Editor: Name it before create in the Content Browser #484 (#485 )
Engine: FloatInput must be able to set values using embedded editor #486 (#487 )
Editor: Ability to remove asset or component in properties #500 (#501 )
Editor: Automatic reimport assets in case of switch SDK version #499
Editor: Fresnel node for the material editor #300 (#473 )
Editor: Move Code Editor to the separate plugin. #466
Editor: Need to recompile materials in case of RHI changed #471 (#472 )
Editor: Play and Pause buttons #509
HierarchyBrowser UI improvements
Node Graph Rework (#477 )
Render: SpriteRender layer sorting #474
Selection on click for property editors
SVG icons in Content Browser (#469 )
UI updates (#488 )
AngelBehaviour fixed
Black preview in Material and Particle editors fixed
Crash during import a new project fixed
Editor: Component loses position in case of module rebuild #498
Editor: Crash after stop of game simulation #495 (#496 )
Editor: Drag and drop component on the property leads to a crash #497
Editor: Enter to game mode after plugin reload may lead to a crash #507
Editor: GraphView unable to render creation link #506
Editor: Icon not updating when reimporting a resource #510
Editor: Preview functionality breaked #467
Editor: Selected object in game mode may lead to a crash #508
Editor: UI layer broken #468
Editor: Unable to create Empty Actor #481 (#482 )
Editor: Unable to save changes in Prefab #479 (#480 )
Editor: Unable to select any Sprite for SpriteRender #504 (#505 )
Engine: Camera ignores object hierarchy #491 (#492 )
Hierarchy Browser various issues fixed
Hierarchy crash fixed
Mouse delta drift fixed
Object Select default tab for components fixed
Physics: Character controller has wrong collision #502
Physics: Static colliders shouldn't use rigid bodies for collisions #493 (#494 )
Prefab creation issue fixed
Proper deletion of children of object
Render: Ambient Occlusion should affect unlit surfaces #475
ShaderBuilder issues fixed
Various bullet module issues fixed
Components combining refactoring (#489 )
Default save of properties with type Component/Resource
Editor view ports refactoring
FreeType library update to 2.12.1
Frustum culling refactoring
Mesh Refactoring (#483 )
Mesh refactoring part 2 (#490 )
Mouse delta proper implementation for editor platform adapter
Object mutex is moved to MutexPool
Pipeline refactoring (#476 )
PlayerInput refactoring
Ray cast refactoring
Renderer Refactoring (#478 )
Resource management refactoring
Scene refactoring (#470 )
SceneGraph refactoring (#503 )
Shader bindings update
Transform getter in the Component
Truncate tail 0 symbols in Float and Vector editors
You can’t perform that action at this time.