Base route Breadcrumb
Added the ability to add breadcrumb for a base route such as 'Home'. closes #6
{ path: '', pathMatch: 'full', data: { breadcrumb: 'Home' } },
Custom separator: closes #5
Breadcrumb by default uses '/' as the separator. To use custom separator pass it as input to the component like below.
<xng-breadcrumb seperator=">"></xng-breadcrumb>
Styling breadcrumbs: closes #5
The library uses the least specific selectors possible in order to make it easy to override them.
you can override by changing the CSS for classes .breadcrumb, .current-path, .separator etc
with ::ng-deep
::ng-deep .breadcrumb {
background-color: bisque;
border: 1px solid;
Optional - default mapping of the route to breadcrumb label closes #2
To avoid breadcrumb labels showing by default even for routes that don't have breadcrumb configuration, set defaultMapping=false
as input
<xng-breadcrumb [defaultMapping]="false"></xng-breadcrumb>