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Gene Vayngrib edited this page Jan 16, 2015 · 2 revisions


Together bitjoe and bitkeeper answer a question "How transactions are kept in the public space yet fully secure?"

Bitkeeper is implemented in two languages:

  • Java: meant to work on the server side
  • JavaScript: to work in a Chrome App and Node.js, both on the server and in node-webkit. It provides an optional RESTful API and a client JS api which issues RESTful requests for you.

Reasoning for running bitkeepers on their own sidechain

  • payments - allows to record payments to keepers
  • incentives - e.g. incentive to process requests fast - keepers that first saved all transactions and genned the blockhash gets a bit more than the copies
  • audit:
    • what keep requests were made
    • what access permission was given, when and by whom
    • record audit checks for files availability
  • scalability - collect the whole block of keep transactions and put only its hash on blockchain chain
  • cheaper - pay a bitcoin transaction fee per block of keeper transactions
  • coordination - SLA requested, may be performed, possibly mechanism for more payments if more than 1000 gets


keeperchain is a message queue to keepers, but they do not know where the data is. But if keeperchain and dht are run by the same guy, he can correlate dht requests and keerchain new tx

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