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Fix dotnet#10665 --- for test framework (dotnet#10716)
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* Fix dotnet#10665 --- for test framework

* Update test framework
  • Loading branch information
KevinRansom authored and nosami committed Feb 22, 2021
1 parent 09252fe commit 69d3450
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Showing 3 changed files with 75 additions and 61 deletions.
70 changes: 22 additions & 48 deletions tests/FSharp.Test.Utilities/CompilerAssert.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ open System.Reflection.Emit
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
open FSharp.Test.Utilities.Utilities
open TestFramework

type ILVerifier (dllFilePath: string) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,11 +120,11 @@ type CompilerAssert private () =

static let directoryBuildProps = """

<Import Project="$([MSBuild]::GetPathOfFileAbove('Directory.Build.props', '$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)../'))" />
static let directoryBuildTargets = """

Expand All @@ -148,6 +149,7 @@ let main argv = 0"""
let projectFileName = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "ProjectFile.fsproj")
let programFsFileName = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "Program.fs")
let directoryBuildPropsFileName = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "Directory.Build.props")
let directoryBuildTargetsFileName = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "Directory.Build.targets")
let frameworkReferencesFileName = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "FrameworkReferences.txt")
File.WriteAllText(projectFileName, projectFile.Replace("$TARGETFRAMEWORK", "netcoreapp3.1").Replace("$FSHARPCORELOCATION", pathToFSharpCore))
Expand All @@ -156,34 +158,17 @@ let main argv = 0"""
File.WriteAllText(programFsFileName, programFs)
File.WriteAllText(directoryBuildPropsFileName, directoryBuildProps)
File.WriteAllText(directoryBuildTargetsFileName, directoryBuildTargets)

let pInfo = ProcessStartInfo ()
pInfo.FileName <- config.DotNetExe
pInfo.Arguments <- "build"
pInfo.WorkingDirectory <- projectDirectory
pInfo.RedirectStandardOutput <- true
pInfo.RedirectStandardError <- true
pInfo.UseShellExecute <- false

let p = Process.Start(pInfo)
let timeout = 30000
let succeeded = p.WaitForExit(timeout)

output <- p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ()
errors <- p.StandardError.ReadToEnd ()

if not (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace errors) then
printfn "Output:\n=======\n%s\n" output
printfn "Errors:\n=======\n%s\n" errors
Assert.Fail errors
if p.ExitCode <> 0 then
printfn "Output:\n=======\n%s\n" output
printfn "Errors:\n=======\n%s\n" errors
Assert.Fail(sprintf "Program exited with exit code %d" p.ExitCode)
if not succeeded then
printfn "Output:\n=======\n%s\n" output
printfn "Errors:\n=======\n%s\n" errors
Assert.Fail(sprintf "Program timed out after %d ms" timeout)
let exitCode, output, errors = Commands.executeProcess (Some config.DotNetExe) "build" projectDirectory timeout

if exitCode <> 0 || errors.Length > 0 then
printfn "Output:\n=======\n"
output |> Seq.iter(fun line -> printfn "STDOUT:%s\n" line)
printfn "Errors:\n=======\n"
errors |> Seq.iter(fun line -> printfn "STDERR:%s\n" line)
Assert.True(false, "Errors produced generating References")

File.ReadLines(frameworkReferencesFileName) |> Seq.toArray
with | e ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -447,14 +432,12 @@ let main argv = 0"""
(exitCode, stdout.ToString(), stderr.ToString())

static let executeBuiltAppNewProcessAndReturnResult (outputFilePath: string) : (int * string * string) =
let mutable pinfo = ProcessStartInfo()
pinfo.RedirectStandardError <- true
pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput <- true
pinfo.FileName <- outputFilePath
let filename = outputFilePath
let arguments = ""
pinfo.FileName <- "dotnet"
pinfo.Arguments <- outputFilePath
let filename = "dotnet"
let arguments = outputFilePath

