A suite of MATLAB routines devised to provide an approximately optimal solution to an infinite-horizon stochastic optimal control problem. Its routines implement a policy improvement algorithm to optimise a Markov decision chain approximating the original control problem.
The latest version of InfSOCSol is 3.0.2. You can download a zip file here. Alternatively, if you are interested in testing the latest alterations to the codebase, you can download a zip file of the most recent bleeding-edge changes here.
Any issues can be reported to the authors via email, or you can lodge an error report in GitHub.
Download the InfSOCSol manual in PDF format here.
Please note that you don't need to worry about any of this unless you are interested in developing or correcting bugs in InfSOCSol.
InfSOCSol uses Python for testing. This works by taking advantage of the MATLAB Engine API for Python to launch and control MATLAB from Python, and similar support for Octave, provided by the Oct2Py package. Tests have been written to run on both MATLAB and Octave, so you need both to be installed in order to be able to run the tests.
To get started with testing, you need to install Python 3 and a number of packages, including pytest the SciPy suite of packages. The best installation method differs across systems. If you are using pip, you should be able to install most dependencies (MATLAB engine excepted) by executing the following command from the InfSOCSol folder:
pip3 install -e . --user
The following links provide some more info on installing the various Python packages required:
- For the MATLAB Engine API for Python, check out the instructions provided by MathWorks.
- For Oct2Py, check out their installation instructions.
- Check the SciPy website for more information on installing SciPy.
- Check the pytest website for instructions on installing pytest.
Assuming that you have installed everything, you are ready to run the tests. These are divided into two categories:
- Tests to check that InfSOCSol is producing correct results. These
tests are written as unit tests using
. - Tests to check the performance characteristics of InfSOCSol. These tests
use Python's built-in
Assuming you have installed all the necessary software, as described above,
where you have the InfSOCSol code and type python3 -m pytest
. This will run
the tests, and print out any warnings or errors.
These tests are all contained in the tests/test_*.py
The speed tests run iss_solve
over problems of various sizes in
order to check:
- whether performance meets or exceeds that of InfSOCSol version 2 (see here); and
- whether the overall time taken remains proportional to the number of states and CPUs.
In order to run the v2 speed tests, you need a copy of InfSOCSol2 in a folder
called v2
. If you checked this project out using git, you can achieve this
by typing the following:
git archive v2 | tar -x --one-top-level=v2
Currently speed tests can be run on two different problems:
will run speed tests on the "simple example" outlined in Appendix A of the manual.profile_fisheries_det_basic
will run speed tests on the fisheries example from Appendix B of the manual.
These are both written as functions in the tests/profile.py
file, and they
both take a single parameter, which gives the distribution of state sizes that
the speed tests should be run on. For example, profile_example_a([51, 101, 151, 201])
will run the "simple example" problem with a state space of 51
states, then again with 101 states, etc. For each state space size, the
problem will be run in the following environments:
- on InfSOCSol2, using MATLAB;
- on the current version, with:
- Octave and MATLAB with:
- 1 CPU; and
- as many CPUs as are present on the machine.
- Octave and MATLAB with:
Thus for every state space size, there are 5 different test environments. Thus for the above example where four different state space sizes were given, InfSOCSol is run a total of 20 times. As such, you may find it takes a while to complete.
The advised way to run these speed tests is in an IPython or Jupyter interactive session:
$ ipython
Python 3.7.3 (default, Jun 24 2019, 04:54:02)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.5.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: from tests.profile import *
In [2]: results = profile_example_a(range(51, 651, 150)) # = [51, 201, ... 501]
Eventually the above should return a [Pandas][pandas] DataFrame
containing the results. The columns give the combination of factors which
determine the InfSOCSol environment:
platform: The platform that the speed test ran on. Either "matlab" or "octave".
version: The version of InfSOCSol that was used "v2" indicates that the previous version of the code was used . "current" indicates the version in the current working directory.
cpus: The number of concurrent processes used (see Section 8 of the manual).
Each row of the table represents a state size, and each cell gives the time in
seconds that iss_solve
took to execute. Output should look like the
following example:
In [3]: results
version current v2
platform matlab octave matlab
cpus 1 4 1 4 1
51 10.181718 15.393319 162.370778 90.659581 12.918385
201 30.418551 38.674121 156.371318 74.482835 53.305833
351 57.859271 70.279733 319.268827 156.313141 84.332884
The fisheries speed test can be run in a similar way. However, because the
fisheries example is two-dimensional, the list of states provided to the
function is used to give the number of states in each dimension. For example,
profile_fisheries_det_basic([10, 20, 30, 40])
will run iss_solve
with state
spaces of 100 states, 400 states, etc. This in turn means that one should
expect the time results to be proportional to the square of the number of
states shown in the resulting dataset, as this will be the actual number of
states considered.
You should be able to use the .plot()
to plot graphs of the datasets produced by the speed tests. Presuming the
table has been stored in the results
variable (as in the above example), you
should be able to type results.plot()
to see a line graph.
Viabaility Kernel Approximation, Analysis and Simulation Application. This is a MATLAB/Octave program which uses InfSOCSol under the hood to produce viability kernels.
Find out more about VIKAASA at its GitHub page.
Copyright 2019 Jacek B. Krawczyk and Alastair Pharo. Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.