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GHC testsuite rules status #669

alpmestan opened this issue Aug 31, 2018 · 25 comments

GHC testsuite rules status #669

alpmestan opened this issue Aug 31, 2018 · 25 comments


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I'm creating this issue to track the work on the testsuite rules that I just resumed. Right now, when I run:

hadrian/ -c -j4 --flavour=perf --build-root=_tmp test

I see a lot of failures.

Test results
Unexpected results from:
TEST="Capi_Ctype_001 Capi_Ctype_002 CaseBinderCPR Conversions DeriveNull DocsInHiFile0 DocsInHiFile1 EvalTest HyperStrUse ImpSafeOnly01 ImpSafeOnly02 ImpSafeOnly03 ImpSafeOnly04 ImpSafeOnly05 ImpSafeOnly06 ImpSafeOnly07 ImpSafeOnly08 ImpSafeOnly09 ImpSafeOnly10 IndTypesPerf InlineArrayAlloc InlineByteArrayAlloc InlineCloneArrayAlloc IntegerConversionRules InternalCounters MethSharing NewTyCo Orphans Ppr001 Ppr002 Ppr003 Ppr004 Ppr005 Ppr006 Ppr007 Ppr008 Ppr009 Ppr010 Ppr011 Ppr012 Ppr013 Ppr014 Ppr015 Ppr016 Ppr017 Ppr018 Ppr019 Ppr020 Ppr021 Ppr022 Ppr023 Ppr024 Ppr025 Ppr026 Ppr027 Ppr028 Ppr029 Ppr030 Ppr031 Ppr032 Ppr033 Ppr034 Ppr035 Ppr036 Ppr037 Ppr038 Ppr039 Ppr040 Ppr041 Ppr042 Ppr043 Ppr044 Ppr045 Ppr046 Ppr048 Roles12 T10052 T10083 T10182 T10255 T10268 T10269 T10272 T10276 T10278 T10280 T10294 T10294a T10296a T10296b T10307 T10309 T10312 T10313 T10320 T10354 T10357 T10358 T10359 T10396 T10399 T10408 T10414 T10420 T10458 T10598 T10694 T10728 T10869 T10923 T10955dyn T10989 T11018 T11148 T11155 T11223_link_order_a_b_2_fail T11223_link_order_a_b_succeed T11223_link_order_b_a_2_succeed T11223_link_order_b_a_succeed T11223_simple_duplicate_lib T11223_simple_link T11223_simple_link_lib T11223_simple_unused_duplicate_lib T11244 T11272 T11321 T1133 T11332 T1133A T11389 T11430 T11478 T11489 T11627b T11788 T11798 T12010 T12023 T12370 T12417 T12485 T12485a T12504 T12567a T12600 T12603 T12733 T12877 T1288_ghci T12955 T12962 T12971 T12990 T12996 T13001 T13025 T13050p T13092 T13092b T13092c T13143 T13155 T13156 T13163 T13168 T13191 T13199 T13317 T13340 T13350 T13367 T13392 T13414 T13468 T13543 T13550 T13585 T13604 T13604a T13623 T13702 T13703 T13710 T1372 T13803 T13807 T13914 T13938 T13942 T14028 T1407 T14075 T14140 T14170 T14257 T14289 T14289b T14289c T14306 T14335 T14346 T14434 T14465 T14626 T14695 T14702 T14774 T14815 T149 T14900 T14931 T14934 T14936 T14955 T14978 T15012 T15056 T15188 T15226 T15226a T15261a T15261b T15303 T1750 T1791 T1792_imports T1959 T2014 T2182 T2228 T2276_ghci T2386 T2412 T2507 T2552 T2566 T2578 T2615 T2636 T2740 T2902 T2976 T2991 T3007 T3055 T3103 T3171 T3231 T3234 T3307 T3333 T3364 T3429 T3449 T3586 T3674 T3717 T3736 T3738 T3772 T3823 T3837 T3890 T3924 T3990 T3994 T4003 T4007 T4059 T4138 T4201 T4239 T4240 T4267 T4306 T4334 T4340 T437 T4474a T4474b T4474c T4830 T4850 T4891 T4903 T4908 T4918 T4930 T4945 T4957 T4978 T5113 T5147 T5168 T5198 T5205 T5237 T5252 T5252Take2 T5327 T5363 T5366 T5402 T5423 T5435_dyn_asm T5435_dyn_gcc T5435_v_asm_a T5435_v_asm_b T5435_v_gcc T5442a T5442b T5442c T5442d T5536 T5549 T5558 T5559 T5584 T5594 T5615 T5623 T5658b T5776 T5792 T5881 T5949 T5955 T5996 T6006 T6025 T6037 T6054 T6106 T6145 T6152 T680 T7014 T7022 T703 T7037 T7040_ghci T706 T7060 T7116 T7165 T7171 T7257 T7299 T7321 T7354a T7360 T7438 T7445 T7476 T7563 T7619 T7796 T7797 T7815 T7835 T7859 T7865 T7962 T7963 T7969 T8002 T8011 T8124 T8129 T8184 T8209 T8221 T8227 T8242 T8274 T8308 T8333 T8430 T8449 T8472 T8500 T8601 T8624 T8628 T8639_api