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Writing An ISIS Stream Device

Adrian Potter edited this page May 9, 2016 · 2 revisions

Writing an ISIS StreamDevice

Note: The support module is put in the EPICS\support directory, but the actual IOC(s) are put in the EPICS\ioc directory

Using the Hameg 8123 as an example.

Make the main directory::

cd C:\EPICS\support
mkdir Hameg_8123
cd Hameg_8123

Create a version directory::

mkdir 1-0

Create a stream support module::

cd 1-0 -t streamSCPI Hameg_8123

Edit the protocol file in Hameg_8123Sup, so it reads like::

Terminator = '\r\n';
ReplyTimeout = 2000;

getIDN {
    out "*IDN?";
    #Read no more that 39 chars (EPICS limit)
    in "%/(.{0,39})/";
    ExtraInput = Ignore;

getTriggerLevel {
    out "LV\$1?";
    in "%s";
    ExtraInput = Ignore;

setTriggerLevel {
    out "LV\$1%s?";

resetCounts {
    out "RES";

Note: I have only included a very small section of the command set for this device for brevity.

Delete the db file in Hameg_8123Sup and modify the Makefile so it not longer refers to it.

The next step is to create the IOC, the instructions are here

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