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RxScala Releases

Version 0.27.0 - December 29th 2019 (Maven Central)

End-of-Life (EOL) version

Adds Scala 2.13 support.

Note on compatibility:

  • Binary compatibility is only preserved within a Scala major version
  • This libraries definition of Seq follows that of the Scala major version, so scala.collection.generic.Seq in 2.10-2.12 and scala.collection.immutable.Seq in 2.13
  • Some methods which take an implicit CanBuildFrom[Nothing, ...] in the 2.10-2.12 version take an implicit Factory in the 2.13 version to follow the collection re-design.

Version 0.26.5 - December 28th 2016 (Maven Central)

The most notable change is adding SyncOnSubscribe and AsyncOnSubscribe support. Search them in RxScalaDemo for examples. RxJava and Scala are upgraded to the latest version as well. Check the following section for other changes.

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 220] (#220) Implement SyncOnSubscribe and AsyncOnSubscribe
  • [Pull 222] (#222) Add FutureToObservable
  • [Pull 223] (#223) Add Notification.flatMap

Artifacts: Maven Central

Version 0.26.4 - November 7th 2016 (Maven Central)

This release upgrades RxJava to 1.2.2 and adds UnicastSubject. In addition, RxScala is also published with Scala 2.12.0 since this version.

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 213] (#213) Add UnicastSubject
  • [Pull 214] (#214) Update Scala version to 2.12.0 final
  • [Pull 215] (#215) Bump to RxJava 1.2.2

Artifacts: Maven Central

Version 0.26.3 - Oct 8th 2016 (Maven Central)

This release upgrades RxJava to 1.2.0, adds new RxScala/RxJava converters (See JavaConvertersDemo.scala for examples), Scala Try and Option converters and bug fixes.

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 199] (#199) Fix the wrong return type of take overload with scheduler
  • [Pull 204] (#204) Upgrade to RxJava 1.1.9 and add missing operators
  • [Pull 207] (#207) RxScala <-> RxJava converters
  • [Pull 210] (#210) Try & Option converters
  • [Pull 211] (#211) Bump to RxJava 1.2.0

Artifacts: Maven Central

Version 0.26.2 - June 17th 2016 (Maven Central)

This release upgrades RxJava to 1.1.6 and adds the new experimental ErrorDelayingObservable class.

What is the new ErrorDelayingObservable class?

ErrorDelayingObservable contains a variety of operators that support delaying errors. Sometimes when you compose multiple Observables together (e.g., flatMap, concat), you may want to refrain from propagating error notifications until all of the Observables have finished emitting items. In such cases, you can call Observable.delayError to get an ErrorDelayingObservable and use the ErrorDelayingObservable's methods to compose your Observables. Search for delayError in RxScalaDemo.scala for examples.

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 193] (#193) Reimplement tail, to and toMultimap
  • [Pull 194] (#194) Bump to RxJava 1.1.5
  • [Pull 196] (#196) Deprecate Observable.create
  • [Pull 197] (#197) Bump to RxJava 1.1.6

Artifacts: Maven Central

Version 0.26.1 - April 14th 2016 (Maven Central)

This release upgrades RxJava to 1.1.1 and add Scala 2.12 support. Now you can use RxScala with Scala 2.12.0-M4.

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 189] (#189) Upgrade to RxJava 1.1.1 and add missing methods
  • [Pull 191] (#191) Scala 2.12 support

Artifacts: Maven Central

Version 0.26.0 - January 26th 2016 (Maven Central)

This release upgrades RxJava to 1.1.0 and removes deprecated APIs.

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 184] (#184) Bump to RxJava 1.1.0 and remove deprecated APIs

Artifacts: Maven Central

Version 0.25.1 - December 18th 2015 (Maven Central)

This release upgrades RxJava to 1.0.17 along with several experimental APIs including new interval overloads, concatEager, concatMapEager, flattenDelayError and BlockingObservable.subscribe.

