Releases: Kuadrant/authorino-operator
This release enables installations of Authorino v0.20.0
Full Changelog: v0.15.1...v0.16.0
This release enables installations of Authorino v0.19.0
What's Changed
- Helm docs by @didierofrivia in #231
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #232
- fix: verify-manifest/bundle by @guicassolato in #233
- fix: verify-manifest/bundle --exit-code by @guicassolato in #234
Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.15.1
This release enables installations of Authorino v0.19.0
After upgrading to Authorino v0.19.0, users must migrate all AuthConfig resources stored in the cluster's database to v1beta3 by running the following script. This will guarantee readiness for upgrading in the future to a newer version of Authorino where v1beta2 is no longer served.
cat << 'EOF' > /tmp/
authconfigs=$(kubectl get authconfigs -A -o custom-columns='NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace,' --no-headers)
while IFS=" " read -r namespace name; do
kubectl get authconfig "$name" -n "$namespace" -o yaml > "/tmp/${name}.${namespace}.authconfig.yaml"
kubectl apply -f "/tmp/${name}.${namespace}.authconfig.yaml"
done <<< "$authconfigs"
chmod +x /tmp/
What's Changed
- Avoid conflict with the VERSION build arg by @guicassolato in #217
- Update Authorino manifests - AuthConfig v1beta3 by @guicassolato in #219
- fix: install script without deps by @guicassolato in #220
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #221
- Building multiarch catalogs by @didierofrivia in #222
- Preparing info for by @didierofrivia in #223
Full Changelog: v0.13.1...v0.14.0
This release enables installations of Authorino v0.18.1
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.13.1
This release enables installations of Authorino v0.18.0
What's Changed
- version commit hash by @eguzki in #209
- Upgrade deps by @eguzki in #210
- feat: use RuntimeDefault seccomp profile in security context by @KevFan in #208
- feat: support arm64 install on csv by @KevFan in #213
- Update Helm manifest templates by @guicassolato in #215
- Custom operator namespace for helm install by @guicassolato in #216
Full Changelog:
This release enables installations of Authorino v0.18.0
What's Changed
- version commit hash by @eguzki in #209
- Upgrade deps by @eguzki in #210
- feat: use RuntimeDefault seccomp profile in security context by @KevFan in #208
- feat: support arm64 install on csv by @KevFan in #213
- Update Helm manifest templates by @guicassolato in #215
- Custom operator namespace for helm install by @guicassolato in #216
Full Changelog:
This release enables installations of Authorino v0.18.0
What's Changed
- version commit hash by @eguzki in #209
- Upgrade deps by @eguzki in #210
- feat: use RuntimeDefault seccomp profile in security context by @KevFan in #208
- feat: support arm64 install on csv by @KevFan in #213
- Update Helm manifest templates by @guicassolato in #215
- Custom operator namespace for helm install by @guicassolato in #216
Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.13.0-rc1
This release enables installations of Authorino v0.18.0
After upgrading to Authorino v0.18.0, users must migrate all AuthConfig resources to v1beta2 stored in the cluster database by running the following script. This can be done at any time before upgrading to newer versions of Authorino post v0.18.0, without downtime or any intrinsic risk of breaking deployments before, during or after the migration.
cat << 'EOF' > /tmp/
authconfigs=$(kubectl get authconfigs -A -o custom-columns='NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace,' --no-headers)
while IFS=" " read -r namespace name; do
kubectl get authconfig "$name" -n "$namespace" -o yaml > "/tmp/${name}.${namespace}.authconfig.yaml"
kubectl apply -f "/tmp/${name}.${namespace}.authconfig.yaml"
done <<< "$authconfigs"
chmod +x /tmp/
What's Changed
- Remove unused resources from the bundle manifests by @guicassolato in #177
- Upgrade operator-sdk to v1.32.0 by @guicassolato in #178
- Fix setup-envtest version by @guicassolato in #179
- [ci] fix: ignore createdAt on verify-(manifests|bundle) by @guicassolato in #180
- Upgrade Go version to 1.21 by @guicassolato in #182
- Upgrade controller-gen to v0.15.0 by @guicassolato in #188
- Add Authorino Operator metrics service by @guicassolato in #187
- Helm charts by @didierofrivia in #184
- Adding helm build as part of
target by @didierofrivia in #189 - updated changes for supporting s390x & ppc64le by @modassarrana89 in #190
- Update Makefile by @modassarrana89 in #192
- Fix Helm workflow by @didierofrivia in #193
- Setting operator tag instead of github_ref by @didierofrivia in #194
- Update make uninstall by @Boomatang in #191
- [fix] simplifies test assertions by @bartoszmajsak in #195
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #196
- Add license scan report and status by @fossabot in #197
- Fixing bundle creation and verification by @didierofrivia in #198
- Fix var interpolation by @didierofrivia in #199
- Rolling back changes for manager template after building charts by @didierofrivia in #200
- File based catalog by @didierofrivia in #201
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #204
- Reorder and add descriptions of make targets by @guicassolato in #205
- Pin operand's latest SHA by @guicassolato in #206
- fix: ignore template diffs when verifying manifests by @guicassolato in #207
New Contributors
- @modassarrana89 made their first contribution in #190
- @bartoszmajsak made their first contribution in #195
- @fossabot made their first contribution in #197
