This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 22, 2022. It is now read-only.
Unofficial Release for 5.0.7
- Enter key submits the form on datatable filter event
- LazyDataModel multiSortMeta is null after change page
- Dynamic Column Sort Info Incorrect On Pagination Of Lazy Datatable
- Chart Legend borders might be invisible
- FileUpload in simple mode decodes empty values incorrectly
- Filters wrap when being resized on IE
- Bad performance with toggle check all in DataTable
- SubMenu does not render it for TieredMenu, MenuBar and SlideMenu
- Carousel throws JS error when empty
- DragDrop is throwing NullPointerException on Tree
- Tree - DragDrop loses draggability after drop
- Frozen Columns Misalignment on Chrome and IE8
- Selections kept after dragdrop between trees
- Improve DataTable Initialization
- Reimplement DataTable Resize Handle CSS
New Features
- Add slotChar attribute to InputMask, deprecate placeHolder
- Add sortField attribute to DataTable