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 172] (#172) Fix invalid wikipedia url in AsyncWiki example
  • [Pull 174] (#174) Refactor CompletenessTest to support adding completeness tests for other classes
  • [Pull 176] (#176) Upgrade sbt to 0.13.8; move completeness package to scala-2.11; enable fatal-warnings
  • [Pull 178] (#178) Eliminated two possible false positives from BlockingObservableTest
  • [Pull 182] (#182) Upgrade to RxJava 1.0.17

Artifacts: Maven Central

Version 0.25.0 - June 8th 2015 (Maven Central)

This release upgrades RxJava to 1.0.11 along with the following enhancements:

  • Deprecate ExperimentalAPIs and use @Experimental/@Beta annotations directly. Unstable APIs wil be labeled Experimental/Beta in Scaladoc.
  • Change error[T] to error: Observable[Nothing]
  • Add TestSubscriber and its examples. Writing unit tests is much easier now. See TestSubscriberExample for examples.
  • Add onBackpressureLatest and variants of flatMap and using.
  • Add more experimental methods of Subject.
  • Move examples to examples package:
  • Some document fixes

Migration from 0.24.1 to 0.25.0

Observable.error does not have a type parameter any more. Please remove the type parameter of Observable.error in your codes. Sometimes removing the type parameter may break your codes. E.g.,

val x = Observable.error[Int](new RuntimeException("Oops")).toBlocking.single
println(x + 1)

It won't be compiled if Int is removed. For these cases, you can add the explicit type to the variable and make the compiler happy, such as

val x: Int = Observable.error(new RuntimeException("Oops")).toBlocking.single
println(x + 1)

ExperimentalAPIs is deprecated. It's not a breaking change, but we plan to remove ExperimentalAPIs in 0.26.0. If you are using ExperimentalAPIs, please recompile your codes and fix them as per the deprecated messages provided by the compiler as soon as possible. Once ExperimentalAPIs is removed, you won't get the deprecated messages.

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 157] (#157) Update the out-of-date example in "Notification" doc
  • [Pull 159] (#159) Correct documentation for Observable.merge
  • [Pull 162] (#162) Fixed minor documentation typo
  • [Pull 163] (#163) Update to Scala 2.10.5 / 2.11.6
  • [Pull 164] (#164) Change error[T] to error: Observable[Nothing]
  • [Pull 166] (#166) Update to using RxJava 1.0.11
  • [Pull 168] (#168) Move examples
  • [Pull 170] (#170) Add TestSubscriber

Artifacts: Maven Central

Version 0.24.1 - March 31st 2015 (Maven Central)

This release upgrades RxJava to 1.0.8 along with ExecutionContextScheduler and onBackpressureDropDo.

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 151] (#151) Update to Rxjava 1.0.8 & add onBackpressureDropDo to ExperimentalAPIs
  • [Pull 91] (#91) Add ExecutionContextScheduler for Scala ExecutionContext

Artifacts: Maven Central

Version 0.24.0 - March 5th 2015 (Maven Central)

This release adds ExperimentalAPIs to support Experimental/Beta APIs in RxJava, removes def onErrorResumeNext[U >: T](resumeSequence: Observable[U]): Observable[U] to solve an ambiguity issue when using partial functions, and upgrades RxJava to 1.0.7.


Now you can import rx.lang.scala.ExperimentalAPIs._ to use some unstable APIs which depends on Experimental/Beta APIs in RxJava. E.g.,

import rx.lang.scala.Observable
import rx.lang.scala.ExperimentalAPIs._

val o1: Observable[Int] = Observable.empty
val o2 = Observable.just(1, 3, 5)
val alternate = Observable.just(2, 4, 6)

See more examples in ExperimentalAPIExamples

Because the APIs in ExperimentalAPIs depends on unstable APIs in RxJava, if you would like to use a custom RxJava version, it's better to check the compatibility in


def onErrorResumeNext[U >: T](resumeSequence: Observable[U]): Observable[U] is removed to solve an ambiguity issue when using partial functions.

Now you can use partial functions in onErrorResumeNext. E.g.,

val o = Observable { (subscriber: Subscriber[Int]) =>
  subscriber.onError(new IOException("Oops"))
o.onErrorResumeNext {
  case e: IOException => Observable.just(20, 21, 22)
  case _ => Observable.just(10, 11, 12)

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 146] (#146) Add ExperimentalObservable
  • [Pull 82] (#82) Fix onErrorResumeNext partial function ambiguity problem

Artifacts: Maven Central

Version 0.23.1 - January 21st 2015 (Maven Central)

This release upgrades RxJava to 1.0.4 along with some enhancements and bug fixes.