T876 T8766 T8832 T8848 T8959a T9032 T9078 T9086 T9203 T9204 T9208 T9263 T9293 T9405 T9509 T9579_outofheap_rtsall T9579_outofheap_rtsall_no_suggestions T9579_outofheap_rtsnone T9579_outofheap_rtssome T9579_stackoverflow_rtsall T9579_stackoverflow_rtsall_no_suggestions T9579_stackoverflow_rtsnone T9579_stackoverflow_rtssome T9905 T9905b T9905fail1 T9905fail2 T9905fail3 T9930fail T9938 T9938B TH_Depends TH_spliceE5_prof TH_spliceE5_prof_ext Tc267 Tc271 annotations apirecomp001 atomicxchg base01 bkpcabal01 bkpcabal02 bkpcabal03 bkpcabal04 bkpcabal05 bkpcabal06 bkpcabal07 boolFormula break001 break005 break006 break026 break027 bug1465 bug1677 bundle-export cabal01 cabal03 cabal04 cabal05 cabal06 cabal08 cabal09 comments compact_append compact_autoexpand compact_bench compact_cycle compact_function compact_gc compact_huge_array compact_largemap compact_loop compact_mutable compact_pinned compact_serialize compact_share compact_simple compact_simple_array compact_threads conc069 conc069a conc070 conc072 concio001 concio001.thr conflicting_flags debug determ002 determ003 determ005 determ006 determ007 determ008 determ009 determ010 determ011 determ012 determ013 determ014 determ015 determ016 determ017 determ018 determ019 determ021 determ022 driver011 driver012 driver013 driver014 driver015 driver016 driver017 driver018 driver018a driver019 driver021 driver022 driver023 driver024 driver024a driver025 driver026 driver027 driver028 driver031 driver032 driver033 driver034 driver035 driver041 driver042 driver042stub driver043 driver044 driver045 driver051 driver052 driver053 driver061a driver061b driver062a driver062b driver062c driver062d driver062e driver063 driver064 driver065 driver066 driver067 driver070 driver071 driver081a driver081b driver100 driver200 drvfail016 dynbrk002 environment001 exampleTest exec_signals ffi002 ffi014 ffi018_ghci ffi023 ffishutdown forkprocess01 fromToInteger gadt17 gadt23 ghc-e-fail1 ghc-e-fail2 ghc-e001 ghc-e002 ghc-e003 ghc-e004 ghc-e005 ghc-e006 ghci037 ghci055 ghci056 ghci057 ghcilink001 ghcilink002 ghcilink003 ghcilink004 ghcilink005 ghcilink006 ghciprog004 ghcpkg01 ghcpkg02 ghcpkg03 ghcpkg04 ghcpkg05 ghcpkg06 ghcpkg07 haddock.Cabal haddock.base haddock.compiler hist001 hist002 hpc_ghc_ghci hsc2hs001 hsc2hs002 hsc2hs003 hsc2hs004 inline-check integerConstantFolding join004 join007 layout001 layout002 layout003 layout004 layout005 layout006 layout007 layout008 layout009 lazy-bs-alloc linker_error1 linker_error2 linker_error3 linker_unload linkwhole listcomps literals load-main load_short_name memo001 memo002 mod144 mod146 mod158 mod160 mod165 mod166 mod167 mod175 mode001 numa001 numsparks001 nursery-chunks1 outofmem outofmem2 parseTree parsed plugin-recomp-change plugin-recomp-change-prof plugin-recomp-flags plugin-recomp-impure plugin-recomp-pure plugins01 plugins02 plugins03 plugins07 plugins08 plugins09 plugins10 plugins11 plugins12 plugins13 plugins14 plugins15 print001 print002 print003 print004 print005 print006 print008 print010 print012 print013 print014 print016 print017 print023 print024 print028 process007 prof-doc-fib prof-doc-last profinline001 prog014 read041 recomp003 recomp004 recomp009 recomp010 recomp011 recomp012 recomp013 recomp015 recomp016 retc001 retc003 rn.prog006 rtsopts001 rtsopts002 safePkg01 scc001 scc002 scc003 scc005 shadow showsrcspan simpl021 space_leak_001 spec-inline stm056 str-rules sum_mod tc170 tc173 tc245 tc266 testwsdeque withRtsOpts write_interface_make write_interface_oneshot"