let runtimeconfig = """
Expand All @@ -472,18 +455,9 @@ let main argv = 0"""
{ new IDisposable with
member _.Dispose() = try File.Delete runtimeconfigPath with | _ -> () }
pinfo.UseShellExecute <- false
let p = Process.Start pinfo

let output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
let errors = p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()

let exited = p.WaitForExit(120000)

let exitCode = if not exited then -2 else p.ExitCode

(exitCode, output, errors)

let timeout = 30000
let exitCode, output, errors = Commands.executeProcess (Some filename) arguments (Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFilePath)) timeout
(exitCode, output |> String.concat Environment.NewLine, errors |> String.concat Environment.NewLine)

static member CompileWithErrors(cmpl: Compilation, expectedErrors, ?ignoreWarnings) =
let ignoreWarnings = defaultArg ignoreWarnings false
Expand Down
17 changes: 4 additions & 13 deletions tests/FSharp.Test.Utilities/ILChecker.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,20 +15,11 @@ module ILChecker =
let config = initializeSuite ()

let private exec exe args =
let startInfo = ProcessStartInfo(exe, String.concat " " args)
startInfo.RedirectStandardError <- true
startInfo.UseShellExecute <- false
let p = Process.Start(startInfo)

let errors = p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()

let arguments = args |> String.concat " "
let timeout = 30000
let exited = p.WaitForExit(timeout)

if not exited then
failwith (sprintf "Process hasn't exited after %d milliseconds" timeout)

errors, p.ExitCode
let exitCode, _output, errors = Commands.executeProcess (Some exe) arguments "" timeout
let errors = errors |> String.concat Environment.NewLine
errors, exitCode

/// Filters i.e ['The system type \'System.ReadOnlySpan`1\' was required but no referenced system DLL contained this type']
let private filterSpecialComment (text: string) =
Expand Down
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions tests/FSharp.Test.Utilities/TestFramework.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,12 +6,61 @@ open Microsoft.Win32
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open System.Diagnostics
open Scripting
open NUnit.Framework

module Commands =

// Execute the process pathToExe passing the arguments: arguments with the working directory: workingDir timeout after timeout milliseconds -1 = wait forever
// returns exit code, stdio and stderr as string arrays
let executeProcess pathToExe arguments workingDir timeout =
match pathToExe with
| Some path ->
let errorsList = ResizeArray()
let outputList = ResizeArray()
let mutable errorslock = obj
let mutable outputlock = obj
let outputDataReceived (message: string) =
if not (isNull message) then
lock outputlock (fun () -> outputList.Add(message))

let errorDataReceived (message: string) =
if not (isNull message) then
lock errorslock (fun () -> errorsList.Add(message))

let psi = ProcessStartInfo()
psi.FileName <- path
psi.WorkingDirectory <- workingDir
psi.RedirectStandardOutput <- true
psi.RedirectStandardError <- true
psi.Arguments <- arguments
psi.CreateNoWindow <- true
psi.EnvironmentVariables.Remove("MSBuildSDKsPath") // Host can sometimes add this, and it can break things
psi.UseShellExecute <- false

use p = new Process()
p.StartInfo <- psi

p.OutputDataReceived.Add(fun a -> outputDataReceived a.Data)
p.ErrorDataReceived.Add(fun a -> errorDataReceived a.Data)

if p.Start() then
if not(p.WaitForExit(timeout)) then
// Timed out resolving throw a diagnostic.
raise (new TimeoutException(sprintf "Timeout executing command '%s' '%s'" (psi.FileName) (psi.Arguments)))
File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(workingDir, "StandardOutput.txt"), outputList)
File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(workingDir, "StandardError.txt"), errorsList)
p.ExitCode, outputList.ToArray(), errorsList.ToArray()
| None -> -1, Array.empty, Array.empty

let getfullpath workDir (path:string) =
let rooted =
if Path.IsPathRooted(path) then path
Expand Down

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