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Releases: unofaces/unofficial-primefaces
Releases · unofaces/unofficial-primefaces
Unofficial Release for 5.0.11
- NPE from DataTable with
inside dynamic content - ClassCastException in TreeTable
- Treetable not expanding when used within RowExpansion
- Calendar popup can't be displayed because of focus
- Filter values are not re-applied (or cleared) after DataModel is updated on DataTable
- JS error on selectCheckboxMenu
- Datatable causes
- SelectCheckboxMenu ignores item description
- Tab of AccordionPanel is empty after back navigation in Firefox.
- Client side validation cannot parse a double like .2
- datatable.js -
- Aria-checked support for
- ExceptionHandler should not use Flash to provide exception data
New Features
- Title attribute for
- syncTooltip for SelectOneMenu
- Title attribute for SelectCheckboxMenu
- Skin for simple uploader
- skipChildren for Tree and TreeTable
- InitMode for DataTable
Unofficial Release for 5.0.10
- Spinner maxlength overflow issue
- DataTable ignores SelectItem escape property
- SelectOneRadio
ignores events comma before close bracket ",}" causing IE8 incompatibility problems - CheckboxTreeNode issues with Partial Selection
- TreeTable collapse event does not update expanded state
- Dashboard dragdrop animation offset issue
- passthrough with
ignored java.lang.Integer
cannot be cast toorg.primefaces.component.api.ClientBehaviorRenderingMode
- Improve TieredMenu positioning
- Improve header checkbox of DataTable behavior with disabled row checkboxes
should always close the input stream
New Features
- Add flag to
to disable required indicator - Add
- Add
attribute to Column-Columns
Unofficial Release for 5.0.9
- Potential Nullpointer Exception with in TreeNode
- Missing Escape in Charts
- Dynamic Columns MultiSort not working On Pagination Of Lazy Datatable
- Layout issue with Scrollable DataTable
- Legend isn't toggling correctly on Stacked Bar Chart
- DefaultCommand should ignore buttons and links
- Invalid event rendering causes JS error
- Mobile inline calendar broken
- Frozen Columns Header Height might not match
- Percentage scroll height might cause misalignment in scrollable table
- Cannot detect IE11 on client side
- Spinner caret position changes on IE focus
- Tree Selections cached on browser refresh
- TreeTable select-unselect events broken
- Remove console logs from TimePicker
- Improve Spinner behavior with prefix-suffix
- Improve FileUpload Selection Checks
New Features
- Add onclick to SelectOneRadio
- ToggleEvent for MenuBar and TieredMenu
- Add refreshSelectedNodeKeys method to UITree
Unofficial Release for 5.0.8
- Client side validation with Bean Annoatations fails /
Javascript problem p:ajax
listener does not work insidep:socket
- Components using p:column rendered incorrectly inside PanelGrid
- Spinner doesn't handle suffix/prefix correclty on post
- Calendar with time selects datetime on month-year change
- AutoComplete ctrl+c causing issue in POJO mode
- Use field attribute for default datatable sortBy checks
New Features
- Client Side Validation: shows two errors in one
- Dropdown elements for TimePicker
- Configurable layout for DataGrid
Unofficial Release for 5.0.7
- Enter key submits the form on datatable filter event
- LazyDataModel multiSortMeta is null after change page
- Dynamic Column Sort Info Incorrect On Pagination Of Lazy Datatable
- Chart Legend borders might be invisible
- FileUpload in simple mode decodes empty values incorrectly
- Filters wrap when being resized on IE
- Bad performance with toggle check all in DataTable
- SubMenu does not render it for TieredMenu, MenuBar and SlideMenu
- Carousel throws JS error when empty
- DragDrop is throwing NullPointerException on Tree
- Tree - DragDrop loses draggability after drop
- Frozen Columns Misalignment on Chrome and IE8
- Selections kept after dragdrop between trees
- Improve DataTable Initialization
- Reimplement DataTable Resize Handle CSS
New Features
- Add slotChar attribute to InputMask, deprecate placeHolder
- Add sortField attribute to DataTable
Unofficial Release for 5.0.6
- Filtering does not work in StickyHeader DataTable
- Not possible to set pie chart diameter.
- Scroll Button may not be displayed on Scrollable TabView
- Synchronization problem for scroll buttons on Scrollable TabView
- Schedule does not keep month view state
- All TreeNodes being processed on apply request phase, regardless of type
- DataTable
is sorting column - Not all wrong types appear as an error message on Fileupload
- Events not processed within dynamic ColumnGroup content
- ResizableColumns not compatible with Sticky Header
- StickyHeader clone is not removed on ajax update
- StickyHeader width not synched on window resize
- Column headers of scrollable DataTable become misaligned after filtering
- LabelPosition ignored in MeterGaugeChart
- intervalOuterRadius should be nullable in MeterGauge
- Invalid character in javascripts
- Dynamic date pattern fails inside data components
- Dynamic selection mode support for DataTable
- Expose FilterMeta
- Expose FilterFeature's filter method.
