This project defines some classes that help me converting/rewriting some C# projects to java.
It meets my needs but I don't know if it will meet yours ;-) .
I'm in love with C# properties allowing very easy setter and getter declaration and implementation.
, ReadOnlyProperty
, AutoProperty
and AutoReadOnlyProperty
aim at providing similar and convenient usage to java.
Example of declaration
class PropertiesSample {
// C#: public int AutoProperty { get; set; }
public final AutoProperty<Integer> autoProperty = new AutoProperty<>();
// C#: public boolean Property { get => _privateValue; set => _privateValue = value }
private boolean _privateValue;
public final Property<Boolean> property = new Property<>(
() -> _privateValue,
(v) -> _privateValue = v
// C#: public boolean ReadOnlyProperty { get => _privateValue; }
private boolean _otherPrivateValue;
public final ReadOnlyProperty<Boolean> otherProperty = new ReadOnlyProperty<>(
() -> _otherPrivateValue
Example of the usage somewhere else...
PropertiesSample sample = new PropertiesSample();
sample.autoProperty.set(5); // C#: sample.AutoProperty = 5;
int propertyValue = sample.autoProperty.get(); // C#: var propertyValue = sample.AutoProperty;
C# events provide a convenient implementation of the common observable pattern.
, EventArgs
and IEventHandlerDelegate
aim at providing a similar functionality.
Example of declaration
class EventSample {
public final EventHandler<EventArgs> finished = new EventHandler<>();
public void doSomeWork() {
// Do some useful work and tell the world that the job is done
finished.invoke(this, EventArgs.getEmpty());
Example of the usage somewhere else...
EventSample sample = new EventSample();
sample.finished.add((s, e) -> system.out.println("Event fired by " + s + " with args " + e));
Example of declaration C# StopWatch is a tool I use mostly to get raw elapsed time between 2 calls. This project implements only this usage, not all of C# StopWatch capabilities.
StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
// ...
int elapsedTime = stopWatch.getElapsedMilliseconds();
// ...