Releases: solid-software/solid_lints
Releases · solid-software/solid_lints
What's Changed
- issue-182. fixed throw expression by @StarovNikita in #183
- Issue 167 by @StarovNikita in #185
- Issue 167 1 by @StarovNikita in #186
- Fixed tests in test folders by @Aygistov in #194
- Exclude copyWith method from number_of_parameters rule by @Aygistov in #196
- Update min Dart SDK to 3.5.0, update analyzer and custom_lint_builder dependencies by @yurii-prykhodko-solid in #199
- Fix docs deployment by @yurii-prykhodko-solid in #200
- Fix docs deployment action by @yurii-prykhodko-solid in #201
- Fix docs GitHub deployment by @solid-illiaaihistov in #202
New Contributors
- @StarovNikita made their first contribution in #183
- @Aygistov made their first contribution in #194
- @solid-illiaaihistov made their first contribution in #202
Full Changelog: 0.2.3...0.3.0
What's Changed
- Replace deprecated functions by @solid-glebvorobey in #180
Full Changelog: 0.2.2...0.2.3
What's Changed
- Fixed LintCode analyzer issues by @solid-glebvorobey in #178
Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.2.1
What's Changed
- Improved
to support ignoring the subtype of the node type (#157) by @Yarl745 in #158 - Fix improper super calls in proper_super_calls.dart and add Disposable interface in proper_super_calls_test.dart by @4akloon in #160
- 149-new-lint-avoid_final_with_getter by @4akloon in #161
- Add a rule
for reversing nested if statements by @velvitoff in #154 - add exclude params support to avoid_returning_widgets rule by @4akloon in #162
- add quick fix to avoid_final_with_getter by @4akloon in #164
- I168 by @sufftea in #169
- I166 by @sufftea in #170
- Fix analyzer issue, fix linter by @solid-glebvorobey in #177
New Contributors
- @Yarl745 made their first contribution in #158
- @4akloon made their first contribution in #160
- @velvitoff made their first contribution in #154
- @sufftea made their first contribution in #169
- @solid-glebvorobey made their first contribution in #177
Full Changelog: 0.1.5...0.2.0-fix
What's Changed
- Improved
to support ignoring the subtype of the node type (#157) by @Yarl745 in #158 - Fix improper super calls in proper_super_calls.dart and add Disposable interface in proper_super_calls_test.dart by @4akloon in #160
- 149-new-lint-avoid_final_with_getter by @4akloon in #161
- Add a rule
for reversing nested if statements by @velvitoff in #154 - add exclude params support to avoid_returning_widgets rule by @4akloon in #162
- add quick fix to avoid_final_with_getter by @4akloon in #164
- I168 by @sufftea in #169
- I166 by @sufftea in #170
- Fix analyzer issue, fix linter by @solid-glebvorobey in #177
New Contributors
- @Yarl745 made their first contribution in #158
- @4akloon made their first contribution in #160
- @velvitoff made their first contribution in #154
- @sufftea made their first contribution in #169
- @solid-glebvorobey made their first contribution in #177
Full Changelog: 0.1.5...0.2.0-latest
What's Changed
- Avoid debug print by @Viktor-Mudrytskyi in #134
- Fix for magic number lint by @Viktor-Mudrytskyi in #137
- Rename
by @yurii-prykhodko-solid in #138 - Avoid returning widgets lint improvement by @Viktor-Mudrytskyi in #139
- Fixed avoid_unused_parameters by @Viktor-Mudrytskyi in #140
- Refactored avoid_unnecessary_type_assertions by @DerhachevAndrii in #144
- Added
param forfunction_lines_of_code
lint by @DerhachevAndrii in #141
- Added
- Improved
to support true and false results by @DerhachevAndrii in #145
- Improved
New Contributors
- @Viktor-Mudrytskyi made their first contribution in #134
- @DerhachevAndrii made their first contribution in #144
Full Changelog: 0.1.4...0.1.5
What's Changed
- Add
dart run custom_lint
cmd to README by @yurii-prykhodko-solid in #129 - Remove deprecated linter rules by @yurii-prykhodko-solid in #132
- Bump version to 0.1.4, upd changelog by @yurii-prykhodko-solid in #133
Full Changelog: 0.1.3...0.1.4
Update custom_lints
Update custom_lints
Add documentation.
- No DCM dependency
- Migrated all DCM rules to custom_lint
- New rule by @getBoolean - avoid_using_api - mark any class/method as one that should be avoided and provide a reason for that