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Miguel Á. Armengol de la Hoz edited this page Mar 9, 2023 · 2 revisions

Table source: Hospital Clinic HIS (based on SAP), mov_events.

Table purpose: This table contains information about various vital signs monitored for patients during their hospital stay.

Links to:

  • ,,,,, on patient_deid
  • ,,,,, on hosp_stay_deid
  • dic_monitor_events on m_item_id, the itmes are:


Item Description SNOMED Code
conc_state The state of consciousness of the patient 271807003
hr_ecg Heart rate measured by EKG 364075005
hr_osc Heart rate measured by oscillometry 443911005
rr_ip Respiratory rate measured by impedance pneumography 313168005
rr Respiratory rate measured by other means 86290005
o2_sup Oxygen supplement 426802006
pa_s Systolic arterial pressure 75367002
presn Blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) 364075005 + 8480-6
pulsiox Oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry 271873002
pulse Pulse rate 364075005
temp_axi Axillary temperature measurement 16293005
temp_bu Temperature measured by bladder ultrasound 428421000124106
temp_ct Core temperature measurement 386725007
temp_tim Temperature measured in the tympanic region of the ear canal 368209003

Brief summary

This table contains information about various vital sign measurements for each patient's hospital stay, including heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, temperature, and others. These vital sign measurements are typically taken by monitoring equipment such as bedside monitors, and are important indicators of a patient's overall clinical status and response to treatment. Monitoring of vital signs is a critical component of patient care, allowing healthcare providers to detect and respond to changes in a patient's condition in a timely manner. The data in this table can be used for clinical research, quality improvement initiatives, and to inform clinical decision-making.

Table columns

Column Name Data Type Description
patient_deid INTEGER Unique identifier for each patient
hosp_stay_deid INTEGER Unique identifier for each hospital stay
stay_deid INTEGER Unique identifier for each stay
m_events_datetime_deid TIMESTAMP Date and time for each vital sign
m_events_user VARCHAR(50) The user who recorded the medical event
m_events_score INTEGER The score associated with vital sign recorded in the monitor
m_events_group_flag BOOLEAN Whether the vital sign is part of a group or not
m_item_id VARCHAR(50) The item ID associated with the vital sign recorded in the monitor
value VARCHAR(50) The value for the vital sign recorded in the monitor
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