Releases: thunder-engine/thunder
Releases · thunder-engine/thunder
Release 2025.1
- Editor: Drag and drop assets on the Properties #868 (#870)
- Editor: Enum properties support for Next Object #891 (#892)
- Editor: mesh instance reuse for objects in FBX importer #846 (#847)
- Engine: Flexible Visual Effects system #893 (#894)
- Engine: Serialization of arrays #854 (#855)
- Gui: CheckBox widget #878 (#879)
- GUI: Default plane mesh for Frame widget #883 (#884)
- Gui: Fold widget #880 (#890)
- Math: Look rotation function for Quaternion #819 (#820)
- Resources: Spine 2D Importer #29 (#800)
- Animation: Animation looks choppy #817 (#818)
- Editor: Animation state machine editor crashed #860 (#864)
- Editor: Changes in prefab doesn't updates instance properly #866 (#867)
- Editor: Code assets is absent in Content Browser context menu #871 (#872)
- Editor: Deletion in Hierarchy widget can lead to crash #852 (#858)
- Editor: Deletion of Image from Button leads to crash #816 (#825)
- Editor: Duplication of Button can hang application #814 (#815)
- Editor: Graph editor doesn't updating a node titles #861 (#863)
- Editor: Graph Node changes it's position on click in graph editor #862 (#873)
- Editor: Nan's in Move Tool #836 (#845)
- Editor: Object picking issues #839 (#840)
- Editor: Prefab can loose attached external components after reimport. #811 (#829)
- Editor: Sprite Editor details doesn't changes anything #850 (#865)
- Editor: Sprite Editor handles issues #851 (#859)
- Editor: Unable to build projects with Animator #826 (#827)
- Editor: Unable to change file path in PathEdit control #830 (#831)
- Editor: Unable to move a skinned mesh #812 (#843)
- Editor: Undo for duplicated object can lead to crash #813 (#835)
- Editor: Using just imported mesh can lead to crash #823 (#824)
- Editor: ZoomIn works incorrect in 2D mode #901 (#902)
- Engine: Crash on platforms with only on active thread #833 (#834)
- Engine: Cross platform hash issues #907 (#908)
- Engine: Making delete later for hierarchy of objects can lead to crash #821 (#822)
- Engine: Random crash in Object #888 (#889)
- Engine: Ray cast issues #841 (#842)
- Engine: Skinned mesh is not visible #809 (#810)
- Engine: TextRender ignores Transforms #853 (#856)
- Engine: Wrong bounding box for scaled meshes #837 (#838)
- Gui: RectTransform behavior fixed
- Render: FXAA looks wrong #874 (#875)
- Scripts: Angel Script doesn't load the script binaries. #903 (#904)
- CI: CMake build fixes + Uikit moc header fix (#795)
- CI: FreeBSD Github Ccache Build Caching (#798)
- CI: Remove FreeBSD fork hardcoding (#797)
- CI: SignPath integration (#848)
- CI: Update iOS and tvOS runners to Build Properly (#802)
- Editor: Builder tool refactoring (#828)
- Editor: Graph Editor refactoring (#805)
- Editor: Graph refactoring (#885)
- Editor: NextObject adapter removed from properties editor (#882)
- Editor: Properties widget refactoring (#881)
- Editor: Refactoring of root nodes in graphs #876 (#877)
- Editor: Tools refactoring (#898)
- Engine Components refactoring (#857)
- Engine: Animation system refactoring (#799)
- Engine: Particle system refactoring (#806)
- Engine: Prefab system refactoring (#844)
- GLFM update (#909)
- QGamepad removed from project (#801)
- Render: MaterialGL refactoring (#832)
Release 2024.3
- Render: Geometry shaders #722 (#723)
- Render: Instancing manager #194 (#759)
- Render: SSBO as instancing data source on desktop platforms #758 (#757)
- Core: Byte array type changed (#766)
- Editor: Graph file format refactoring (#724)
- Engine: Camera refactoring (#716)
- Engine: Resources life cycle refactoring #713 (#714)
- Render: CommandBuffer::setScreenProjection removed
- Render: Instancing refactoring (#756)
- Render: Render target refactoring
- Render: Shader file format refactoring (#715)
- Audio: Sounds are not playing in the editor or in the game #738 (#743)
- BSD: Port update based on feedback (#767)
- Editor: "Local" property in particle editor is not saving. #728 (#732)
- Editor: Add actor/component menu is not working in prefab #727 (#731)
- Editor: Areas on a Sprite are not saving #726 (#733)
- Editor: Color constant is resetting in material editor #734 (#740)
- Editor: Crash after relocating project assets #741 (#749)
