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Sprint 4 Member Contributions

Saagar Arya edited this page Dec 18, 2021 · 2 revisions
Group Member Tasks/Contributions Effort (Time Spent in Total)
Everyone Manually tested the Android application to ensure no unwanted errors NA
Saagar Arya On sub-team B for the app features. Setup the React Native application. Implemented the "Browse Items" and "Browse Rooms" features, as well as the navigation menu. Worked on the user documentation for the website. 30 hours
Nima Hemati On sub-team B for the app features. Implemented the "Reserve item (as both a librarian and a patron)" and "Checkout Item" features. Worked on the user documentation for the website. 30 hours
Kevin Nam On sub-team B for the app features. Implemented the "Browse Item Reservations", "Renew Item Reservations", and "Cancel Reservation" features. Worked on the user documentation for the website. 30 hours
Selena Jin On sub-team A for app features. Implemented the "View Room Reservations", "Reserve Rooms (as a patron and as a librarian)", and "Login (for all account types)" features. Worked on the user documentation for the website. 30 hours
Nafis Rahman On sub-team A for app features. Implemented the "Create Patron (as a librarian and as a normal user)" and "Change Password & Account Information" features. Worked on the user documentation for the website. 30 hours
Arman Shroff-Mehrabadi On sub-team A for app features. Implemented the "View Librarians", "View Library Hours", and "View Shifts" features. Worked on the user documentation for the website. 30 hours