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John Samuel edited this page Apr 11, 2020 · 44 revisions

Wikidata & Wikibase

Wikidata is an umbrella term. It points to (1) the public knowledge graph aligned Wikipedia, (2) the larger community that curates this knowledge graph, (3) the underlying Wikibase, which is the infrastructure upon which the platform runs and (4) the different tools that feed on the data added to the platform.

Wikidata is a node in the Linked Open Data cloud. It has a rich model of statements, which are not unlike nanopublications. A key interoperability layer is the RDF export, allowing SPARQL queries. The data is licenced/waived under CCZero, and trivial to integrate. It already is has a lot of information about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Wikibase is the underlying platform upon which Wikidata runs. This platform is also available as a docker image or a github-like system


Here's a number of possible ideas (and more on the Wikidata:WikiProject COVID-19 page):

Schema modelling

  • better Wikidata model for clinical trials
  • work on properties of clinical trials databases outside
  • model for antibodies

Schemas created

Data donations/imports

Reuse/Visualizations and analysis

  • better Scholia visualization of relevant data
  • tools for faster, more efficient annotation with research papers with "main subject"

