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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 8, 2017. It is now read-only.
Roger Steve Ruiz edited this page Dec 3, 2015 · 45 revisions

This wiki is for Open Opportunities Platform specific items. Any information germane to a specific instance of Open Opportunities Platform, (eg CrowdWork, OpenOpportunities or HHS FairTrade, should go in that instance's wiki.

How to use this wiki:

  • Please create a page for new documents and reference them on this contents page
  • For documents that require discussion / collaboration, please open a new issue, usually with the 'design' label and reference the issue at the top of your wiki page
  • Page creators should update their pages unless they approve others to make changes. If you must make additions directly to the wiki doc, comment them out in (())
  • To add images you need this hack:
    • Open a new issue;
    • Paste the image into the issue;
    • Copy the image link;
    • Do not submit the issue;
    • Paste the link into your wiki page. The image will now appear inline.

Application Components and Architecture

Development Resources

Participating in Open Opportunities Platform Development

User Interface / Experience Design:



Administration module
