Releases: EarthSciML/AtmosphericDeposition.jl
Releases · EarthSciML/AtmosphericDeposition.jl
AtmosphericDeposition v0.2.3
AtmosphericDeposition v0.2.2
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for GasChem in [weakdeps] at version 0.5, (keep existing compat) (#38) (@github-actions[bot])
- Earth sci ml basev10 (#43) (@jialinl6)
- EarthsciMLBasev0.15 (#47) (@jialinl6)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for SymbolicUtils at version 3, (keep existing compat) (#49) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for EarthSciData in [weakdeps] at version 0.9, (keep existing compat) (#50) (@github-actions[bot])
- MTKv9 Compatibility & Species Adjustments Following GEOS-CHEM (#52) (@jialinl6)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for DataInterpolations at version 6, (keep existing compat) (#59) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for DynamicQuantities at version 1, (keep existing compat) (#60) (@github-actions[bot])
AtmosphericDeposition v0.2.1
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for EarthSciMLBase to 0.8, (keep existing compat) (#37) (@github-actions[bot])
AtmosphericDeposition v0.2.0
Merged pull requests:
- Update (#1) (@ctessum)
- Update Project.toml and add the descriptions. (#6) (@xiaor2)
- Implement Dry Deposition and adding unit tests (#7) (@jialinl6)
- Add wet deposition (#10) (@jialinl6)
- Update deposition (#11) (@ctessum)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for IfElse at version 0.1, (keep existing compat) (#12) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for SafeTestsets to 0.1, (keep existing compat) (#13) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for DifferentialEquations at version 7, (keep existing compat) (#14) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix171821 (#27) (@jialinl6)
- Clarify the wet deposition is from EMEP model (#28) (@jialinl6)
- Add emep documentation (#29) (@jialinl6)
- Add descriptions to parameters and variables & delete unnecessary export functions and variables in wesley1989.jl (#30) (@jialinl6)
- Update Wesley documentation (#34) (@jialinl6)
- Try to fix issues found on website generated by Documenter.jl (#35) (@jialinl6)
- Add superfast connectors as an extension (#36) (@jialinl6)
Closed issues:
- Add descriptions to parameters and variables (#15)
- EMEP documentation (#16)
- Change to WesleySurfaceResistance (#17)
- Delete commented out code (#18)
- Wet deposition documentation (#19)
- Wesely documentation (#20)
- Dry deposition documentation (#21)
- Add SuperFast connectors as an extension. (#22)
- TagBot trigger issue (#23)
- I'd like to join this project's community (#31)
- issue credits (#33)