Community-TC Integration / wpt-webkitgtk_minibrowser-nightly-testharness-1
Jan 15, 2024 in 12m 15s
Community-TC (push)
A subset of WPT's "testharness" tests (chunk number 1 of 16), run in the nightly release of webkitgtk_minibrowser.
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WPT Command: python3 ./wpt run --channel=nightly --log-wptreport=../artifacts/wpt_report.json --log-wptscreenshot=../artifacts/wpt_screenshot.txt --no-fail-on-unexpected --this-chunk=1 --total-chunks=16 --test-type=testharness --log-mach-level=info --log-mach=- -y --no-pause --no-restart-on-unexpected --install-fonts --no-headless --verify-log-full --install-browser --processes=4 webkitgtk_minibrowser
NOTRUN floor float32 3D tensor / async
NOTRUN floor float32 4D tensor / async
NOTRUN floor float32 5D tensor / async
NOTRUN identity float32 0D scalar / async
NOTRUN identity float32 1D tensor / async
NOTRUN identity float32 2D tensor / async
NOTRUN identity float32 3D tensor / async
NOTRUN identity float32 4D tensor / async
NOTRUN identity float32 5D tensor / async
NOTRUN log float32 positive 1D tensor / async
NOTRUN log float32 positive 2D tensor / async
NOTRUN log float32 positive 3D tensor / async
NOTRUN log float32 positive 4D tensor / async
NOTRUN log float32 positive 5D tensor / async
NOTRUN neg float32 1D tensor / async
NOTRUN neg float32 2D tensor / async
NOTRUN neg float32 3D tensor / async
NOTRUN neg float32 4D tensor / async
NOTRUN neg float32 5D tensor / async
NOTRUN reciprocal float32 0D scalar / async
NOTRUN reciprocal float32 1D tensor / async
NOTRUN reciprocal float32 2D tensor / async
NOTRUN reciprocal float32 3D tensor / async
NOTRUN reciprocal float32 4D tensor / async
NOTRUN reciprocal float32 5D tensor / async
NOTRUN sin float32 1D tensor / async
NOTRUN sin float32 2D tensor / async
NOTRUN sin float32 3D tensor / async
NOTRUN sin float32 4D tensor / async
NOTRUN sin float32 5D tensor / async
NOTRUN sqrt float32 0D scalar / async
NOTRUN sqrt float32 1D tensor / async
NOTRUN sqrt float32 2D tensor / async
NOTRUN sqrt float32 3D tensor / async
NOTRUN sqrt float32 4D tensor / async
NOTRUN sqrt float32 5D tensor / async
NOTRUN tan float32 1D tensor / async
NOTRUN tan float32 2D tensor / async
NOTRUN tan float32 3D tensor / async
NOTRUN tan float32 4D tensor / async
NOTRUN tan float32 5D tensor / async
ERROR /webnn/elementwise_unary.https.any.html - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
ERROR /webnn/elementwise_unary.https.any.worker.html - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/elementwise_unary.https.any.js:10:19
importScripts@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/elementwise_unary.https.any.worker.js:10:14
ERROR /webnn/elu.https.any.worker.html - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/elu.https.any.js:10:19
importScripts@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/elu.https.any.worker.js:10:14
NOTRUN expand float32 0D scalar to 1D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 0D scalar to 2D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 0D scalar to 3D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 0D scalar to 4D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 0D scalar to 5D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 1D tensor to 1D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 1D tensor to 2D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 1D tensor to 3D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 1D tensor to 4D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 1D tensor to 5D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 2D tensor to 2D (1st dimension) / async
NOTRUN expand float32 2D tensor to 2D (2nd dimension) / async
NOTRUN expand float32 2D tensor to 2D (all dimensions) / async
NOTRUN expand float32 2D tensor to 3D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 2D tensor to 4D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 2D tensor to 5D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 3D tensor to 3D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 3D tensor to 4D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 3D tensor to 5D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 4D tensor to 4D / async
NOTRUN expand float32 4D tensor to 5D / async
ERROR /webnn/expand.https.any.html - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
ERROR /webnn/expand.https.any.worker.html - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/expand.https.any.js:11:19
