React/ TypeScript/ Redux/ Redux Thunk/ Material UI/ Ant-Design/ React-router-dom/ React-transition-group/ Canvas/ Eslint
(Wait a bit until the server wakes up. You don't need to configure anything, just enjoy the game)
- Fork this repository
- Checkout to develop branch
- Navigate to the front folder
npm i
npm run start
- you are in business!
- Fork this repository
- Checkout to develop branch
- Navigate to the back-end folder
npm i
- Add .env file to root directory
- Set environment variables
MONGO_HOST=<MongoDB host>
// exemple -
MONGO_PASSWORD=<Your MongoDB password>
MONGO_USERNAME=<Your MongoDB username>
NODEMAILER_HOST=<Nodemailer host>
// exemple -
NODEMAILER_USER=<Nodemailer user>
// exemple - [email protected]
NODEMAILER_PASS=<Nodemailer password>
JWT_KEY=<JWT key string>
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<Client secret from Google API Console>
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<Client ID from Google API Console>
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=<Github client secret>
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=<Github client id>
FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID=<Facebook client id>
FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET=<Facebook client secret>
npm run start
- you are in business!
You can set up just one of them for testing