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Use Case Diagram and Scenarios
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Ahmet is a 28-year-old guy living in Istanbul. He works in the IT industry. Lately, he has been interested in the ancient board game “Go”. He has been playing go online in his free time and getting better and better at it. However, he has never played go with real stones and board in front of a real opponent and he has been unable to find anyone interested in go. So he decides to search for go communities on the internet using his favourite search engine. After clicking on the search button, he sees the go lovers community on interests and visits the website. Upon entering the website, he is presented with the public content of the go lovers community. Scrolling down, he sees that there has been go tournaments hosted in Istanbul as well as meetings between go lovers. There were also a lot of practice problems posted by other group members. Inside of his head he says, “Why haven’t I heard of this community before!”. He looks for the sign-up button and clicks on it. He chooses to sign-up via one of his social media accounts and he is ready to go!. He clicks on the join button to join to the go lovers community and he is presented with a form. He enters since when he has been playing go and his level. After filling the form, he becomes a member of the go lovers community. He tries to solve one of the practice problems he saw before signing up and after thinking about 10 minutes,he clicks comment bar and writes the answer in the comments and checks the answers of other group members. He sees that most of the members agree with him and upvote his comment by pushing the upvote button and a big smile appears on his face. He checks out one of the close games with commentary played between two group members and he is fascinated by the deep reasoning behind their moves and their general knowledge in the game. He upvotes that post. He also learns about the next go lovers’ meeting on the next Sunday and checks the “will attend” box. After going through the website he joins several other communities he is interested in and ends the day thinking about the meeting he will attend on the next Sunday.
Alice is a 22 years old student. She is interested in Latin dances. While she was searching about it on the internet, she found a link that refers to a public Latin dances group in our website. Alice started to explore the group and our website. She really likes our website and the Miami Latin dances group. She decided to register the website, she clicked the sign-up button and she filled the form for registration and became a user of the website. Then, she entered the group by searching it and asked what is best way to learn Latin dances in Miami and which Latin dance is easy to learn by posting a content “Hello! Everyone i am new in this group, i really want to learn Latin dances can someone suggest me a good trainer or a course and with which Latin dance should i begin with ? Thanks… ” She received a lot of comment from the other group members like “Hi Alice, i strongly recommend you to start with chachacha it is easy to learn and one of the best Latin dances”. The other members suggest her to take a specific course from a professional trainer which some of the group members already take course from him. Also, she meet some people who wants to learn Latin dances like her in the group, they comment her post “+1” and upvoted it. Aliece followed the other members who wrote “+1”. She created group for the ones who looking for a Latin dance course.They were 5 at first but the number has increased and Martin post “Why don’t we take the course all together maybe trainer makes a sale for us! ” and nearly everyone in the private group upvoted the post. After that, Alice created an event by using default event template for the first day of course. Then, Alice make the group private by arranging its privacy setting and they started to use the group for communication between the trainer and the students and students each other.In example, when trainer will be late for the course he posts it to group.
Buse is a 19 years old student who studies in Bilgi University. She is an ambitious fan of Fenerbahçe. She loves to watch Fenerbahçe’s matches and to discuss topics related to football. She is also upset the situation that her university doesn’t offer her a society which has the same interests. After deciding she will not be able to find that society in the university, she decides to search it from the internet. After seeing the commercials of our website, she checks the guest timeline and search results by clicking search bar on the top of the website related to Fenerbahçe. There she sees bunch of people who create events regularly for Fenerbahçe’s matches and where to watch(Bars, cafes etc.). She clicks the signup button and signups via facebook to the website edits her personal information page after signupping by filling the form thatn appears after her sign up process., upload a photo of her by clicking profile picture symbol in her personal timeline and joins the group.After that she posts the group she joined by pushing post button “ Aa bende burada yalnız olduğumu düşünüyordummm. Bilgi Üniversirtesi burada mı?” . Then she sees there are few spelling errors in her post and clicks edit button and changes her post to :”Aa ben de burada yalnız olduğumu düşünüyordum.Bilgi Üniversitesi burada mı?”.After few minutes,she sees big like hands below her post. there are bunch of people likes her post and upvote and comment. One of the users comment as “ Bi sen eksiktin. Burası mahalle kahvesi mi? Şikebahçeli seni!). Buse sees the option that she can report that user immediately. She clicks the “reason” button and chooses “Insult and inappropriate post”. After several other group members reporting that user, Buse sees the user no longer will be able to post in that group. She likes the way how things work and how pleasant people approaching her. She also finds out that she can login the website via her android devices by downloading it from google play store and access it easily. She decides to use the website and the application regularly. She attends the events ,finds and joins other Fenerbahçe related groups via clicking tags. She also suggests the website to her friends and creates a group called “Bilgi University-Unifeb” using create a group button.After sometime, users join the group by clicking join button on above and she shares a link of an event of a Fenerbahçe related group's with the post template.An inappropriate comment is posted below the link and she reports and bans the user by ban the user from group permanently button who is abusing rules of the group using admin control panel on the top left of group page.
Mehmet is a 18 year old guy preparing for university entrance exam. He is interested in sports betting. He had a betting group on another social media but he decided to create a betting group after suggestion of his friend Ali who is also interested in betting. First he sign-up and login our website. After creating the account he edited his personal page and upload a profile picture of him. Then he created a betting group named “Pro Betting Tips”. After adjusting setting and picture of the group he searched for his friend Ali and followed him. He shared his group link with people he knows on other social media websites. He posted his first prediction on Besiktas-Lyon Champions League match by saying i think Besiktas will eliminate Lyon and tagging #Besiktas #Lyon #EUCL #protips # betting etc. , but it didn’t happen and a user post a comment under the prediction by saying i lost 100$ because of your prediction and swearing him. Mehmet deleted this comment however the user starts to flood every content. Mehmet decided to ban the user and make the group private by adjusting privacy settings. After a time Mehmet started make successful predictions and his success rate was about 70%, group members that make lots of many with his tips started to donate some money to him. After that Mehmet decided make more predictions, but creating contents takes time for every prediction to decrease this time he created a template for predictions. Mustafa who is a member of this group for two weeks won 15000$ by following the tips on the group and he post a comment that he would like to buy group members dinner and Mehmet create an event for this and invites all group members.
API Research
API Documentation
Project Requirements
Use Case Diagram and Scenarios
Questions to Be Asked to the Customer
Meeting Notes (352)
- Meeting Note #1
- Meeting Note #2
- Meeting Note #3
- Meeting Note #4
- Meeting Note #5
- Meeting Note #6
- Meeting Note #7
- Meeting Note #8
- Meeting Note #9
- Meeting Note #10
Meeting Notes (451)
Project Plan
Communication Plan