GraphNeuralNetworks v0.4.5
Closed issues:
- Construct Graphs.SimpleDiGraph graphs from GNNGraphs (#167)
- add radius_graph api (#177)
- knn_graph yields same results with or without self loops (#179)
- Missing bounds checking when working on GPU (#181)
- Spelling Error of edge? (#184)
- Duplicate indexes in documents (#187)
- Implement GraphWorld for fake graphs benchmarking (#188)
- Some design issues (#193)
- Flux destructure/restructure bug (#200)
Merged pull requests:
- add radius_graph api (#180) (@MilkshakeForReal)
- size checks in
(#182) (@CarloLucibello) - Fix Spelling (#186) (@umbriquse)
- don't display redundant docstrings from Graphs.jl (#192) (@CarloLucibello)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Functors to 0.3, (keep existing compat) (#194) (@github-actions[bot])
- Update conv.md (#195) (@pitmonticone)
- [Test] Render pluto files in the CI (#196) (@Dsantra92)
- Fix typo (#197) (@MilkshakeForReal)
- fix GNNChain restructure bug (#201) (@mplemay)
- Update GNNChain (#202) (@CarloLucibello)
- Replace depreciated Flux.ADAM with Flux.Adam (#203) (@mplemay)