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Rangkuman dari tulisan (kulgram) Ammar Faizi - OOP PHP

Daftar Materi

  1. Pengenalan Object Oriented Programming PHP
  2. Apa itu class?
  3. Apa itu property?
  4. Apa itu method?
  5. Instansiasi class.
  7. Instance dan variable $this.
  8. Inheritance.
  9. Mengenal visibilitas public, private dan protected.
  10. Static.
  11. Keyword self, parent dan static.
  13. Singleton pattern.

Part 2

  1. Keyword final.
  2. Class constant.
  3. Trait.
  4. Penggunaan Insteadof.
  5. Interface.
  6. Serialization class.
  7. Cloning instance.
  8. Exception.
  9. Throw, Try, Catch and Finally.
  10. Magic method.
  11. Constructor.
  12. Destructor.
  13. Type Hinting.

Part 3

  1. __call()
  2. __callStatic()
  3. __get()
  4. __set()
  5. __isset()
  6. __unset()
  7. __sleep()
  8. __wakeup()
  9. __toString()
  10. __invoke()
  11. __set_state()
  12. __clone()
  13. __debugInfo()

Part 4

  1. Overriding.
  2. Anonymous Function (Closure).
  3. Anonymous Class.
  4. Predefined Interfaces.
  5. ArrayAccess.
  6. Serializable.
  7. Traversable.
  8. Iterator.
  9. IteratorAggregate.
  10. Throwable.
  11. Keyword yield and Generator class.
  12. Reflection class.
  13. Abstraction class.