Active development is indefinitely suspended.
This project is a contribution towards development of the streaming API under the GA4GH initiative (GA4GH Directory API and Streaming). The project has a server and a compatible command-line http client; both conform to GA4GH API
bin - node.js scripts, server and client
lib - application libraries
test - tests
docker - scripts for deploying a server in docker containers in a cloud
docs - technical manuals
docs/api - generated API (run "grunt doc" to generate)
package.json - npm package definition
Gruntfile.js - grunt runner specification
We are using a light version of our samtools pipeline for merging by default, but the heavy version is available in the code, located inside lib/server/model.js
This is because most of our data can work with the light pipeline, and the heavy version may be considerably more computationally taxing due to collating, fixmate, and sorting.
- OAuth2 authorization server
- GA4GH-compatible genome browser (biodalliance) extension