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1.2 ‐ Run tswKai3

Z-H-Sun edited this page Jul 8, 2024 · 2 revisions


  • Support both English and Chinese display languages; can be put into hibernation while waiting for the next TSW process to start

  • Can choose which patches / enhancements to apply, with two options: One takes effect only during runtime and the other makes permanent changes

  • Can use mouse to teleport in the current map (i.e., fast-move to a new destination; the connectivity of the destination with respect to the starting location will be checked); can use shortcut keys to use items; can display on-map damage for each monster; can show monster details (with analyses of ATK-critical-values and battle round counts) and 44 analyses in the back-side tower (i.e., display the real properties after divided by 44)

  • Can auto-save snapshots so as to take back a move; can save to / load from data of arbitrary file names

  • Enhanced background music with fade-in/out effects and no more lag; corrected the timing of BGM playback; added one piece of music for the 44-th floor; etc.

  • Can use the cheat console to change the game variables (the map display will be auto updated afterwards)

Download and Run

It is recommended to download the all-in-one package. Just double-click on tswKai3.exe to run.

Unlike the previous tswKai (v2), this brand-new tswKai3 has integrated the functions in tswMovePoint, tswSaveLoad, and tswBGM projects, as well as other substantial updates. For example, for the previous version, it was required to run the modifier after the TSW game has started, but this is no longer necessary in this current version.

Or, ...

Download the latest tswKai3.exe and the MP3 package. Unzip the latter one, and place its contents under the same directory as tswKai3.exe.

Note: If you use the Windows 10 system built-in unzip function, it will create one more hierarchy of BGM directory, which should be avoided; otherwise, tswKai3 will not be able to correctly load the path of the MP3 files.


For the detailed usage for each submodule (see Features), please refer to their own corresponding chapters.

  • The display language of this modifier app is determined by the language of the TSW game. If TSW is not running when this app starts, the user language settings of the system will be used as the display language.

  • If TSW is not running, a status window (as shown in the figure below) will be displayed in the top left corner of the screen.

    • Click with mouse or pressing Space / Enter / ESC key to hide this window or exit the modifier app;
    • If this status window is hidden, press F7 / F8 key to show it again;
    • Drag the window with mouse to move its position.

  • After TSW has started,

    • The Config window will pop up first (see 1.2.1 - Patch Config), followed by a message box summarizing the basic usage of this app (see figure below);
    • At any time, press F7 to bring the TSW window to foreground (i.e., set focus to it).

  • After TSW has quitted, a message box will pop up and ask if you want to standby and wait for the next TSW game to start. If you choose "Yes", the aforementioned status window will be displayed in the top left corner of the screen.

  • At any time, press and hold the F7 key to exit this modifier app.

    • If you cannot quit this app by holding F7, please check your keyboard repeat delay and keyboard repeat rate of your system. With the default setting of this app, you should make sure the former is greater than 450 msec and the latter is smaller than 50 msec. Alternatively, refer to the last point in the Advanced Options to modify this app's configuration.
  • If there is a conflict for the F7 / F8 hotkeys, please close the program that occupies the hotkeys. As an alternative way, or if you would like to change the hotkeys, please refer to the last but one point in the Advanced Options to modify this app's configuration.

  • If you encounter any problem, please follow the instructions provided by this app's message text. If you come across an error window like shown in the following picture and cannot solve the problem according to the message prompts, please submit an issue, including the following information: tswKai3 version number; steps to reproduce the error; and the error type, message, and traceback information shown in the error window.

Advanced Options


The behavior of this modifier app can be configured according to this section. However, misconfiguration (especially for users who are not familiar with the Ruby language) will cause uncontrolled or undefined behaviors of this app. In such cases, please delete tswKai3Option.txt to reset.

I have read the warning message above and choose to continue...
  • Use any text editor to open tswKai3Option.txt in the same folder as tswKai3.exe. If the file does not exist, create one.

  • This config file uses Ruby language. If you are not familiar with it, do not add new lines but rather stick to the existing instructions.

    • In Ruby, the pound sign (#) will comment out everything after it on the same line, so the "uncomment" instruction below means deleting the pound sign (#) at the beginning of the line so as to make this line take effect.
  • Unless otherwise noted, all settings here will be updated every time you start a new TSW process.

    • In other words, while TSW is not running, and this app is hibernating, you can modify and save this file, and these settings will be applied the next time you start TSW.
  • Avoid non-ASCII characters whenever possible. If you must, please save the file with ANSI (locale) encoding, not UTF-8.

Below lists the relevant settings involved in this chapter. For the settings of other submodules (see Features), please refer to their own corresponding chapters.

  • Languages:

    • Uncomment the following line to make this app always shown in Chinese language: #$isCHN = 1
    • Uncomment the following line to make this app always shown in English language: #$isCHN = nil
    • Uncomment the following line to make this app auto decide which language to use according to which TSW is running: #$isCHN = false
  • Windows:

    • Uncomment the following line to depress the prompt that shows a brief tutorial of this app on startup: #$CONmsgOnTSWstartup = false (starting from v3.1.5)

    • Uncomment the following line to depress the prompt that asks whether to continue after TSW has quitted, and this app will always hibernate and wait for the next TSW game to run: #$CONaskOnTSWquit = false

    • Uncomment the following line to hide the status window after TSW has quitted:

      • #$CONshowStatusTip = false, but the window will still be displayed after pressing the F7 / F8 hotkey;
      • #$CONshowStatusTip = nil, and the window will always be hidden even if a hotkey is pressed.
    • Change where the status window show on the screen (default: 20, 20; in pixels): #WINDOW_SCREEN_X = 0; #WINDOW_SCREEN_Y = 0.

      Note: Unlike other settings, this will be loaded only one-time upon initialization of this app and will not be updated every time you start a new TSW process; instead, the last position of the window will be applied.

    • Change the sensitivity of the mouse drag to move the status window (default: 20; in pixels): #WINDOW_MOVE_THRESHOLD_PIXEL = 10

      This design is to avoid misoperation. Only when the mouse is dragged over this distance (|Δx| + |Δy|), the window will be moved; otherwise, it will be viewed as a mouse click event.

  • Hotkeys:

    • Usually a combination of modifiers (functional keys) and a keystroke (represented by its virtual key code).

      • Modifier: 0=None, 1=Alt, 2=Ctrl, 4=Shift, 8=Windows; they can be added to stand for a combination;
      • Virtual key code: Please refer to this spreadsheet, e.g., A-Z is just their ASCII (65-90); F1-F12 is 112-123.
    • Modify the hotkey to quit the app to Alt+F2 (default 0 and 118, standing for F7): #MP_MODIFIER = 1; #MP_HOTKEY = 113

      Note: This will also change the hotkey to reset the map-enhancement-related keystrokes; see 1.2.2 - Map Enhancement.

    • Modify the hotkey to show the status window to Ctrl+Alt+Enter (default 0 and 119, standing for F8): #CON_MODIFIER = 3; #CON_HOTKEY = VK_RETURN

      Note: This will also change the hotkey to show the config window and the cheat console; see 1.2.1 - Patch Config and 1.2.5 - Cheat Console.

  • Intervals:

    • Change the time interval for rechecking the running status of TSW (e.g., whether a new TSW instance has started; default 500; in msec): #INTERVAL_TSW_RECHECK = 250
    • If you cannot quit this app by holding F7, consider slightly increasing the following interval (default 50; in msec): #INTERVAL_QUIT = 75
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