- Improve page zoom support of StickyHeader Table
New Features
- Headers for MultiSelectListbox
- Add intervalInnerRadius option to MeterGaugeChart
Unofficial Release for 5.0.5
- Compatibility issue of the ConfirmDialog component on IE8
- BlockUI displayed behind the target in some cases
- Tree - Drag & Drop event causes javascript error
- SlideMenu - JS error on back button
- Error submitting a
and jsf 2.2 (Not a multi part request) - SelectableDataModel fails with Filtering
- JS error in disabled MenuButton
- Keyboard access issues with SelectCheckboxMenu
- Event issues with multiple MenuButtons
- Modal dialog breaks selectOneRadio
- Schedule resets to initial view after refresh
- Colspan-RowSpan is ignored in TreeTable columGroup header
- ContextMenu document click listener issues
- AjaxBehavior
attributes are not restored correctly - Better theming for autocomplete custom content rows
- Use pointer cursor for autocomplete custom content items
- Duplicate event binding of AutoComplete for hide
- SelectOneRadio bug with disabled option
- LiveScroll data sync issues with multiple loads at same time
- Add
method to DataTable Widget - LinkRenderer at one place is passing FacesContext as null only UR
- Improve logging with stacktrace in MultipartRequest
- Update jQuery UI
- CSV should skip inputs with no name attribute
- Do not use window.console for widget not found messages
- Improve timezone formatting in TimePicker
- Improve touch support for MenuBar
New Features
- Add appendTo option to Draggable component
- Keyboard accessibility for DataTable Sortable Columns
- Dynamic columns-rows support in ColumGroup
- ScreenReader support for AutoComplete
- Grid CSS Layout
- Responsive DataGrid
support for PanelGrid row and column- Grouping feature for AutoComplete
Unofficial Release for 5.0.4
- ContextMenu for Datatable with multiple selection losing selected rows
does'nt working at iPad correctly- PF 5.0 p:calendar javascript error
does not work correctly in PrimeFaces 5- PanelGrid breaks with items
- ValueExpressionAnalyser fails if expression is read only
should check#isRowAvailable
- Radio based selection issue with preselected row in DataTable
- Selections lost after DataTable Filtering
- Commons fileupload is not compatible with servlet-api 2.5 anymore
- DataList with
fails on IE - Stacked Line Chart with DateAxis display blank
- Header-Footer-Paginators do not match with scrollWidth for Scrollable DataTable
- Keyboard support for datatable radio based selection is broken
- Wrong default value in Facelet Taglib for Ajax Delay
- DataTable Sorting gets triggered on clicking custom filter
- EL exception on Exporter
- Editable Cell gets stuck on validation error
- datatable columntoggler not visible if datatable inside a dialog
- Editor doesn't work on IE11
- Resource is missing in Dock
- Update on SelectCheckboxMenu fails
- MetadataTransformer must also be executed on postback
- SelectManyMenu doesn't work correctly with
- Lazy DataTable: Paging with with null as rowKey leads to a NPE
- Lazy DataTable: "first" is higher than "rowCount" if a row will be deleted with ajax
- Improve DataTable Filtering to avoid FilteredData Caching
- Improve Ajax Request Delay Handling
New Features
- Collator support for DataTable sorting
- Delay option for OutputPanel Deferred Loading
- New Component: InputSwitch
- Ability to abort ajax requests
- Add viewChange ajax event to calendar
Unofficial Release for 5.0.3
client side methods do not work properly for AutoComplete- MultiSelectListbox ignores converter
- Client-side conversion / validation fails in most cases for
and valid dates / times - Mobile overlay panel requires two touch/click to RE-open
- PrimeExceptionHandler should escape messages
- Partial processing fails in Dynamic Columns
- Thursday is displayed as Tuesday in default locale
- Wrong message in CSV feature when can't convert number
- TreeTable not rendering data in correct order
- onerror callback receives the wrong parameters
- meta viewport tag auto-added by mobile renderkit is malformed
- disable attribute of f:param is not used
- Aristo theme conflicts with Liferay Theme
- ExceptionHandler redirect fails in ajax request and RENDER_RESPONSE phase with Mojarra
- Calendar disappear case under IE8
- PrimeExceptionHandler should not handle AbortProcessingException
- Javascript error on click of close icon
- Event chaining problem with on* event and client behaviors
- Checkboxes move when toggled on IE8
- UISelectMany support for DataExporter
- Mobile Renderer for Password Component
New Features
- Column colspan-rowspan for data cells in datatable
- New Component Ribbon
- ByteArray based StreamedContent implementation
- DefaultStreamedContent should not be Serializable
- ColumnGroup support for TreeTable
- Vertical MegaMenu
- Provide method to register ClientValidationConstraint class for 3rd party Bean Validation like Hibernate Validator
- Add disabledTextSelection option to DataTable
- New DataTable RowSelectMode: Checkbox
- Collision Detection for MegaMenu Submenus
Unofficial Release for 5.0.2
New Features
- Custom content feature in Paginator
- Add MoveEvent to Dialog component
- Improve Scrollable DataTable Visuals
Defect Fixes
- TabView and Accordion does not invoke ajax behavior listeners using DataModel
- DataTable liveScroll incompatible with sort and page
- Scrollable DataTable misalignment case
- Tooltip appears at the bottom of page instead of expected position
- Hidden Container Support for ContentFlow
- SelectOneMenu displays native browser autocomplete
- SelectOneMenu does not fire change event on keyboard highlight
- SelectOneMenu key events misbehave
not supported for SelectOneMenu- Mobile InputText and InputTextarea renders style instead of styleClass
- Tooltip goes out of bounds in mouse track mode
- Javascript error if two custom ajax behaviors with same name defined
- LiveScroll support for FrozenColumns
- JS error in FileUpload
- DataTable empty message duplicated with frozen columns
- DataTable reset does not clear sorting
- redisplay option ignored in Client Side Validation
- Growl ignores globalOnly in Client Side Validation