- Editor: Deletion of Node in the MaterialEdit leads to crash #736 (#742)
- Editor: Fresh import could lead to crash #717 (#718)
- Editor: Infinite loading when import .wav file #725 (#730)
- Editor: Prefab window is not reopening after being closed #748 (#750)
- Editor: Prefabs resets it's transform after end of simulation #751 (#753)
- Editor: Project is not opening after creating new AngelBehaviour asset #744 (#745)
- Editor: Project is opening with last prefab window #747 (#760)
- Editor: Re-import of prefab could lead to a crash #761 (#762)
- Editor: Sprite Editor area dragging issue #735 (#755)
- Engine: BSD: Address SIGSEGV error Addition (#791)
- Render: Project crashes after some small execution time #764 (#765)
- Render: Skeletal mesh doesn't render on the screen #752 (#754)
- Script: Crash on calling Camera::project method #719 (#721)
- UIKit CMake file added (#768)
- UIKit: Adding a new widget component to existent could lead to a crash #772 (#773)
Release 2024.2
- Angel component shortcut (#706)
- Editor: Add default lighting for prefab scene #700 (#701)
- Editor: Basic UI editor #675 (#676)
- Editor: Gizmo must support draw solid spheres #659 (#660)
- Editor: Open First Map as specified in Project Settings by default #687 (#690)
- Editor: Snap for actor controls #666 (#667)
- Engine: Add CSS support for the UI Kit #673 (#674)
- Physics: Joints #172
- Script: Extend logging functions #683 (#684)
- Script: Instantiate method for Component class #692 (#693)
- GUI Framework refactoring (#669)
- Material format refactoring (#705)
- Render state refactoring (#704)
- Sprite asset refactoring (#685)
- Texture refactoring (#712)
- UI to separate module (#670)
- Core: Json parser unable to read float numbers with E notation #679 (#680)
- Editor: Actor have two transforms after adding UI component. #698 (#699)
- Editor: Application crashed in the end of game simulation #671 (#672)
- Editor: Auto indent issues in Code Editor #681 (#682)
- Editor: Build failed to build a Project #710 (#711)
- Editor: Crash on picking Move tool for Scene. #657 (#658)
- Editor: Crashes on attempt to save a new project after it's creation. #688 (#689)
- Editor: Drag and drop of object can lead to crash #661 (#662)
- Editor: Duplication of actor in the hierarchy loses current scene to save #664 (#665)
- Editor: Grid becomes invisible in 2D mode after restart. #702 (#703)
- Editor: Issues with opening prefabs one after another #707 (#708)
- Editor: Local space transform gizmos strange behavior #677 (#678)
- Editor: Project crashes after adding actor with label component #694 (#697)
- Menu and Preview fixed in NodeGraph View
- Render: Objects disappear in a pattern #695 (#696)
- Resource dictionary issues fixed (#709)
- Script: Scripts executing only on the first run. #686 (#691)
- Sprite packaging fixed
- Reduced the amount of screen projection commands (#668)
Release 2024.1
- Editor: Plugin management #644 (#645)
- Editor: Support GLTF to import #600 (#599)
- Engine: Sub-mesh rendering support #597 (#598)
- Engine: Dynamic properties #594 (#595)
- Engine: SkinnedMeshRender should have customizable bounding volume #564 (#565)
- Engine: Mouse wheel handling #561 (#562)
- Editor Settings refactoring (#648)
- Material Parameters handling refactoring (#596)
- Preview screen refactoring (#581)
- Editor refactoring (#571)
- Hierarchy refactoring (#570)
- Camera Controller refactoring (#563)
- Properties widget refactoring (#569)
- Animation Editor moved to separate module (#556)
- Timeline moved to module (#555)
- Editor: Unable to build game project #653 (#654)
- Editor: File path properties doesn't work #650 (#651)
- Editor: Canceling of the drag doesn't work complete #646 (#647)
- Render: Bloom doesn't work #642 (#643)
- Render: Spot Light has no shadows #640 (#641)
- Editor: Save asset dialog shows twice #638 (#639)
- Engine: Unable to save changes materials #628 (#629)
- Editor: Hierarchy is not updating #625 (#626)
- Editor: Preview window is black #623 (#624)
- Editor: Preview renders shadows with artifacts #621 (#622)
- Engine: Objects refers to prototype entities after cloning #619 (#620)
- Editor: Mesh corrupted on second screen. #615 (#616)
- Editor: Unable to pick an object in properties #617 (#618)
- Editor: The editor only displays a white window when started. #613 (#614)