importScripts@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/expand.https.any.worker.js:10:14
ERROR /webnn/gemm.https.any.worker.html - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/gemm.https.any.js:10:19
importScripts@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/gemm.https.any.worker.js:10:14
NOTRUN hardSwish float32 1D tensor / async
NOTRUN hardSwish float32 2D tensor / async
NOTRUN hardSwish float32 3D tensor / async
NOTRUN hardSwish float32 4D tensor / async
NOTRUN hardSwish float32 5D tensor / async
ERROR /webnn/hard_swish.https.any.html - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
NOTRUN leakyRelu float32 1D tensor default options / async
NOTRUN leakyRelu float32 2D tensor default options / async
NOTRUN leakyRelu float32 3D tensor default options / async
NOTRUN leakyRelu float32 4D tensor default options / async
NOTRUN leakyRelu float32 5D tensor default options / async
NOTRUN leakyRelu float32 1D tensor negative options.alpha / async
NOTRUN leakyRelu float32 2D tensor positive options.alpha / async
NOTRUN leakyRelu float32 5D tensor options.alpha=0.0 / async
ERROR /webnn/leaky_relu.https.any.html - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
ERROR /webnn/leaky_relu.https.any.worker.html - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/leaky_relu.https.any.js:10:19
importScripts@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/leaky_relu.https.any.worker.js:10:14
ERROR /webnn/pooling.https.any.worker.html - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/pooling.https.any.js:10:19
importScripts@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/pooling.https.any.worker.js:10:14
ERROR /webnn/relu.https.any.worker.html - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/relu.https.any.js:10:19
importScripts@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/relu.https.any.worker.js:10:14
NOTRUN reshape float32 tensor to a new shape (reorder all dimensions) / async
NOTRUN reshape float32 tensor to a new shape (reduce dimensions) / async
NOTRUN reshape float32 tensor to a new shape (extend dimensions) / async
NOTRUN reshape float32 tensor to a new shape (4D to 4D) / async
NOTRUN reshape float32 tensor to 1D tensor / async
ERROR /webnn/reshape.https.any.html - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
ERROR /webnn/softsign.https.any.worker.html - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/softsign.https.any.js:10:19
importScripts@[native code]
global code@https://web-platform.test:8443/webnn/softsign.https.any.worker.js:10:14
FAIL RequestDevice from a sandboxed iframe is valid. - assert_equals: expected (object) object "[object Object]" but got (string) "FAIL: NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'requestDevice' on 'USB': No device selected."
FAIL Check XR session from fullscreen - webgl - assert_implements: missing navigator.xr - ensure test is run in a secure context. undefined
Promise@[native code]
FAIL Check XR session from fullscreen - webgl2 - assert_implements: missing navigator.xr - ensure test is run in a secure context. undefined
Promise@[native code]
FAIL static import script from data: URL should be allowed. - assert_true: expected true got false
9:41.80 INFO Got 612 unexpected results, with 0 unexpected passes
9:41.83 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8003
9:41.83 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8002
9:41.85 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8445
9:41.85 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8446
9:41.88 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8000
9:41.89 wptserve INFO Close on: (<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('', 8889))
9:41.97 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8443
9:41.98 wptserve INFO Close on: (<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('', 8888))
9:42.01 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:9000
9:42.03 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8444
9:42.26 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on web-platform.test:8001
9:42.30 INFO Removed font: Ahem.ttf
9:42.32 INFO Closing logging queue
9:42.32 INFO queue closed
9:42.32 INFO Tolerating 612 unexpected results
[taskcluster 2024-01-15 01:50:36.482Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2024-01-15 01:50:37.242Z] Successful task run with exit code: 0 completed in 677.095 seconds