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 86] (#86) Fix issue #85 that Subscription.isUnsubscribed returns a wrong value
  • [Pull 92] (#92) Change the parameter name 'func' to 'f'
  • [Pull 98] (#98) Add toSerialized

Artifacts: Maven Central

Version 0.23.0 – December 4th 2014 (Maven Central)

This release upgrades RxJava from 1.0.0-rc.5 to 1.0.2 along with some enhancements and bug fixes.

Breaking Changes

  • Breaking changes in RxJava. Read the RxJava Release Notes for more information.
  • Remove Observable.compose and JavaConversions.toJavaTransformer because Scala has extension methods. It's much nicer than compose.
  • Rewrite toMap in an idiomatic Scala way.
  • Add def to[M[_, _], K, V](keySelector: T => K, valueSelector: T => V)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, (K, V), M[K, V]]): Observable[M[K, V]].
  • Remove def toMap[K, V] (keySelector: T => K, valueSelector: T => V, mapFactory: () => Map[K, V]): Observable[Map[K, V]]. In Scala, we can use CanBuildFrom to build a Map instead of mapFactory.
  • Rewrite toMultimap in an idiomatic Scala way.
  • Change the return type from Observable[scala.collection.Map[K, Seq[T]]] to Observable[mutable.MultiMap[K, V]].
  • Change the method name toMultimap to toMultiMap to make it consistent to the return type.
  • Remove toMultimap(keySelector, valueSelector, mapFactory, bufferFactory). You can override MultiMap.makeSet to create your custom bufferFactory Instead.

See RxScalaDemo.toMapExample and RxScalaDemo.toMultiMapExample for examples of new toMap and toMultiMap.

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 38] (#38) reasons why there is no Observable.range
  • [Pull 45] (#45) Fail build if not all RxJava methods are mapped to a RxScala equivalent
  • [Pull 46] (#46) Update to RxJava 1.0.0-RC7
  • [Pull 48] (#48) Doc improvements
  • [Pull 49] (#49) Update to RxJava 1.0.0-RC8
  • [Pull 51] (#51) remove Observable.compose and JavaConversions.toJavaTransformer
  • [Pull 52] (#52) Update to RxJava 1.0.0-RC9
  • [Pull 53] (#53) Check the API coverage in examples
  • [Pull 54] (#54) Convert to nanoseconds for two Duration parameters
  • [Pull 56] (#56) fix link to examples
  • [Pull 57] (#57) Refactor Subscriber to support backpressure when using lift and bug fixes
  • [Pull 61] (#61) Update the Maven link and the Versioning section
  • [Pull 64] (#64) Fix the misuse of takeWhile in demo
  • [Pull 65] (#65) Update to RxJava 1.0.0-RC12
  • [Pull 67] (#67) Refactor toMap
  • [Pull 68] (#68) Refactor toMultimap
  • [Pull 70] (#70) Fix the height issue of the img tags
  • [Pull 71] (#71) Hotfix: Fix CompletenessTest

Artifacts: Maven Central

Version 0.22.0 - October 7th 2014 (Maven Central)

This release updates RxScala to use RxJava 1.0.0-rc.5 which included some breaking changes as it approaches 1.0 Final. Read the RxJava Release Notes for more information.

  • [Pull 27] (#27) Upgrade to RxJava 1.0.0-RC5
  • [Pull 27] (#27) Remove groupByUntil
  • [Pull 27] (#27) Update repeatWhen/retryWhen signatures
  • [Pull 29] (#29) Remove 'parallel' operator
  • [Pull 23] (#23) Add missing Subject constructors and Subject classes from RxJava to RxScala
  • [Pull 25] (#25) Cleanup completeness test by removing parallelMerge obsolete comparison

Artifacts: Maven Central

Version 0.21.1 - September 28th 2014 (Maven Central)

The first release after splitting from RxJava into its own top level project RxScala.

This is the same code as version 0.20.x except:

  • all deprecated methods and types are deleted
  • now published to groupId io.reactivex instead of
  • artifactId is now rxscala_2.10 and rxscala_2.11 instead of rxjava-scala

The artifacts can be found on maven Central at: and

Artifacts: Maven Central