TARDIS v3.0.dev4010
- a2ba04e add mailmap check workflow (#1644)
- 1016ed0 Adding Interactive Initialization Documentation (#1589)
- b69b093 Correct misspelling in sdec_plot (#1627)
- 07a2011 Formatting Logging Output for Simulation (#1632)
- 7a7d135 Changes to tardis environment (#1652)
- fa2925d Added functionality to detect running environment for simulations (#1650)
- 66b10ad Added flag to disable notebook rendering in Sphinx (#1615)
- e847a59 force orphan gh-pages branch (#1651)
- 049aa34 Restructure Documentation (#1643)
- 8aec326 Added fix for the packet logging while parallelism is enbaled. The vpacket collections are cached at the start of the loop and data is extracted afterwards (#1647)
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