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Retrospective notes 2022.08.10

Jack Harper edited this page Dec 21, 2022 · 2 revisions
Chair Timekeeper Note Taker
Lowri Jenkins Jack Harper Thomas Lohnert

Items from last retrospective

(discussed these items very briefly to get to Kathryn's new items before she had to leave)

Disk Cleaning Automation:

  • Job could be automated but it's not trivial. No new updates for now
  • Discussion on a possible solution will be added to our list on Teams (Thank you for volunteering @DavidKeymer!)

Splitting up issues more finely:

  • We have not had an opportunity to implement this yet in the last sprint.

Quiet cycle:

  • Cycle has continued to be relatively quiet in terms of support.

Items from current retrospective


Should we delay start of next sprint?

  • KB suggested sprint planning/start for the coming sprint can be be delayed by a week to finish off large volume of items in ready/in progress
  • Agreed upon by all

PlanitPoker vs. Scrumpy - which is better?

Scrumpy Pros:

  • Github tickets are more easily tied into the service
  • Asynchronous voting - People can vote in advance if they will be away for planning


  • You can only be in one room at a time, difficult to do priority / points in parallel. We could use both in a hybrid solution but might create more overhead than utility

We will stick with PlanitPoker for now but keep Scrumpy in mind as an adequate backup if needed.

Customer relations

Are people interested in uniforms (e.g shirts) for representing IBEX on support calls?

  • Jack H feels that users can be confused about our role sometimes when we turn up on support calls
  • Other support teams have specific outfits to clearly identify themselves as qualified support staff
  • This does not need to be mandatory, but it might be nice to have the option
  • Not everyone likes uniforms, can we have other items to identify ourselves? e.g. hats
  • Jack H will investigate available ISIS "branding" options and report back at next retrospective

Support phone number:

  • New label with updated contact information has been printed and displayed in TS1 & TS2 blockhouses. Done!

Team Interaction

Coffee attendance is extremely low, should we find an alternative for team building?

  • Attendance has fizzled to near zero - perhaps a symptom of more people being back in the office
  • Suggestion to steal Weekly Coffee & Cake idea from Mantid instead. People in the room agreed this sounds like an appropriate rhythm.
  • We will do this in a conference room to enable people to join remotely. Should be convenient for conference room availability.
  • We have picked Friday afternoon as the regular time for this for now. We can consider varying the days of the week this takes place if this otherwise excludes anyone from attending.

Should we have standup in G06 instead of the office?:

  • Team generally in favour, (more space, better sound).
  • Availability may present an issue
  • We will trial it when the room is next free in the morning.
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