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Gene Vayngrib edited this page Feb 9, 2015 · 6 revisions


Bitloader is implemented in two languages:

  • Java, Web Database. This is a sample loader from the blockchain into a Web Database, which we developed in our prior startup.
  • Java, MySQL. This variant of bitloader is a sample that loads transactions from the blockchain into MySQL.
  • JS, NeDB: This variant load data into NeDB, under node.js and Chrome App.


In Tradle architecture the extended blockchain is considered a master database of all transactions and your app's database is considered a slave. To make replication happen we need two components. One will bootstrap an empty database from scratch. Let's call it bitstrapper :-). The other will receive new transactions from bitjoe and insert them in the database. Let's call it bitgetter. Together they will form a bitloader.

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