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Tip: Quickly find and jump to sensors from the Supported Devices page.
All sensors use the ISensor
interface. This requires some functionality common to all sensors.
Here are the methods provided:
bool Test()
- Checks if the sensor is working correctly. The implementation depends on the specific sensor. If there is no way to test the sensor accurately, or it is not implemented, this must return
. This method should never throw an exception.
- Checks if the sensor is working correctly. The implementation depends on the specific sensor. If there is no way to test the sensor accurately, or it is not implemented, this must return
void UpdateState()
- Updates the sensor. Specific actions depend on the sensor, but getting readings is very common. Make sure to call this every time you want to get a new reading from your sensor.
DataUnit GetData()
- Gets sensor information in a DataLog-compatible format.
string System
(Property)- This is to be used by the user to associate a task to a sensor, to make it easier to tell multiple sensors apart. For example, "Ground Temperature", or "Front-Right Wheel".
bool TraceLogging
(Property)- See Trace Logging.
Implementation | Datasheet | Adafruit Breakout
The BME280 is a high-accuracy air temperature, humidity, and pressure sensor. It uses the I2C or SPI protocols, and is fully supported in Scarlet.
Create an instance using either of the two constructors:
new BME280(II2CBus I2CBus, byte DeviceAddress)
new BME280(ISPIBus SPIBus, IDigitalOut ChipSelect)
Now, you'll need to apply a configuration:
You can also create a custom configuration, and apply that instead:
BME280.Config MyConfig = BME280.DefaultConfig;
MyConfig.MeasureHumidity = false;
Then, as with any other sensor, call UpdateState()
, and then get the readings from the Temperature
, Humidity
, and Pressure
properties as needed.
Here are the options that you can configure:
Option | Default | Values | Description |
HumidityOversampling |
OS_1x |
BME280.Oversampling enum values |
Sets oversampling on temperature measurements, determining capture time. This is used to reduce noise. |
MeasureHumidity |
true |
true /false
Determines whether humidity measurements are carried out. Turning off unwanted measurements reduces power usage and increases measurement speed. |
PressureOversampling |
OS_1x |
BME280.Oversampling enum values |
Sets oversampling on temperature measurements, determining capture time. This is used to reduce noise. |
MeasurePressure |
true |
true /false
Determines whether pressure measurements are carried out. Turning off unwanted measurements reduces power usage and increases measurement speed. |
TemperatureOversampling |
OS_1x |
BME280.Oversampling enum values |
Sets oversampling on temperature measurements, determining capture time. This is used to reduce noise. |
Mode |
BME280.Mode enum values |
Chooses if the device takes measurements, and in what manner. |
StandbyTime |
TIME_500us |
BME280.Oversampling enum values |
The amount of time to wait between measurements in NORMAL mode. |
IIRFilterTimeConstant |
BME280.Oversampling enum values |
How many samples should be averaged for temperature and pressure readings. Used to smooth readings. |
Use3WireSPI |
false |
true /false
Whether to use 3-wire SPI mode (usually false). |
Note that temperature measurement cannot be disabled, as it is required for the other two measurements to work.
Like any sensor, the BME280 outputs DataUnit objects using GetData()
. Here is the format:
Name | Type | Meaning |
"Temperature" |
double |
The air temperature, in 0.01 °C increments. |
"Pressure" |
double |
The air pressure, in 1/256 Pa increments. double.NaN if pressure measurements are not taken. |
"Humidity" |
double |
The air humidity, in 1/1024 %RH increments, from 0.0 to 100.0. double.NaN if humidity measurements are not taken. |
Implementation | Datasheet | Adafruit Breakout
Documentation to be added.
Like any sensor, the BNO055 outputs DataUnit objects using GetData()
. Here is the format:
Name | Type | Meaning |
"X" |
float |
Depends on vector mode |
"Y" |
float |
Depends on vector mode |
"Z" |
float |
Depends on vector mode |
The INA226 is a high- or low-side current shunt monitor. It uses the I2C protocol, and is fully supported in Scarlet.
Usage is very easy, start by constructing an instance:
new INA226(II2CBus Bus, byte DeviceAddress, float MaxCurrent, double Resistor, INA226.AveragingMode Avg = AveragingMode.Last1, INA226.ConversionTime VBusTime = ConversionTime.Time1100us, INA226.ConversionTime VShuntTime = ConversionTime.Time1100us)
The advanced parameters all have default values that are reasonable. If you have specific requirements, you can tweak them.
Once you have your instance, you're ready to go. Simply call UpdateState()
to get new readings from the device, then use the GetBusVoltage()
, GetShuntVoltage()
, GetCurrent()
, or GetPower()
methods to get the data you need.
Like any sensor, the INA226 outputs DataUnit objects using GetData()
. Here is the format:
Name | Type | Meaning |
"BusVoltage" |
double |
The voltage at the bus line (the supply voltage for high-side sensing) |
"ShuntVoltage" |
double |
The voltage across the shunt resistor |
"Current" |
double |
The calculated current going through the shunt resistor |
"Power" |
double |
The calculated power being drawn by the load |
The LS7366R is a high-speed dedicated encoder counter. It uses the SPI protocol, and is fully supported in Scarlet.
