ProximalAlgorithms v0.4.0
Closed issues:
- Problem solving a simple SDP in ProximalAlgorithms.jl (#36)
- Tests on number of iterations are sensitive to randn (#37)
Merged pull requests:
- enable builds on julia 1.3 (#28) (@lostella)
- Refactor L-BFGS operator code, add Nesterov, Anderson acceleration (#29) (@lostella)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#30) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Update acceleration api and tests, add Broyden (#31) (@lostella)
- Add IteratorSize definition (#32) (@lostella)
- Fix iterators length (#33) (@lostella)
- Bump Julia versions in CI (#34) (@lostella)
- Add CI workflow (#35) (@lostella)
- Replace random ElasticNet problem in tests with fixed one (#38) (@lostella)