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mihai-stfc edited this page Aug 12, 2020 · 5 revisions
  • The change to Python 3 was highlighted to the instrument scientists, and that python 2.7 scripts no longer work. If they struggle with this they were told to get in touch with us.

  • They requested a feature to show a total number of the console currently open in scripting perspective. Ticket 5597

  • Ross preferred to not have a button for creating a new console at all, whereas the other Scientists preferred to have it.

  • +1 on Script generator being able to send generated script directly to script server Ticket 4169

  • Remote working: Scientists to be updated about remote working options available

  • They seemed to very pleased with new genie python feature which allows setting email/SMS alert when blocks go in/out of range

  • Some of the Scientists were confused with the new import mechanism. We have directed them to IBEX user manual where it explains the new import mechanism and what and why the changes are done

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