To start using it, construct an instance:
new LS7366R(ISPIBus SPIBus, IDigitalOut SPI_CS)
Then, create and apply a configuration:
LS7366R.Configuration Config = LS7366R.DefaultConfig;
Config.QuadMode = LS7366R.QuadMode.X1_QUAD;
You are now ready to get data. Simply call UpdateState()
to get the newest data from the device, then access the count by getting the Count
Optionally, you can register for Overflow/Underflow events. To do this, implement a method with the required signature, or expand an existing event handler, then register it:
public void EncoderOverflowTriggered(object sender, LS7366R.OverflowEvent eventData)
bool WasOver = eventData.Overflow;
bool WasUnder = eventData.Underflow;
MyEncoder.OverflowOccured += this.EncoderOverflowTriggered;
If you want to enable/disable counting without re-sending the entire configuration, you can do so by using EnableCount(bool Enable)
Here are the configuration options:
Option | Default | Values | Description |
QuadMode |
LS7366R.QuadMode enum values |
Determines the type of encoder that the device is expecting. If this is not set correctly, you will get no or incorrect readings. Check the specifications of the connected encoder for this information. If you are not sure, X1_QUAD is a good guess. |
CountMode |
LS7366R.CountMode enum values |
This is a bit complex, so you'll want to look in the LS7366R datasheet (page 4, MDR0 section) to understand the modes. |
IndexConfig |
LS7366R.IndexConfig enum values |
This is a bit complex, so you'll want to look in the LS7366R datasheet (page 4, MDR0 section) to understand the modes. |
CounterMode |
BYTE_4 |
LS7366R.CounterMode enum values |
The number of bytes to use for the counter data |
CountEnable |
true |
true /false
Whether to count incoming encoder pulses. If false , Count will not change. |
DivideClkBy2 |
false |
true /false
? |
SynchronousIndex |
false |
true /false
? |
FlagOnIDX |
false |
true /false
Whether to put Index state into STR register |
FlagOnCMP |
false |
true /false
Whether to put Compare (Counter = DTR) state into STR register |
FlagOnBW |
false |
true /false
Whether to put Borrow (Counter underflow) state into STR register |
FlagOnCY |
false |
true /false
Whether to put Carry (Counter overflow) state into STR register |
Like any sensor, the LS7366R outputs DataUnit objects using GetData()
. Here is the format:
Name | Type | Meaning |
"Count" |
int |
The current differential encoder step count since the sensor began reading |
Implementation | Datasheet | Adafruit Breakout
Documentation to be added.
Like any sensor, the MAX31855 outputs DataUnit objects using GetData()
. Here is the format:
Name | Type | Meaning |
"IntTemp" |
float |
The internal temperature of the sensor itself |
"ExtTemp" |
float |
The thermocouple's temperature |
"Fault" |
string |
Any faults that are detected |
Implementation | Datasheet | Sparkfun Breakout
Documentation to be added.
Like any sensor, the MPU6050 outputs DataUnit objects using GetData()
. Here is the format:
Name | Type | Meaning |
"AccelX" |
double |
X-direction accelerometer reading |
"AccelY" |
double |
Y-direction accelerometer reading |
"AccelZ" |
double |
Z-direction accelerometer reading |
"GyroX" |
double |
X-direction gyroscope reading |
"GyroY" |
double |
Y-direction gyroscope reading |
"GyroZ" |
double |
Z-direction gyroscope reading |
Implementation | Datasheet
Documentation to be added.
Like any sensor, the MQ135 outputs DataUnit objects using GetData()
. Here is the format:
Name | Type | Meaning |
"PPMReadingCal" |
float |
The air pollutant PPM, using the given calibration parameters |
Implementation | Datasheet
Documentation to be added.
Like any sensor, the MTK3339 outputs DataUnit objects using GetData()
. Here is the format:
Name | Type | Meaning |
"HasFix" |
bool |
Currently always true |
"Lat" |
float |
Latitude |
"Lon" |
float |
Longitude |
Implementation | Datasheet | Adafruit Breakout
Documentation to be added.
Like any sensor, the VEML6070 outputs DataUnit objects using GetData()
. Here is the format:
Name | Type | Meaning |
"UV" |
int |
UV light reading in μW/cm^2 |
Implementation | Info Page
Documentation to be added.
Like any sensor, the VH400 outputs DataUnit objects using GetData()
. Here is the format:
Name | Type | Meaning |
"RawReading" |
double |
The voltage that the sensor is outputting |
"Multiplier" |
double |
The currently set voltage multiplier |
"VWC%" |
float |
The soil moisture, in %VWC from 0.0-1.0, or -1 if the input is not valid |
Quick Links:
Pin Diagrams: RPi | BBB
Developers: CaiB, Baldstrom
General Info:
Common Issues
Getting Started
Supported Devices
Hardware I/O:
- BeagleBone Black
- Raspberry Pi
- Pin Diagrams: RPi | BBB
- GPIO: Using | For Beginners
- PWM: Using | For Beginners
- ADC: Using | For Beginners
- I2C: Using | For Beginners
- SPI: Using | For Beginners
- UART: Using | For Beginners
- CAN: Using | For Beginners
Other: Interesting Case Studies