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Meeting Roles and Rotas

George Ryall edited this page Feb 5, 2025 · 308 revisions

Wiki > Processes

It was decided that we would set up a rota for the various roles in IBEX meetings, a rota is below. There is only a single rota for each type of role, although not all roles are needed at all meetings, there is a column then to indicate where in the rota we are. If the person scheduled on the rota isn't available, then a volunteer will be asked for at the beginning of the meeting and we will continue the rota next time. If you are scheduled for more than one role choose which one you do this time, and you get to do the other one next time. At the moment this should cover for 6 months, and it is not a repeating pattern, and it is subject to change.

Role descriptions:


  • Needed for Pre-Planning, Review/Retrospective, and Planning
  • Make sure things happen as per the ticket workflow details for meetings, see the processes page for more details (if they are out of date, update them)
  • Keep the meetings on track (as much as possible)

Timekeeper in Planning:

  • Limit discussion of tickets to a maximum of 5 minutes per ticket.
  • Act as moderator for the voting site, deleting estimates between votes, show votes when everyone is ready, and giving brief reminders if some time has passed and some votes have not been cast.
  • Keep an eye on the end time of the meeting - give everyone a five minute warning
  • If the meeting is scheduled for more than an hour to indicate the halfway time to make sure we take a break

Timekeeper in Review

  • In Review ensure there is enough time for everyone to speak in the hour - this would be an average of 5 minutes per person if everyone was planning to demo
  • Keep an eye on the end time of the meeting - give everyone a five minute warning
  • If the meeting is scheduled for more than an hour to indicate the halfway time to make sure we take a break

Note taker in Retrospective:

Note taker in Planning:

  • Make notes on tickets of any important information which gets discussed but is not already mentioned on the ticket
    • This should include acceptance criteria discussed.
  • Add a timestamp to tickets of when in the recording the ticket was discussed.

Stand up:

  • This is a weekly role starting on the first working day in that week, with substitutes being decided daily if the named person is unavailable last minute - if you know you are unavailable for the week swap with someone
  • Load and share the web pages as detailed in the tabbed note in the announce channel in the team
  • Ensure everyone present has their chance to share progress, plans, and obstacles
  • If you're able to, writing a squish test to replace one of the Manual system tests would be great. If the person running the week before has done so and it hasn't been reviewed, now would be a good time to review that as well.


Standup Week Commencing x for Done
IG 04/11/2024 x
TW 11/11/2024 x
ES 18/11/2024 x
JD 25/11/2024 x
LC 02/12/2024 x
KB 09/12/2024 x
DK 16/12/2024 x
JH 23/12/2024 x
RB 30/12/2024 happy new year
LJ 06/01/2025 x
CMS 13/01/2025 x
FA 20/01/2025 x
SC 27/01/2025 x
GR 03/02/2025 x
DM 10/02/2025
LC 17/02/2025
GR 24/02/2025
KB 03/03/2025
JD 10/03/2025
TW 17/03/2025
LJ 24/03/2025
ES 31/03/2025
DM 07/04/2025
IG 14/04/2025

Sprint Meetings

Meeting Chair x for Done Timekeeper x for Done Note taker x for Done
2024_07_18_Planning SC X JH X GR X
2024_07_18_Review/Retro DM X DK X IG X
2024_08_08_Planning TW X SC X DM X
2024_08_08_Review/Retro KB X LJ X JD X
2024_09_05_Planning GR X TW X LJ X
2024_09_05_Review/Retro CMS X FA X LC X
2024_10_03_Planning JH X ES X SC X
2024_10_03_Review/Retro DK X KB X LC X
2024_10_31_Planning LJ X CMS X TW X
2024_10_31_Review/Retro LC x IG X JH x
2024_11_28_Planning IG X JD x DK x
2024_11_28_Review/Retro FA x GR x JD x
2024_12_19_Planning KB x JH x GR x
2024_12_19_Review/Retro CMS X ES X IG x
2025_01_08_Planning SC X TW X ES X
2025_01_08_Review/Retro TW X GR X JH X
2025_02_05_Planning ES GR DM
2025_02_05_Review/Retro GR DK LJ
2025_03_05_Planning JH IG SC
2025_03_05_Review/Retro JD FA TW
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