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theonesp edited this page Nov 23, 2023 · 3 revisions

Table source: Clinic Hospital HIS (based on SAP). Specific tables: p_zero_stage.stay_events_stage, data_scope.exitus_scope.

Table purpose: Contains ward stay basic information for all stays.

Links to:

  • demog on patient_deid.
  • diag_events on hosp_stay_deid.
  • lab_events,monitor_events on ward_stay_deid.

Brief summary

Every row in the ward_stay_events table represents a period of time spent in the hospital's conventional ward during a hosp_stay. The start time of every ward stay can be the begining of the hospital admission or when the patient has left the ICU. The end time of every ward stay can be the when the patient has left the hospital, when the patient died o when the patient returned to the ICU. There can be several episodes of being discharged and admited again in the ICU for every hospital stay. The table also contains information on the length of stay hosp_los, mortality during the hospital stay hosp_mortality_bin. If the patient required an ICU transfer, this information was also recorded in to_icu field.

Table columns

It's important to note that each patient can have one or multiple hosp_stay(s), and each hosp_stay can have one or multiple wawrd_stays(s). Within each ward_stay, there is a field called ward_stay_seq_num, which sequentially numbers the order of stays.

Column Name Data Type Description
patient_deid INTEGER Unique identifier for each patient
hosp_stay_deid INTEGER Unique identifier for each hospital stay
ward_stay_deid INTEGER Unique identifier for each stay
ward_adm_date_deid TIMESTAMP Admission date for each ward stay
ward_disch_date_deid TIMESTAMP Discharge date for each ward stay
ward_stay_seq_num INTEGER Sequence number within the same ward stay
to_icu VARCHAR(5) Whether the patient was transferred to ICU or not
icu_los DECIMAL(10,2) ICU length of stay
hosp_los DECIMAL(10,2) Hospital length of stay
hosp_mortality_bin VARCHAR(5) Whether the patient died in the hospital or not
hosp_mortality_date_deid TIMESTAMP Hospital mortality date for each patient
data_extr_date_deid TIMESTAMP Date when the data was extracted for the record
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