- Editor: Unable to set keyframe on property changed event #611 (#612)
- Editor: Add element to empty array of materials leads to crash #609 (#610)
- Editor: Switching to the Material Editor should change Properties to active node selection #606 (#608)
- Editor: Arrays in Properties looks weird #604 (#605)
- Editor: Remove selection in the Hierarchy doesn't reflected in entire UI #602 (#603)
- Editor: The quazip version has vulnerabilities #540 (#601)
- Editor: Undo/Redo for a custom function can lead to crash. #592 (#593)
- Editor: Material Editor creates nodes outside from mouse position #590 (#591)
- Editor: Custom functions in the material editor ignores default values #588 (#589)
- Editor: Material Editor can break .shader files #586 (#587)
- Render: Unable to switch off shadows #584 (#585)
- Editor: Unable to save editor preferences #582 (#583)
- Editor: Crash on exit #579 (#580)
- Render: Shadow map for direct light it cut out #577 (#578)
- Editor: UI components is absent in the component creation menu #574 (#575)
- Editor: DrawMode shows nothing in Image component properties editor #572 (#573)
- Editor: Properties editor on property name #566 (#567)
- Render: Unable to render skinned mesh #559 (#560)
- Editor: Animation Editor unable to create links #557 (#558)
- Reflections fixed (#630)
Release 2023.2
- Editor: Scene management improvements #552
- Render: Pipeline asset handling #550
- Editor: Tiled tile maps importer #541
- Editor: Custom function in the Material Editor #538
- Render: Single vbo buffer for vertices
- Engine: Compute shaders #520
- Editor: Array handing in Property Editor #518
- Editor: Material Editor preview in nodes #515
- Editor: Groups in graph editor #513
- Editor: Bulk movements in the GraphEditor #512
- Editor: Better debugging of graphical buffers #511
- Render: Sprite atlas is always growing during pack #548
- Examples: Flappy crashes editor #546
- Examples: Flappy example crashed #543
- Render: Translucent materials ignores depth test #535
- Render: Wrong bounding box for the TextRender component #533
- Render: Direct Light shadows issues #527
- Crash during material import fixed
- GraphEditor converter from json to xml fixed
- Editor: Unable to remove invalid component #514
- Code Editor refactoring
- Object ID for Command Buffer added
- RHI appendix added
- GLSL library updated
- Add incremental download for
- Vector4Edit jittering during update fixed
- Proper deletion of plugins during exit from the Editor
- Topology removed from the mesh
- Vertex attributes information in material
- Internal json format replaced by xml for node graph
Release 2023.1
- Editor: Name it before create in the Content Browser #484 (#485)
- Engine: FloatInput must be able to set values using embedded editor #486 (#487)
- Editor: Ability to remove asset or component in properties #500 (#501)
- Editor: Automatic reimport assets in case of switch SDK version #499
- Editor: Fresnel node for the material editor #300 (#473)
- Editor: Move Code Editor to the separate plugin. #466
- Editor: Need to recompile materials in case of RHI changed #471 (#472)
- Editor: Play and Pause buttons #509
- HierarchyBrowser UI improvements
- Node Graph Rework (#477)
- Render: SpriteRender layer sorting #474
- Selection on click for property editors
- SVG icons in Content Browser (#469)
- UI updates (#488)
- AngelBehaviour fixed
- Black preview in Material and Particle editors fixed
- Crash during import a new project fixed
- Editor: Component loses position in case of module rebuild #498
- Editor: Crash after stop of game simulation #495 (#496)
- Editor: Drag and drop component on the property leads to a crash #497
- Editor: Enter to game mode after plugin reload may lead to a crash #507
- Editor: GraphView unable to render creation link #506
- Editor: Icon not updating when reimporting a resource #510
- Editor: Preview functionality breaked #467
- Editor: Selected object in game mode may lead to a crash #508
- Editor: UI layer broken #468
- Editor: Unable to create Empty Actor #481 (#482)
- Editor: Unable to save changes in Prefab #479 (#480)
- Editor: Unable to select any Sprite for SpriteRender #504 (#505)
- Engine: Camera ignores object hierarchy #491 (#492)
- Hierarchy Browser various issues fixed