Full Changelog:
This release enables installations of Authorino v0.17.2
What's Changed
- Authorino Reconciler by @jjaferson in #1
- Update manifests by @guicassolato in #7
- Adds LOG_LEVEL and LOG_MODE to authorino deployment by @jjaferson in #8
- Tidy up makefile and improve bundles generation by @jjaferson in #9
- Fix CRD annotation and image tag by @guicassolato in #11
- Adds documentation to the README by @jjaferson in #10
- Create deployment manifest per version by @jjaferson in #14
- gitignore vscode settings by @guicassolato in #16
- Adjusting CSV to be published in by @jjaferson in #15
- Adds status conditions to the Authorino API definition by @jjaferson in #13
- Change AuthConfig CRD group to
by @guicassolato in #17 - Authorino controller unit test by @jjaferson in #18
- Bugfixes after status update refactoring by @guicassolato in #19
- Option to mount extra volumes in the Authorino containers by @guicassolato in #20
- Authorino K8s auth ClusterRole by @guicassolato in #21
- Adds preflight checks before install the operator by @jjaferson in #22
- Add OLM bundle by @mikenairn in #23
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #25
- Update operator-sdk install script by @mikenairn in #27
- Default operator image to latest by @guicassolato in #26
- Fixes an issue where the operator does not reconcile env variables by @jjaferson in #30
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #31
- Add build images CI job by @mikenairn in #32
- Changes authorino service metric port by @jjaferson in #34
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #37
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #38
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #40
- Upgrades controller-runtime version by @jjaferson in #46
- Adds support to config cache size via the operator by @jjaferson in #47
- Fixes panic error when TLSEnabled flag is not set by @jjaferson in #48
- Update bundle manifests by @guicassolato in #49
- Remove and gitignore unnecessary file by @guicassolato in #50
- Renames resources to authorino-operator by @jjaferson in #52
- Removes resources limits from deployment object by @jjaferson in #53
- Fix bundle manifests by @guicassolato in #55
- Multi-Platform auto builds of the Authorino Operator images by @guicassolato in #54
- [GHA] Fix build image workflow/step names by @guicassolato in #56
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #60
- Fix default container image bundle annotation by @guicassolato in #64
- Support for Authorino's Raw HTTP Authorization interface by @guicassolato in #61
- Authorino env vars and command-line flags by @guicassolato in #62
- Wait until Deployment Status Ready by @guicassolato in #65
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #66
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #68
- Require TLS config by @guicassolato in #70
- README enhancements by @guicassolato in #71
- CVE-2022-21698 by @guicassolato in #73
- Fix bundle manifests for controller-gen v0.9.0 by @guicassolato in #74
- [GHA] Fix invocation of bundle/catalog-related targets for non main branch by @guicassolato in #75
- [GHA] Fix conditional of build-bundle and build-catalog jobs by @guicassolato in #76
- [GHA] Fix bad substitution in build-bundle/catalog for releases by @guicassolato in #77
- [docs] listener.timeout by @guicassolato in #79
- Updating Authorino manifests by @didierofrivia in #81
- Updating tooling by @didierofrivia in #83
- Adding MaxRequestBodySize to definition by @didierofrivia in #80
- Fix tests by @jjaferson in #84
- Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI) 8 by @guicassolato in #85
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #87
- update security context to drop all capabilities & set seccomp by @akoserwal in #88
- resource requirements by @eguzki in #89
- Propagating Authorino labels by @didierofrivia in #91
- Embed Authorino Operator version info into the binary by @guicassolato in #92
- Automate ClusterServiceVersion update via Makefile by @guicassolato in #93
- Use bash as shell in the Makefile by @guicassolato in #94
- Minimal example of the Authorino CR in the ClusterServiceVersion by @guicassolato in #95
- Revert "update security context to drop all capabilities & set seccomp " by @didierofrivia in #97
- Upgrade to Golang v1.18.x by @guicassolato in #99
- Build the container image based on ubi9/go-toolset by @guicassolato in #100
- fix: make docker-build by @guicassolato in #102
- Configure Authorino using command-line flags by @guicassolato in #103
- sync csv with published one by @guicassolato in #104
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #105
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #106
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #107
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #108
- feat: add support for authorino tracing options by @guicassolato in #110
- Tighten API group specification for RBAC by @willthames in #111
- Apache-2.0 license by @guicassolato in #115
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #116
- Upgrade to Golang v1.19.x by @guicassolato in #117
- Upgrade by @guicassolato in #118
- Upgrade by @guicassolato in #119
- worklow: use go1.19 for verify-manifests & verify-fmt by @KevFan in #120
- readme: format tables & deploy authorino instance to authorino-operator namespace in example by @KevFan in #122
- Update Authorino manifests by @guicassolato in #127
- workflow: add codecov by @KevFan in #124
- Add release workflow by @grzpiotrowski in #123
- Fix release workflow for author...