Releases: abpframework/abp
Releases · abpframework/abp
Blog Post
See for highglights & new features.
Breaking Changes
- PR #4984: Make Volo.Abp.Ldap support multi-tenancy. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #4981: External Login / Password Changes
- PR #5142: Add reactions to comments for the CMS Kit (by yekalkan)
- PR #5105: Added forget/reset password feature to account module (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #5072: Allow root "Components" folder in the web projects to have view component resources inside
- ISSUE #5071: Add reactions to comments for the CMS Kit
- ISSUE #5068: Introduce LoginUrl and LogoutUrl options
- PR #5062: Implement basic Cmskit features & the global feature system (by hikalkan)
- ISSUE #5061: Global Features System
- PR #5049: Automatically run the DbMigrator application on the add-module command (by yekalkan)
- ISSUE #4994: Implement "Authorization Code Grant with PKCE" for the Angular UI
- ISSUE #4985: Change AbpResourceOwnerPasswordValidator to support the external login system
- ISSUE #4982: Revise how to change the password for external logins
- PR #4979: Implemented: Authentication Extensibility system to check username & password from an external source (by hikalkan)
- ISSUE #4977: Authentication Extensibility system to check username & password from an external source
- PR #4961: Add comment to the CMS kit (needs improvement) (by hikalkan)
- ISSUE #4927: Implement social login flow out of the box & document it
- ISSUE #4905: Allow to add converters to the standard JSON serializer
- ISSUE #4894: Angular UI should be supported the Domain Tenant Resolver
- ISSUE #4863: Automatically run the DbMigrator application on the add-module command
- ISSUE #4862: Support async object mapping for the base CRUD application service
- PR #4861: Added entity extension base to Identity module (by cotur)
- PR #4860: Docs module: added alternative way (using branches) to get versions (by yekalkan)
- ISSUE #4845: Docs module: Alternative way (using branches) to get versions
- ISSUE #4837: SubscriptionService for Angular
- PR #4826: Add Blob storing AWS S3 Integration (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #4809: Introduce BasicAggregateRoot base class (by maliming)
- ISSUE #4808: Introduce BasicAggregateRoot base class
- ISSUE #4796: Unit of Work level cache system
- ISSUE #4761: Initial CmsKit Reactions System
- ISSUE #4760: CmsKit Comment system
- ISSUE #4752: Create a package named @abp/ng.components
- PR #4735: Add Volo.Abp.BlobStoring.Aliyun (by Aprite)
- PR #4734: Introduce AbpFileExtensionContentTypeProvider. (by maliming)
- PR #4688: Miniostoring (by mhymhygi)
- PR #4675: Introduce security log. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #4657: Remove client_secret from the angular and ReactNative application.
- ISSUE #4629: Add dataFormat option to the datatables column definitions
- PR #4617: Added GetPagedListAsync methods to the repository (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #4610: Blob storing AWS S3 Integration
- ISSUE #4593: Add GetPagedListAsync methods to the repository
- ISSUE #4492: User security log feature.
- ISSUE #4386: Angular: Read settings from Json files
- ISSUE #4318: Configure Prettier for the solutions
- ISSUE #4008: Define new layout hooks: before page content & after page content
- ISSUE #2608: Add forgot/reset password functionality
- ISSUE #5122: Add points to the application startup template to configure the global features
- PR #5112: Use async methods in the MailKitSmtpEmailSender (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #5111: Use async methods in the MailKitSmtpEmailSender
- ISSUE #5109: Inherit BackgroundEmailSendingJob form AsyncBackgroundJob
- ISSUE #5106: Set
-m none
as a default for the ABP CLI - PR #5104: Changed the date formats in ExtensibleTableComponent (by mehmet-erim)
- PR #5097: Added Quartz.Plugins.TimeZoneConverter (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #5096: Add Quartz.Plugins.TimeZoneConverter
- ISSUE #5090: Create utility functions that return DatePipe format
- PR #5089: Fixed BlobStoring project reference paths (by olicooper)
- PR #5085: Add Identity service error controller to account module (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #5083: Upgrade quartz to 3.1.0 (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #5079: Unify Error pages (identity server & default)
- ISSUE #5074: Create Global Feature Action & Page filters to prevent usage of a controller/page if the feature was disabled
- PR #5067: Create AbpExceptionHandlingOptions class (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #5066: Unhandled exception details
- ISSUE #5050: Improve the microservice example
- ISSUE #5047: Add action callback property to EntityProp for extensible table
- PR #5046: Make the method that use propertyBuildAction obsolete. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #5043: Move AbpRequestLocalization middleware on top of all in the startup template
- PR #5016: CMS Kit Code revisions/improvements (by yekalkan)
- ISSUE #5015: Add mergeStrategy property to remoteEnv configuration
- PR #5013: Use CopyToAsync to copy the stream (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #5007: Console applications revision
- ISSUE #5006: Console applications should participate to the main host builder
- ISSUE #4959: CMS Kit Code revisions/improvements
- PR #4950: Combine related log messages to ones. (by maliming)
Blog Post
- See the BLOG POST to learn new features and changes with this release.
