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Sprint 2: Meeting Minutes

Arman S-M edited this page Nov 12, 2021 · 1 revision

Oct 23 Meeting (All but Nafis in Attendance)

Done this meeting:

-Assigned work for the first part of deliverable 2


-Create new patron account online -Create new patron account in person -Login & signout for librarian, head-librarian, and patron accounts -Head-librarian account should be initialized when the system is created


-Add, remove, and view the opening hours of the library -Assign schedules to other librarians (add, remove, and view shifts)

Nima and Saagar

-Checkout, reserve, and cancel item reservations -Reserve rooms and cancel room reservations


-Hire and fire new librarians -Add & remove items from the inventory -Searching for items (i.e. filtering by certain parameters)


-Create & delete room -Create & cancel room reservation

Nov 5 Meeting (Everyone in Attendance)

Done this meeting:

-Assigned Saagar and Selena to create the quality assurance plan -Assigned each person to write the unit tests for their service methods -Debugged miscellaneous issues -Altered the application so that fewer connections would be made to the database in order to allow for more people to work on it at once

Nov 8 Meeting (Everyone in Attendance)

Done this meeting:

-Split off into two groups of three and did static code reviews for everyone’s service methods -Debugged issues -Planned out how integration testing will work.

To do list afterwards (for everyone):

-Finish all the unit tests for methods you wrote -Put your REST controller endpoints on GitHub Wiki page (link, description, parameters, what it returns)

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