refactor documentation
ad87903 Merge pull request #172 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/fix-supportedOperations-bug
7b38475 Merge pull request #171 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancment-SearchTextField
b6bbe94 Fix bug in supportedOperations property initialization
c05eea3 Update SearchTextField and add RemovableListCell
e85ee57 Refactored SearchTextField with additional features
9f78e78 Enhanced SearchTextField to support search history

Release v2.14.0

08 May 15:58
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681aaa0 🏁 Releasing version 2.14.0
d707585 Add dialog resizing and session persistence features
51d3a89 Renamed method in LimitedTextArea class

Release v2.13.0

08 May 14:20
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5bc127b 🏁 Releasing version 2.13.0
1205cb6 Added demos to show how to use the MDFX MarkdownView for the text shown by dialogs.
5b37e65 Updated the max width of the default message label used by standard dialogs.
d71166c Added a supplier for the label to use by the standard dialogs (info, warning, error, confirmation). This allows for plugging in custom labels (or even a markdown view).
619aa33 Merge pull request #170 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/fix-infocenterpane-windows-ghosting-issue
b744e4f update doc
ce3c977 1. Update java doc for InfoCenterPane.
f26f406 Update
9ef2899 Merge pull request #167 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancement-notification-display-content
1a6f74b Adjust the position of Actions to the bottom of the notification view.
3411116 Simplify empty binding
1804828 Refactor layout request to prevent NullPointerException
31990a5 Simplify the code
187fccb Ensure immediate display of arrow button for single-item Groups

Release v2.12.0

02 May 14:52
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3ef5503 🏁 Releasing version 2.12.0
c440be6 Merge pull request #165 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancement-reademe-add-installation-info
e574b46 Merge pull request #164 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancement-info-center-pane
fcdbb5e Merge pull request #163 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancement-ResizingBehaviour
6ba35a0 Merge pull request #166 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/fix-picker-esc-behavior
eed3878 Ensure consistent display behavior of Picker popup when closed using the Esc key.
b3a84e1 Add IDs to make it easier to link to Maven and Gradle dependencies in the wiki documentation.
ecc1227 Update the README documentation. Add maven and gradle information
af46dd6 Simple update InfoCenterPane Functionality.
38db42f update ResizingBehaviourApp layout.
cd66a96 Revert to making the label transparent to mouse events
a6c08ff Enhance ResizingBehaviour to Allow Direction Control and Improve Resource Management.

Release v2.11.0

29 Apr 15:45
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2db0b87 🏁 Releasing version 2.11.0
11bdc67 Merge pull request #159 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/feature-ListBinding-and-InfoCenterView-placeholder
31280e8 1. Add ChangeTracker. 2. Add junit test. 3. Add TransformedNestedListBinding. 4. TransformedFlattenedNestedListStreamBinding. 5. Add TransformedNestedListBinding.
8834bae 1.Add support for nested list binding classes and.

Release v2.10.0

29 Apr 14:02
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ee749db 🏁 Releasing version 2.10.0
87033ce Merge pull request #162 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancement-EnhancedLabel
2f48f32 Merge pull request #161 from koppor/remove-changelog
907bf72 Added support for pref / min / max width and height for dialogs.
5f31310 Refactor and Enhance Copy Functionality for Web Compatibility
1288440 Remove outdated
64fc1dc Merge pull request #160 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancement-fadingSize-property
836b36b onvert fadingSize attribute to support CSS-modifiable properties
d25c371 Merge pull request #157 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancement-before-after-view
38842f9 update default node
5b17b4c Merge pull request #158 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhance-infocenter-view-fixes
6317767 Rename slideInDuration() to slideInDurationProperty() and lazy initialization
9781afd Implement i18n, optimize property initialization, and fix focus loss in InfoCenterView
ba2a779 Refactor BeforeAfterView to remove test code and implement orientation as a styleable attribute.

Release v2.9.0

15 Apr 15:51
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9c5f3c6 🏁 Releasing version 2.9.0
021cf60 Merge pull request #154 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancement-Update-reademe
4893976 Merge pull request #153 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhanchement-add-timeConverter-to-NotificationView
aad8d4b Remove setFocusTraversable from SearchField
5f3ba2d Add description of EnhancedPasswordField to
e0d99cf Add timeConverterProperty() to NotificationView
aa9ea03 Adjust scene and stage sizing in EnhancedPasswordFieldApp
41380dd Merge pull request #151 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancement-notification-images
a860df3 Merge pull request #150 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancement-EnhancedPasswordField
3d146cd Refactor notification images to static resources to prevent stack overflow
d3ebcd5 Add requires com.dlsc.unitfx.CustomTextFieldSkin
c17731e updated maskText method
caf2826 Add EnhancedPasswordField
2cfe747 Merge pull request #147 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancement-reuse-center-box
74cb0d0 Optimize NotificationView to reuse center box instead of creating a new one on each expand/collapse.
87b88d5 Merge pull request #146 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/fix-notification-view-arrow-error
189dae0 1. Add expanded pseudo class to NotificationView;

Release v2.8.0

12 Apr 18:28
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9ed0c2f 🏁 Releasing version 2.8.0
cf25ab5 Added AdvancedTableView control will (at first) support auto resizing all columns.
6e33bd0 Merge pull request #144 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/fix-calendar-view-properties
62adbaf Add YearDisplayMode and MonthDisplayMode
687dbc6 1. Remove redundant properties from CalendarView for clarity.

Release v2.7.7

12 Apr 08:10
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5802256 🏁 Releasing version 2.7.7
d46d10c Merge pull request #141 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/fix-markselecteddaysofadjacentmonth
85e24e6 Merge pull request #139 from dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh/enhancment-readme-md
2262eb5 Fix immediate visibility of Month Dropdown Button on property change.
50fb11a Implement styling for selected days from adjacent months.
9025aab update ResponsivePane javadoc
84a9234 update readme.
02a094e update readme
05e59d5 Add javadoc and update
90bebe4 Refactor structure for clarity