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Community-TC Integration / wpt-webkitgtk_minibrowser-nightly-testharness-13 succeeded Jan 15, 2024 in 14m 38s

Community-TC (push)

A subset of WPT's "testharness" tests (chunk number 13 of 16), run in the nightly release of webkitgtk_minibrowser.


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WPT Command: python3 ./wpt run --channel=nightly --log-wptreport=../artifacts/wpt_report.json --log-wptscreenshot=../artifacts/wpt_screenshot.txt --no-fail-on-unexpected --this-chunk=13 --total-chunks=16 --test-type=testharness --log-mach-level=info --log-mach=- -y --no-pause --no-restart-on-unexpected --install-fonts --no-headless --verify-log-full --install-browser --processes=4 webkitgtk_minibrowser

  FAIL Event handler div.onwebkitanimationiteration should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onwebkitanimationstart should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onwebkittransitionend should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onwheel should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onmousewheel should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onanimationstart should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onanimationiteration should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onanimationend should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onanimationcancel should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.ontransitionrun should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.ontransitionstart should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.ontransitionend should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.ontransitioncancel should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.ongotpointercapture should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onlostpointercapture should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onpointerdown should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onpointermove should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onpointerup should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onpointercancel should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onpointerover should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onpointerout should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onpointerenter should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onpointerleave should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onselectstart should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onselectionchange should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onfullscreenchange should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  FAIL Event handler div.onfullscreenerror should be blocked. - assert_throws_js: function "_ => element.setAttribute(name, "2+2")" did not throw
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-event-handlers.html:44:9
  TIMEOUT Navigate a window with javascript:-urls in enforcing mode. - Test timed out
  NOTRUN Navigate a window with javascript:-urls w/ default policy in enforcing mode.
  NOTRUN Navigate a window with javascript:-urls in report-only mode.
  NOTRUN Navigate a window with javascript:-urls w/ default policy in report-only mode.
  NOTRUN Navigate a frame with javascript:-urls in enforcing mode.
  NOTRUN Navigate a frame with javascript:-urls w/ default policy in enforcing mode.
  NOTRUN Navigate a frame with javascript:-urls in report-only mode.
  NOTRUN Navigate a frame with javascript:-urls w/ default policy in report-only mode.
  TIMEOUT /trusted-types/trusted-types-navigation.html
  ERROR /trusted-types/trusted-types-reporting-check-report.html - ReferenceError: Can't find variable: trustedTypes
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-reporting-check-report.html:18:17
  TIMEOUT Trusted Type violation report: creating a forbidden policy. - Test timed out
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: creating a report-only-forbidden policy.
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: creating a forbidden-but-not-reported policy.
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: assign string to script url
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: assign string to html
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: assign trusted script to script; no report
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: assign trusted HTML to html; no report
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: sample for innerHTML assignment
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: sample for text assignment
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: sample for script.src assignment
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: sample for script innerText assignment
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: sample for SVGScriptElement href assignment
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: sample for SVGScriptElement href assignment by setAttribute
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: sample for SVGScriptElement text assignment
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: sample for eval
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: large values should be handled sanely.
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: sample for custom element assignment
  NOTRUN Trusted Type violation report: Worker constructor
  TIMEOUT /trusted-types/trusted-types-reporting.html
  ERROR /trusted-types/trusted-types-source-file-path.html - ReferenceError: Can't find variable: trustedTypes
global code@http://web-platform.test:8000/trusted-types/trusted-types-source-file-path.html:18:29
  ERROR /trusted-types/worker-constructor.https.html - ReferenceError: Can't find variable: trustedTypes
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/trusted-types/worker-constructor.https.html:12:33
  FAIL Popup: DOMWindow resize fired before VisualViewport. - assert_equals: expected "window-attribute,window-addEventListener,visualViewport-attribute,visualViewport-addEventListener" but got ""
  FAIL canShare() empty and default dictionary - navigator.canShare is not a function. (In 'navigator.canShare()', 'navigator.canShare' is undefined)
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/web-share/canShare.https.html:11:11
  FAIL canShare() url member - navigator.canShare is not a function. (In 'navigator.canShare({ url: "http://a.b" })', 'navigator.canShare' is undefined)
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/web-share/canShare.https.html:29:11
  FAIL canShare() title member - navigator.canShare is not a function. (In 'navigator.canShare({ title: undefined })', 'navigator.canShare' is undefined)
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/web-share/canShare.https.html:89:11
  FAIL canShare() text member - navigator.canShare is not a function. (In 'navigator.canShare({ text: "" })', 'navigator.canShare' is undefined)
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/web-share/canShare.https.html:100:11
  FAIL canShare() files member - navigator.canShare is not a function. (In 'navigator.canShare({ files: [] })', 'navigator.canShare' is undefined)
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/web-share/canShare.https.html:111:11
  FAIL canShare() multiple members - undefined is not a function (near '...navigator.canShare...')
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/web-share/canShare.https.html:145:11
  FAIL calling share() on non-fully active document returns a promise rejected with InvalidStateError - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: navigator.share is not a function. (In 'navigator.share(data)', 'navigator.share' is undefined)"
  FAIL calling share() with transient activation on non-fully active document returns a promise rejected with InvalidStateError - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: navigator.share is not a function. (In 'navigator.share(data)', 'navigator.share' is undefined)"
  FAIL calling canShare() on a non-fully active document returns false - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: navigator.canShare is not a function. (In 'navigator.canShare(data)', 'navigator.canShare' is undefined)"
12:03.27 INFO Got 883 unexpected results, with 0 unexpected passes
12:03.28 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8003
12:03.29 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8446
12:03.33 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8002
12:03.51 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:9000
12:03.58 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8000
12:03.61 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8443
12:03.62 wptserve INFO Close on: (<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('', 8888))
12:03.68 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8444
12:03.69 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8001
12:03.75 wptserve INFO Close on: (<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('', 8889))
12:03.77 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8445
12:03.81 INFO Removed font: Ahem.ttf
12:03.84 INFO Closing logging queue
12:03.84 INFO queue closed
12:03.84 INFO Tolerating 883 unexpected results
X connection to :99.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

[taskcluster 2024-01-15 01:53:01.221Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2024-01-15 01:53:01.941Z] Successful task run with exit code: 0 completed in 820.357 seconds