Breaking Changes
- PR #4527: StringLengthAttribute usages converted to DynamicStringLengthAttribute (by cotur)
- ISSUE #4507: Fix routes for feature and permission controllers
- ISSUE #4506: Use tilde (~) istead of ^ for NPM package dependencies (MVC UI)
- ISSUE #4497: Use DynamicStringLengthAttribute instead of StringLengthAttribute on the pre-built modules
- PR #4479: Set ConcurrencyStamp property max length to constant (40) (by maliming)
- ISSUE #4454: Add forRoot Static Method for Theme Basic Configuration
- ISSUE #4433: Unify multiple update events for a single entity in the same unit of work
- ISSUE #4411: Don't publish auto distributed events for entities by default
- ISSUE #4410: Move EtoMappings from AbpDistributedEventBusOptions to AbpDistributedEntityEventOptions
- ISSUE #4407: Rename the Default BLOB container
- ISSUE #4376: Remove Config Packages
- PR #4363: Change UOW Timeout property type to int?. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #4361: Please set length to EntityFrameworkCore IdentityServerClients table, column "ExtraProperties" and "ConcurrencyStamp"
- ISSUE #4355: Can not set TimeOut for the UnitOfWorkAttribute
- ISSUE #4351: Remove ObjectExtensionPropertyInfo.ValidationAttributes
- ISSUE #4323: Set AbpSequentialGuidGeneratorOptions.DefaultSequentialGuidType by the database provider packages
- ISSUE #4281: Remove all deprecateds in Angular UI
- PR #4279: Make GetClaimsPrincipal mehtod public. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #4254: Remove NGXS Whereever Not Required
- ISSUE #4245: Compile Angular UI packages with TypeScript v3.8 & Angular v9
- ISSUE #4224: Set the ListService's page variable initial value to 0
- PR #4178: Make base properties of common base classes protected instead of public (by maliming)
- ISSUE #4136: Change the defining nav items structure and deprecate the old structure
- ISSUE #3968: Make base properties of common base classes protected instead of public
- PR #4540: Implemented: Support embedded files with manifest created by Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Embedded (by hikalkan)
- ISSUE #4528: Support embedded files with manifest created by Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Embedded
- PR #4524: Introduced DynamicMaxLength (by cotur)
- ISSUE #4517: Add abp.currentUser.roles as a string array in the client side
- ISSUE #4503: Introduce @libs/uppy npm package
- ISSUE #4502: Introduce DynamicMaxLength
- PR #4500: Implement the ICacheSupportsMultipleItems for the AbpRedisCache (by liangshiw)
- ISSUE #4496: Introduce the DynamicStringLengthAttribute
- ISSUE #4494: Upgrade Angular version of the templates to v10
- ISSUE #4489: Implement the ICacheSupportsMultipleItems for the AbpRedisCache
- ISSUE #4483: Create Volo.Abp.Caching.StackExchangeRedis package
- ISSUE #4482: Add SetMany and GetMany to the IDistributedCache
- ISSUE #4472: Add Extensibility System for Angular UI
- PR #4353: Configure IdentityModel request message & configure all http clients. (by maliming)
- PR #4346: Split
and implementations (by NecatiMeral) - ISSUE #4342: Complete methods of IAsyncQueryableExecuter
- PR #4325: Add AddAbpDeveloperSigningCredential method. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #4282: Introduce read-only app service
- PR #4236: Blog module admin separation (by yekalkan)
- PR #4200: Implement Blob Storing Azure Provider. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #4160: Create Oracle.EntityFrameworkCore Integration Package
- ISSUE #4106: Create a page to list all ABP related NPM/Nuget packages
- ISSUE #4098: Blob Storing Azure Provider
- ISSUE #4070: Separate admin side of the blog module
- ISSUE #71: Implement IAsyncQueryableExecuter as chain of responsibility
- ISSUE #4545: Hide a menu item when required policies are not met for all its children
- PR #4522: updated "^" chars to "~" char in npm packages (by AkinSabriCam)
- PR #4513: Change Volo.Docs.Admin.HttpApi.Client project target to netstandard2.0 (by liangshiw)
- ISSUE #4509: Change Volo.Docs.Admin.HttpApi.Client project target to netstandard2.0
- PR #4505: Added PeriodicBackgroundworker quartz adapter (by liangshiw)
- PR #4493: Remove unnecessary launchSettings.json file. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #4491: Optimize getting features
- ISSUE #4487: Optimize getting settings
- PR #4477: MongoDbRepository.AddGlobalFilters extracted to a service (by iyilm4z)
- ISSUE #4465: Could just tidy up and exclude launchSettings.json?
- PR #4453: Soft Delete & Common Test Done for MemoryDB (by iyilm4z)
- PR #4443: Use PreConfigure to configure IdentityBuilder (by liangshiw)
- ISSUE #4442: [bug] TokenCleanupBackgroundWorker will fail when enable Volo.Abp.BackgroundJobs.Quartz
- ISSUE #4440: Docs is wrong about dependency injection part of customizing SignInManager
- ISSUE #4426: Refactor the Angular UI module template
- PR #4424: added missing turkish localization keys and values (by AkinSabriCam)
- ISSUE #4422: Add DynamicLayoutComponent to the root level as a layout
- ISSUE #4418: Add route provider to Angular app templates
- ISSUE #4408: Normalize blob and container names in the providers
- ISSUE #4401: Ngx-Datatable Sorting Behavior Does Not Match ABP
- PR #4387: abp update command enhancement(--check-all). (by maliming)
- PR #4360: Add Languages/LanguageFiles map feature. (by maliming)
- PR #4345: Added
and added generic interface restrictio...