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Web Mockups

Yagmur Ceren Dardagan edited this page Apr 21, 2017 · 27 revisions

1. Sign-up & Login

The sign-up and login page includes our slogan and a picture, giving the user a rough idea about the website. On this page, the user can login, or if they don't already have an account, they can just create one. The user is presented two options as to the sign up process. They can either classically sign-up by entering a name, e-mail address etc. or sign-up & login via a social media account. Signup and Login

2. User Profile

User profile page includes profile picture and short biography on the top. On the left there are links to home and groups that users attended. On the right there are upcoming events that is marked as going and dates of those events. On the middle there are posts that user wrote to groups.

User Profile

3. Group Timeline

Group timeline page includes a group timeline in the middle and it stores last posts. On the left there is a navigation bar that stores links to other pages. Also, on the left there is a list of members of this group. On the right there are a calendar showing upcoming events and a list of similar groups to this group.

Group Timeline

4. User Homepage

User home page includes a timeline in the middle and it stores last posts from pages subscribed by user. Timeline also has suggested groups sections as well. On the left there is a navigation bar that stores links to other pages. On the right there is a calendar showing upcoming events.

User Homepage

5. Admin Control Panel

The admin control panel contains the posts that are reported by users in group because they have ill content. Admin can take action about this post from this page. There is also member list of the group to organize the members(make a user admin or ban him/her from the group). Page also contain membership requests to group.

Admin Control

6. Guest timeline

Guest timeline aims to show users who are not registered the website how the website works and popular events and entries created in there.

Guest Timeline

7. Group Creation

Users may create groups with this page. Each users shall be able to create group and Group specifications can be modified with this page.

Group Creation

8. Template Creation

Admin can create templates for different type of entries. Template

9. Content Creation

Users can create content according to templates designed for it. Content

10. Search and Results

Search and Results page includes popular tags on the related term. Users may access what they are looking for and relevant people-place or organizations.

Search and Results

11. Annotation

If User wants to add annotation to a image (profile image, image for post and so forth...) , there will be an annotation space to write annotations to a image.


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