What's Changed
- Refactor get user data by @noisyBrain in #84
- endpoint creation news by @maxisosa89 in #73
- get slides list ok by @sergio17sa in #85
- Fix middleware verify-role-user by @sergio17sa in #94
- Ot 36 endpoint update user by @JohannesGomez in #82
- Se agrego campos de contacto a organizaciones: by @devmontini in #79
- Ot 43 endpoint detail categories by @JohannesGomez in #77
- Ot 63 add slides to public endpoint by @maxisosa89 in #88
- Ot 71 endpoint actualización testimonios by @devmontini in #90
- delete slides endpoint ok by @sergio17sa in #91
- Ot 76 endpoint removal members by @JohannesGomez in #89
- OT_69_GET_TESTIMONIALS by @rich27a in #92
- Fix testimonial migration by @maxisosa89 in #101
- Ot 70 endpoint creation testimonials by @maxisosa89 in #100
- obtener datos de members para gestionarlos by @sergio17sa in #96
- Ot 68 modificar endpoint publico organizations by @sergio17sa in #95
- Ot64 list contacts 2 by @noisyBrain in #102
- Endpoint Update User by @JohannesGomez in #97
- Ot 75 endpoint creation members by @maxisosa89 in #103
- fix import members schemas by @maxisosa89 in #109
- Ot 65 envío email contacto by @Alvaro1599 in #105
- OT 66 BACKOFFICE GET CONTACTS by @rich27a in #104
- Ot72 delete testimonials by @noisyBrain in #107
- agregar middleware adminrole y isInt() a schema para la ruta delete s… by @sergio17sa in #111
- fix isOwner by parseInt added to req.params.id by @rich27a in #112
- Se agrego e installo swagger by @devmontini in #98
- fix: se quitaron validaciones que afectaban al funcionamiento de la ruta by @noisyBrain in #110
- Ot 80 create migration comments model by @JohannesGomez in #108
- Release v1.2.0 by @JohannesGomez in #113
- add test users and readme ok by @sergio17sa in #115
- OT-81 Endpoint to list Comments by @JohannesGomez in #116
- endpoint put member by @maxisosa89 in #117
- Ot60 create slides endpoint by @noisyBrain in #118
- Ot 85 endpoint to list comments based on a post by @maxisosa89 in #127
- endpoint to get member by id with attributes name, image ok by @sergio17sa in #126
- Add Documentation Categories by @JohannesGomez in #129
- Agregar middlewares para proteger rutas de administrador by @devmontini in #130
- REFACTOR RoleMiddleware by @noisyBrain in #120
- OT 83 UPDATE COMMENT by @rich27a in #128
- Revert "OT-81 Endpoint to list Comments" by @soyarielruiz in #133
- docs news by @maxisosa89 in #135
- OT 89 PAGINATION TESTIMONIALS by @rich27a in #132
- OT 74 GET MEMBERS by @rich27a in #93
- Realese v 1.3.0 by @maxisosa89 in #137
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.3.0