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Bugfix release 2.2.1 of KINOVA ROS KORTEX repository

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@alexvannobel alexvannobel released this 10 Jun 18:00
· 15 commits to kinetic-devel since this release

This small bugfix release addresses a couple issues that were fixed over the last few weeks.
The first issue in the list could impact the end users using MoveIt Cartesian poses with the arms.

Download links

There is no new release for Kortex arms firmware so the release 2.2.0 download links are still the latest ones.

What has been fixed

  • Issues #26 , #60 and Kinovarobotics/Kinova-kortex2_Gen3_G3L#51 through #97 . The tool frame used by the arms firmware was added to the kortex_description packages as the tool_frame link. This link was also added to the arm MoveIt planning group, so if you had Cartesian trajectories planned with MoveIt, be aware that the last arm link is now tool_frame to match the end effector pose present in the robot's feedback. You can see the definition for the link in TF with RViz, or in the source URDF for the Robotiq 2F-85, the Robotiq 2F-140 and the Gen3 lite gripper.
  • #98 fixed a problem where the Robotiq grippers would fly away in Gazebo.
  • A touch of colour was added to the Gen3 lite simulation model. A more realistic colour texture will be added in the future.
  • A fix for the prefix option in the driver was made so the action server would use it correctly. The option is still not supported in simulation and will be fixed in the short term.
  • Instructions were added here to build the ROS Kortex packages for ARMV8 architecture.
  • Building with catkin_make_isolated and catkin tools is now supported.