- Hierarchy crash fixed
- Mouse delta drift fixed
- Object Select default tab for components fixed
- Physics: Character controller has wrong collision #502
- Physics: Static colliders shouldn't use rigid bodies for collisions #493 (#494)
- Prefab creation issue fixed
- Proper deletion of children of object
- Render: Ambient Occlusion should affect unlit surfaces #475
- ShaderBuilder issues fixed
- Various bullet module issues fixed
- Components combining refactoring (#489)
- Default save of properties with type Component/Resource
- Editor view ports refactoring
- FreeType library update to 2.12.1
- Frustum culling refactoring
- Mesh Refactoring (#483)
- Mesh refactoring part 2 (#490)
- Mouse delta proper implementation for editor platform adapter
- Object mutex is moved to MutexPool
- Pipeline refactoring (#476)
- PlayerInput refactoring
- Ray cast refactoring
- Renderer Refactoring (#478)
- Resource management refactoring
- Scene refactoring (#470)
- SceneGraph refactoring (#503)
- Shader bindings update
- Transform getter in the Component
- Truncate tail 0 symbols in Float and Vector editors
Release 2022.1
- Editor: Raw materials in XML format #449 (#450)
- Editor: Vertex offset in the Material Editor. #447
- Editor: Visual Studio project generation #465
- Engine: Input bindings #458 (#459)
- Physic Colliders (#462)
- Render: The OpenGL render must be updated to meet the modern work with uniforms. #448 (#406)
- AngelScript regression fixed
- Build procedure is failed #453
- Crash fixed on Linux platform
- Editor settings issue fixed
- Editor: Unable to do hot reload of the project module. #455
- FilePath property size fixed
- Icons related issues in the Content Browser fixed on Linux platform
- Multiple Linux issues fixed
- Angel Script library updated
- Build scripts updated (#464)
- Editor: Class name rename in case of file rename. #451 (#452)
- Editor: Multiline selection in the ConsoleManager #456
- Editor: Plugin refactoring #445 (#446)
- GLFW update (#457)
- iOS platform tools moved to separate module
- Logger macro added to simplify syntax
- OffScreen rendering refactoring
- QBS Tools template added
- Quality of life improvements
- Texture converter and Sprite editor is moved to the TextureTools plugin
- Translations updated
Release 2021.4
- Builder: Automatic modules detection #433
- Editor: Code editor enhancements #413 (#405)
- Editor: Isolation mode #428 (#429)
- Editor: Prefab creation #427
- Editor: Reorder in the Hierarchy editor #434
- Editor: Selection disable in the Hierarchy widget #435
- Engine: Serialization of default settings on the disk #440
- New map asset should be based on chunk
- Asset focus for the icon render fixed
- Boolean property regression fixed
- Chunk related crash fixed
- Cursor issues fixed for the SceneComposer
- Drag and drop regression fixed
- Editor: Application crashed during the creation of empty Actor #437
- Editor: Application crashed in case of exit from game mode. #441
- Editor: Component select dialog works badly with multiple components. #439
- Editor: Drag and Drop map on the scene may lead to a crash #414
- Editor: Drag and drop object to itself leads to object disappear #420
- Editor: Handling of switching properties. #430
- Editor: Incorrect focus on objects. #422
- Editor: Invalid instances of the prefabs #423
- Editor: New project file can be saved without file suffix #425
- Editor: Only game object properties can contain checkboxes. #417
- Editor: Opening of any map doesn't load anything #438
- Editor: Preview window must be shown in game mode. #416
- Editor: Right-click on an item in the hierarchy must select item #424
- Editor: The Editor loses it's settings. #426
- Editor: Timer issues in game mode #431
- Editor: Unable to move the camera backward using the S button #411
- Editor: Unsaved text documents can be loosed #412
- Editor: Wrong positioning of a created node in the Material Editor #418
- Editor: Wrong 'TextRenderer' component displaying after re-open saved project #402
- Engine: Incorrect serialization of object connections #421
- Exit menu action fixed
- Import order fixed for Sprites
- Multiple Linux issues fixed
- Multiple Timeline issues fixed (#432)
- Property editors regression fixed
- Regression issue related to escape from the game mode fixed.
