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Release 2.0.0 of the KINOVA ros_kortex repository

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@alexvannobel alexvannobel released this 13 Aug 13:18
· 43 commits to kinetic-devel since this release

Release 2.0.0 of KINOVA ros_kortex repository in sync with KINOVA Gen3 Ultra lightweight robot version 2.0.0

Download links

You can download the 2.0.0 firmware package for the Gen3 here.
You can download the 2.0.0 release notes for the Gen3 here.

Compatibility break

  • The packages filesystem has changed with v2.0.0. You may have to remap some ROS topics, ROS services and refactor some launch files. You can see all the details in the dedicated compatibility section.

  • The base branch of the repository has been changed to kinetic-devel and the master branch has been deleted. If you were on the master branch, you can simply checkout to the kinetic-devel branch :

    git fetch
    git checkout kinetic-devel

Instructions to update your ros_kortex package to v2.0.0

  1. Checkout kinetic-devel branch and pull the latest version :
cd path_to_your_catkin_ws/src/ros_kortex
git fetch
git checkout kinetic-devel
git pull
  1. Remove the kortex_api/include and kortex_api/lib folder (because they are currently at 1.1.7):
rm -rf kortex_api/include kortex_api/lib
  1. Install the new dependencies:
cd path_to_your_catkin_ws
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src
  1. Clean and build the package. The Kortex API v2.0.0 will be automatically downloaded and extracted to the correct location during catkin_make as the documentation explains.
cd path_to_your_catkin_ws
rm -rf devel build

What's new

  • The kortex_actuator_driver, kortex_device_manager and kortex_vision_config_driver packages have been removed and kortex_driver has been updated to include all of the Kortex API functionalities. You can read more about the ROS topics, ROS services and functionalities of the driver in the dedicated documentation.
  • The kortex_control package has been added. It provides a basic ROS Control interface for the simulated Gen3 arm in Gazebo. You can read more about the kortex_control package in the dedicated documentation. Support for a ROS Control interface with the real Gen3 arm is not present yet and will be added in a future release.
  • The kortex_description package now supports the Robotiq 2-fingers 85 gripper.
  • The kortex_examples package has been updated to use services and topics from the updated kortex_driver. You can read more about the examples in the dedicated documentation.
  • Gazebo support was added for the Gen3 in the kortex_gazebo package. The package is experimental for now. You can see why, and how to start the Gazebo simulation in the dedicated documentation.
  • MoveIt support was added for the Gen3 in the kortex_move_it_config package. You can read more about the MoveIt support in the dedicated documentation.