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cluster-orchestrator Build Status Coverage Status Documentation Status

Provides orchestration for continuous deployment to Totem Cluster.

Development Status

This project is ready to be used in production.


Project uses Sphinx for code/api documentation.


The latest code/api documentation can be found at:

Building documentation

To generate html documentation, use command:

cd docs && make html

The documentation will be generated in docs/build folder.


The project has following dependencies

  • python 2.7.x or 3.4.x
  • Virtualenv (Recommended)
  • Python pip
  • etcd 0.4.6
  • docker 1.7+ (Required if using docker based deployment)


To install dependencies for the project, run command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

In addition if you are developing on the project, run command:

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt


Tests are located in tests folder. Project uses nose for testing.

Unit Tests

To run all unit tests , run command :

nosetests -w tests/unit

Running Server


To run the server locally , run command:


To run celery locally, run command:


Once server is up you can access the root api using:

Using Docker

In order to run fully integrated server using docker using latest docker , run command:

sudo docker run -it --rm -h cluster-orchestrator-${USER} --name cluster-orchestrator -v /dev/log:/dev/log -P totem/cluster-orchestrator

Run Configuration (Environment Variables)

Env Variable Description Default Value (Local) Default Value (Docker)
QUAY_ORGANIZATION Organization in quay to pull images from totem totem
HOST_IP HOST IP address Determined using default route in routing table
ETCD_HOST Etcd server host. ${HOST_IP}
ETCD_PORT Etcd server port. 4001 4001
ETCD_TOTEM_BASE Base path for totem configurations /totem /totem
API_EXECUTORS No. of uwsgi processes to be created for serving API Not Used 2
FLASK_DEBUG Reloadable flask flag (true/false) false Not Used
HOOK_SECRET The secret to be used for web hooks changeit changeit
HIPCHAT_TOKEN Default hipchat token to be used for notifications
GITHUB_TOKEN Github token for fetching fleet templates and for commit notifications.
HIPCHAT_ENABLED Set it to true to enable hipchat notifications false false
HIPCHAT_ROOM Room to be used for hipchat notifications not-set not-set
GITHUB_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED Set it to true to enable github commit notifications. false false
CLUSTER_NAME Name of the cluster where orchestrator is deployed local local
TOTEM_ENV Name of totem environment (e.g. production, local, development) local local
LOG_IDENTIFIER Program name/tag used for syslog N/A yoda-proxy

Coding Standards and Guidelines


In order to ensure that code follows PEP8 standards, run command:

flake8 .