Note on skipped version
Due to issues with Sonatype Central repository, releases 1.10.1 and 1.10.2 failed with incosistent state, so 1.10.3 is the next version number after 1.10.0.
What’s Changed
- Don't publish artifacts for tests (#3652) @kciesielski
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.8.1 (#3649) @softwaremill-ci
- WebSockets for netty-cats (#3628) @kciesielski
- codegen: implement oneOf support (#3624) @hughsimpson
- Fix tapir on scala 3.4.0: an incorrect form of a tuple type being generated (#3643) @jchyb
- Making sure scala 2.13 is used when importing to IntelliJ (#3640) @ghik
- Lazy InputStream over Netty HttpContent Publisher (#3637) @ghik
- Codegen: Generate attributes on endpoints for any specification extensions defined on path or operation objects (#3599) @hughsimpson
- Simplified and refactored Netty-ReactiveStreams integration (#3636) @ghik
- Graceful Netty server shutdown in case of startup errors (#3558) @goawash
- codegen: Support default values in schema objects (#3614) @hughsimpson
- codegen: Jsoniter support (#840) (#3610) @hughsimpson
- Fix small wording issue in netty.md (#3619) @cptwunderlich
- Allow setting Server header in Netty config (#3615) @kciesielski
- Clear compilation warnings (#3618) @kciesielski
- Performance tests for loom-based backends (#3611) @kciesielski
- Added missing Schema/Codec for cats NonEmptyVector to integration module (#3612) @kastoestoramadus
Dependency updates
- Update swagger-ui to 5.13.0 (#3650) @softwaremill-ci
- Update gatling-sbt to 4.8.2 (#3648) @softwaremill-ci
- Update vertx-web to 4.5.7 (#3641) @softwaremill-ci
- Update fs2-reactive-streams to 3.10.2 (#3646) @softwaremill-ci
- Update armeria to 1.27.3 (#3638) @softwaremill-ci
- Update swagger-ui to 5.12.2 (#3639) @softwaremill-ci
- Update fs2-reactive-streams to 3.10.1 (#3635) @softwaremill-ci
- Update prometheus-metrics-core, ... to 1.2.0 (#3633) @softwaremill-ci
- Update netty-all to 4.1.108.Final (#3631) @softwaremill-ci
- Update vertx-web to 4.5.6 (#3632) @softwaremill-ci
- Update aws-lambda-java-runtime-interface-client to 2.5.0 (#3629) @softwaremill-ci
- Update sbt-buildinfo to 0.12.0 (#3630) @softwaremill-ci
- Update client3:akka-http-backend, ... to 3.9.5 (#3626) @softwaremill-ci
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... to 1.16.0 (#3627) @softwaremill-ci
- Update model:core to 1.7.9 (#3621) @softwaremill-ci
- Update fs2-reactive-streams to 3.10.0 (#3620) @softwaremill-ci
- Update swagger-ui to 5.12.0 (#3622) @softwaremill-ci
- Update model:core to 1.7.8 (#3616) @softwaremill-ci