- SchemeEditor Undo/Redo modified flag fixed
- Script: Get the name of Actor leads to crash #443
- SkinnedMeshRender update in the editor fixed
- Texture Editor multiple issues fixed
- Undo/Redo management improved for the Timeline
- Widgets: RectTransform handles pivots and anchors incorrectly #436
Release 2021.3
- Editor: Get info button in 'Help'->'About WorldEditor' view #403
- Editor: Global/Local transform axes #388
- Editor: Hints for the editor controls #378
- Editor: Post effects menu #384
- Editor: Range property #386
- Engine: RenderTexture must be replaced with RenderTarget #365
- Render: Cascade bias value #368
- Render: PostProcessVolume #380
- Render: V-Sync setting #211
- Builder: Multiple issues with the conversion of maps and prefabs #400
- Crash in BulletSystem destructor in Bullet module fixed
- Editor: An empty object is created without a Transform component #364
- Editor: Camera control doesn't work for non-ENG keyboard layout #387
- Editor: Crash during removal of component #376
- Editor: Crash on gesture #382
- Editor: Crash on the start screen. #369
- Editor: Deletion of the Image component from the Button may lead to a crash. #408
- Editor: EditorTools works incorrectly with objects with no Renderable component #374
- Editor: Empty text file can lead to a crash #391
- Editor: Highlight for hierarchies #375
- Editor: Incorrect FBX import for meshes with several sub meshes. #377
- Editor: Main UI isn't shown in rare cases #392
- Editor: Multiple issues in the scheme editor #389
- Editor: Particle editor doesn't show effects #367
- Editor: Property Editor wrong behavior for the Vector3 properties #372
- Editor: Rotation controller looks wrong #363
- Editor: Scripts compile each time project opens #362
- Editor: Skinned meshes broken #379
- Editor: The asset editor can disappear in case of open a next asset #393
- Editor: Valid default settings for component #404
- Engine: Built game crashed. #399
- Engine: Cloning of an Invalid object leads to a crash. #396
- Engine: Disabled renderable components still visible on the screen. #407
- Engine: Maps are not fully resource #397
- Engine: SkinnedMeshRender broken. #366
- Engine: Unable to debug a game binary in the debug mode. #398
- 'WorldEditor' crashes on project creation #371
- Documentation updated
- File class API refactoring
- Plugin template changed to support a new version of API
- PostProcessorSettings refactoring
- Sphere asset corrected
- Texture refactoring
- Translations updated
- Ui Text issues fixed
Release 2021.2
- Editor: Actors placement helper API's #349
- Editor: Clear assignment for the component property #339
- Editor: Enum Properties #344
- Editor: Move existent components to groups #358
- Editor: Render Hardware Interface agnostic editor. #361
- Engine: Basic Gui module #360
- Engine: Default font asset for the engine #355
- Engine: Keyboard text input handling #356
- Engine: Tiled option for the SpriteRender #324
- Engine: Vertical alignment for the TextRender #348
- Scripts: Access to xyzw components for math vectors #357
- Scripts: Script-based properties must be visible in the Property Editor #343
- Editor: Deletion of opened in editor sprite may lead to crash #341
- Editor: Deletion of the Armature part of the prefab may lead to crash #342
- Editor: Double update for Renderable components #353
- Editor: Resize tool works incorrectly #345
- Editor: TextRender mesh changes may corrupt side meshes. #351
- Editor: Undo delete object two objects may lead to crash #340
- Engine: DefaultSprite material should react on alpha in color parameter. #352
- Engine: SpriteRender crashes the application. #347
- Engine: TextRender issues with Unicode #354
- Engine: TextRender leads to crash in case of tight width of text element #346
- Engine: Wrong mouse Y coordinate direction. #350
- Scripts: Deletion of the assigned object to the script may lead to a crash. #359
- Crashes in unit tests fixed
- Linux build fix
- MinGW build procedure fixed
- Minor refactoring to decrease coupling with QOpenGLWidget
- Render Pipeline optimizations
- Sprite Render API refactoring
- Text Render API refactoring
- Transform will not create automatically during the first request to the actor anymore
- Translations update