Provides orchestration for continuous deployment to Totem Cluster.
This project is ready to be used in production.
Project uses Sphinx for code/api documentation.
The latest code/api documentation can be found at:
To generate html documentation, use command:
cd docs && make html
The documentation will be generated in docs/build folder.
The project has following dependencies
- python 2.7.x or 3.4.x
- Virtualenv (Recommended)
- Python pip
- etcd 0.4.6
- docker 1.7+ (Required if using docker based deployment)
To install dependencies for the project, run command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In addition if you are developing on the project, run command:
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
Tests are located in tests folder. Project uses nose for testing.
To run all unit tests , run command :
nosetests -w tests/unit
To run the server locally , run command:
To run celery locally, run command:
Once server is up you can access the root api using:
In order to run fully integrated server using docker using latest docker , run command:
sudo docker run -it --rm -h cluster-orchestrator-${USER} --name cluster-orchestrator -v /dev/log:/dev/log -P totem/cluster-orchestrator
Env Variable | Description | Default Value (Local) | Default Value (Docker) |
QUAY_ORGANIZATION | Organization in quay to pull images from | totem | totem |
HOST_IP | HOST IP address | | Determined using default route in routing table |
ETCD_HOST | Etcd server host. | | ${HOST_IP} |
ETCD_PORT | Etcd server port. | 4001 | 4001 |
ETCD_TOTEM_BASE | Base path for totem configurations | /totem | /totem |
API_EXECUTORS | No. of uwsgi processes to be created for serving API | Not Used | 2 |
FLASK_DEBUG | Reloadable flask flag (true/false) | false | Not Used |
HOOK_SECRET | The secret to be used for web hooks | changeit | changeit |
HIPCHAT_TOKEN | Default hipchat token to be used for notifications | ||
GITHUB_TOKEN | Github token for fetching fleet templates and for commit notifications. | ||
HIPCHAT_ENABLED | Set it to true to enable hipchat notifications | false | false |
HIPCHAT_ROOM | Room to be used for hipchat notifications | not-set | not-set |
GITHUB_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED | Set it to true to enable github commit notifications. | false | false |
CLUSTER_NAME | Name of the cluster where orchestrator is deployed | local | local |
TOTEM_ENV | Name of totem environment (e.g. production, local, development) | local | local |
LOG_IDENTIFIER | Program name/tag used for syslog | N/A | yoda-proxy |
In order to ensure that code follows PEP8 standards, run command:
flake8 .