Rangkuman dari tulisan (kulgram) Ammar Faizi - OOP PHP
- Pengenalan Object Oriented Programming PHP
- Apa itu class?
- Apa itu property?
- Apa itu method?
- Instansiasi class.
- Instance dan variable $this.
- Inheritance.
- Mengenal visibilitas public, private dan protected.
- Static.
- Keyword self, parent dan static.
- Singleton pattern.
- Keyword final.
- Class constant.
- Trait.
- Penggunaan Insteadof.
- Interface.
- Serialization class.
- Cloning instance.
- Exception.
- Throw, Try, Catch and Finally.
- Magic method.
- Constructor.
- Destructor.
- Type Hinting.
- __call()
- __callStatic()
- __get()
- __set()
- __isset()
- __unset()
- __sleep()
- __wakeup()
- __toString()
- __invoke()
- __set_state()
- __clone()
- __debugInfo()
- Overriding.
- Anonymous Function (Closure).
- Anonymous Class.
- Predefined Interfaces.
- ArrayAccess.
- Serializable.
- Traversable.
- Iterator.
- IteratorAggregate.
- Throwable.
- Keyword yield and Generator class.
- Reflection class.
- Abstraction class.