Releases: JuliaGeo/GDAL.jl
Releases · JuliaGeo/GDAL.jl
GDAL v1.2.6
Diff since v1.2.5
Closed issues:
- Cannot precompile GDAL after an update of GEOS_jll from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 (#126)
Merged pull requests:
- regenerate with a released Clang.jl (#128) (@visr)
GDAL v1.2.3
Diff since v1.2.2
Closed issues:
- update README on using the utilities (#86)
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "NetworkOptions" at version "1.2" (#118) (@github-actions[bot])
- update README on using the utilities (#119) (@visr)
- Update Clang.jl generator scripts (#120) (@melonedo)
- update to new Clang.jl (#121) (@visr)
GDAL v1.2.2
Diff since v1.2.1
Closed issues:
- OpenJPEG driver not working on Windows 32 bit (#91)
- Failure to find libc++.1.dylib on macOS Catalina (#100)
- GDAL.gdalwarpappoptionsnew missing "-te"? and "-cutline" issue (#115)
Merged pull requests:
- remove /deps/ from .gitignore (#116) (@visr)
- no need to set the certificates on 1.6+ (#117) (@visr)
GDAL v1.2.1
Diff since v1.2.0
Closed issues:
- GDAL utilities broken on Windows - apparent MbedTLS conflict (#95)
- GDAL build is failing on MacOS with Julia 1.6.0-beta1 (#113)
Merged pull requests:
- test running the gdalinfo executable (#98) (@visr)
- use GDAL_jlls that work across julia versions (#114) (@visr)
GDAL v1.2.0
Diff since v1.1.5
Closed issues:
- win10 could not load library "libgdal-26.dll" The specified module could not be found (#101)
- use -rpath-link for libstdc++ ? (#105)
- build with external geotiff library option (#110)
Merged pull requests:
- Test new drivers for new GDAL_jll release. (#99) (@evetion)
- MassInstallAction: Install the TagBot workflow on this repository (#106) (@visr)
- MassInstallAction: Install the CI workflow on this repository (#107) (@visr)
- test new drivers included in GDAL 3.2.0 (#108) (@visr)
- wrap GDAL 3.2.0 (#109) (@visr)
GDAL v1.1.5
Diff since v1.1.4
Closed issues:
- Specific file listed in errors? (#96)
Merged pull requests:
- fix on Julia 1.6 for MozillaCACerts_jll (#97) (@visr)
GDAL v1.1.3
Diff since v1.1.2
Closed issues:
- jp2 driver missing? (#64)
Merged pull requests:
- test if JP2OpenJPEG driver is available (#90) (@visr)