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Business Logic and Processes

Howard Edwards edited this page Apr 22, 2024 · 3 revisions


As the ARIA-AT App grows, so does the various concepts which may or may not become business logic implementations and processes that could be performed while a user operates the application. This document is meant to track the business logic and processes' definitions and descriptions so they're better understood.

The following documents may be referenced where relevant:

Required Reports

To provide a brief, easy to understand reporting status that facilitates the job of shepherding a specific version of a test plan through the working mode process, this design proposal introduces the concept of required reports. A version of a test plan will be required to have reports for specific AT/browser pairs depending on the working mode phase of the test plan version and the set of ATs covered by the plan. If a required report has not been completed or is not in progress, the system will show it as "missing".

The draft and recommended phases will each require reports using a specific set of AT/browser pairs. At this time, the pairings for which reporting is required are as follows.

Phase AT Browser
Draft JAWS Chrome
Draft NVDA Chrome
Draft VoiceOver for macOS Safari
Recommended JAWS Chrome
Recommended JAWS Firefox
Recommended NVDA Chrome
Recommended NVDA Firefox
Recommended VoiceOver for macOS Safari
Recommended VoiceOver for macOS Chrome

Extracted from (Required Reports Definition)

Primary Test Plan Run

An admin expects to be able to select a specific tester's Test Plan Run as the "primary" run when more than 1 testers are assigned to a Test Plan Report. This is done at the time a Test Plan Report is marked as final. What that indicates is that a testers' output for that specific Test Plan Report will always be shown over another testers' on the relevant reports pages when the connected Test Plan Version is updated to Candidate and Recommended.

Extracted from (Primary test plan run dependency)