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Trading ro RO

ArchiBot edited this page Jan 8, 2023 · 26 revisions


ASF include suport pentru tranzacศ›ii Steam non-interactive (offline). Atรขt primirea (acceptarea/declinul), cรขt ศ™i trimiterea de tranzacศ›ii sunt disponibile imediat ศ™i nu necesitฤƒ configuraศ›ie specialฤƒ, dar evident necesita un cont Steam nelimitat (cel care a cheltuit deja 5$ รฎn magazin). Modulul de tranzacศ›ionare nu este disponibil pentru conturile restricศ›ionate.


ASF va accepta รฎntotdeauna toate tranzacศ›iile, indiferent de articole, trimise de la utilizatorul cu acces Master (sau mai mare) la bot. This allows not only easily looting steam cards farmed by the bot instance, but also allows to easily manage Steam items that bot stashes in the inventory - including those from other games (such as CS:GO).

ASF va respinge oferta de tranzacศ›ionare, indiferent de conศ›inut, de la orice utilizator (non-master) care este pe lista neagrฤƒ din modulul de tranzacศ›ionare. Blacklist is stored in standard BotName.db database, and can be managed via tb, tbadd and tbrm commands. Aceasta ar trebui sฤƒ funcลฃioneze ca o alternativฤƒ la blocarea standard a utilizatorilor oferitฤƒ de Steam - utilizaลฃi cu precauลฃie.

ASF va accepta toate tranzacศ›iile de tip loot trimise รฎntre boศ›i, cu excepศ›ia cazului รฎn care DontAcceptBotTrades este specificat รฎn TradingPreferences. Pe scurt, valoarea implicitฤƒ pentru TradingPreferences de None va determina ASF sฤƒ accepte automat tranzacศ›ii de la utilizator cu acces Master la bot (explicat mai sus), precum ศ™i toate donaศ›iile de la alศ›i roboศ›i care participฤƒ la procesul ASF. Dacฤƒ doriศ›i sฤƒ dezactivaศ›i donaศ›iile de la alศ›i boศ›i, atunci pentru asta este necesarฤƒ setarea de DontAcceptBotTrades รฎn TradingPreferences.

When you enable AcceptDonations in your TradingPreferences, ASF will also accept any donation trade - a trade in which bot account is not losing any items. This property affects only non-bot accounts, as bot accounts are affected by DontAcceptBotTrades. AcceptDonations allows you to easily accept donations from other people, and also bots that are not taking part in ASF process.

It's nice to note that AcceptDonations doesn't require ASF 2FA, as there is no confirmation needed if we're not losing any items.

You can also further customize ASF trading capabilities by modifying TradingPreferences accordingly. One of the main TradingPreferences features is SteamTradeMatcher option which will cause ASF to use built-in logic for accepting trades that help you complete missing badges, which is especially useful in cooperation with public listing of SteamTradeMatcher, but can also work without it. It's further described below.


When SteamTradeMatcher is active, ASF will use quite complex algorithm of checking if trade passes STM rules and is at least neutral towards us. The actual logic is following:

  • Reject the trade if we're losing anything but item types specified in our MatchableTypes.
  • Reject the trade if we're not receiving at least the same number of items on per-game, per-type and per-rarity basis.
  • Reject the trade if user asks for special Steam summer/winter sale cards, and has a trade hold.
  • Reject the trade if trade hold duration exceeds MaxTradeHoldDuration global config property.
  • Reject the trade if we don't have MatchEverything set, and it's worse than neutral for us.
  • Accept the trade if we didn't reject it through any of the points above.

It's nice to note that ASF also supports overpaying - the logic will work properly when user is adding something extra to the trade, as long as all above conditions are met.

First 4 reject predicates should be obvious for everyone. The final one includes actual dupes logic which checks current state of our inventory and decides what is the status of the trade.

  • Trade is good if our progress towards set completion advances. Example: A A (before) -> A B (after)
  • Trade is neutral if our progress towards set completion stays in-tact. Example: A B (before) -> A C (after)
  • Trade is bad if our progress towards set completion declines. Example: A C (before) -> A A (after)

STM operates only on good trades, which means that user using STM for dupes matching should always suggest only good trades for us. However, ASF is liberal, and it also accepts neutral trades, because in those trades we're not actually losing anything, so there is no real reason to decline them. This is especially useful for your friends, since they can swap your excessive cards without using STM at all, as long as you're not losing any set progress.

By default ASF will reject bad trades - this is almost always what you want as an user. However, you can optionally enable MatchEverything in your TradingPreferences in order to make ASF accept all dupe trades, including bad ones. This is useful only if you want to run a 1:1 trade bot under your account, as you understand that ASF will no longer help you progress towards badge completion, and make you prone to losing entire finished set for N dupes of the same card. If you want to intentionally run a trade bot that is never supposed to finish any set, and should offer its whole inventory to every interested user, then you can enable that option.

Regardless of your chosen TradingPreferences, a trade being rejected by ASF doesn't mean that you can't accept it yourself. If you kept default value of BotBehaviour, which doesn't include RejectInvalidTrades, ASF will just ignore those trades - allowing you to decide yourself if you're interested in them or not. Same goes for trades with items outside of MatchableTypes, as well as everything else - the module is supposed to help you automate STM trades, not decide what is a good trade and what is not. The only exception from this rule is when talking about users that you blacklisted from trading module using tbadd command - trades from those users are immediately rejected regardless of BotBehaviour settings.

It's highly recommended to use ASF 2FA when you enable this option, as this function loses its whole potential if you decide to manually confirm every trade. SteamTradeMatcher will work properly even without ability to confirm trades, but it can generate backlog of confirmations if you're not accepting them in time.

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