SUMMARY for test run started at Thu Aug 30 19:10:39 2018 CEST
 0:21:40 spent to go through
    6527 total tests, which gave rise to
   24015 test cases, of which
   17508 were skipped

      27 had missing libraries
    5635 expected passes
      96 expected failures

      56 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       1 unexpected passes
     704 unexpected failures
      43 unexpected stat failures

Unexpected passes:
   testsuite/tests/stranal/should_compile/  T9208 [unexpected] (optasm)

Unexpected failures:
   testsuite/tests/backpack/cabal/bkpcabal01/                 bkpcabal01 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/backpack/cabal/bkpcabal02/                 bkpcabal02 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/backpack/cabal/bkpcabal03/                 bkpcabal03 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/backpack/cabal/bkpcabal04/                 bkpcabal04 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/backpack/cabal/bkpcabal05/                 bkpcabal05 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/backpack/cabal/bkpcabal06/                 bkpcabal06 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/backpack/cabal/bkpcabal07/                 bkpcabal07 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                       ghcpkg01 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                       ghcpkg02 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                       ghcpkg03 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                       ghcpkg04 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                       ghcpkg05 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                       ghcpkg06 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                       ghcpkg07 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                          T1750 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                         T5442a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                         T5442b [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                         T5442c [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                         T5442d [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                         shadow [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                        T12485a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/                                         T13703 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/T12485/                                  T12485 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/T12733/                                  T12733 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/cabal01/                                cabal01 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/cabal03/                                cabal03 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/cabal04/                                cabal04 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/cabal05/                                cabal05 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/cabal06/                                cabal06 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/cabal08/                                cabal08 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/cabal09/                                cabal09 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cmm/opt/                                       T15188 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/                         T2578 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/                         debug [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/                        T14626 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/                            T10414 [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/                            T14346 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/                        conc069 [bad exit code] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/                       conc069a [bad exit code] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/                        conc070 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/                        conc072 [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/                          T3429 [exit code non-0] (debug_numa)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/                   numsparks001 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/                          T5558 [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/                         T5252 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/                    T5252Take2 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/                        T14815 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/dependent/should_compile/                      T13938 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/                        T1133 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/                       T11148 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/                      drvfail016 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/                          T1133A [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/T13807/                            T13807 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ002/                      determ002 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ003/                      determ003 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ005/                      determ005 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ006/                      determ006 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ007/                      determ007 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ008/                      determ008 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ009/                      determ009 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ010/                      determ010 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ011/                      determ011 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ012/                      determ012 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ013/                      determ013 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ014/                      determ014 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ015/                      determ015 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ016/                      determ016 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ017/                      determ017 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ018/                      determ018 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ019/                      determ019 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ021/                      determ021 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/determinism/determ022/                      determ022 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver011 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver012 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver013 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver014 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver015 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver016 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver017 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver018 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                    driver018a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver022 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver019 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver021 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver023 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                    driver024a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver025 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver024 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver026 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver032 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver027 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver028 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver031 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver033 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver034 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver041 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver035 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver042 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                 driver042stub [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver043 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver044 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver045 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver051 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver052 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver053 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                    driver061a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                    driver062a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                    driver062b [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                    driver061b [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                    driver062c [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                    driver062d [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                    driver062e [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver063 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver064 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver066 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver065 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver067 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver070 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver071 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                    driver081a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                    driver081b [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver100 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                         T2566 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                     driver200 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                       mode001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                         T3674 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                    rtsopts001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                    rtsopts002 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                   withRtsOpts [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                         T3364 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                          T706 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                         T5584 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                         T5198 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                         T7060 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                         T6037 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                         T7563 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                         T2507 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                          T703 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                        T8959a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                         T2182 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                       write_interface_oneshot [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                          write_interface_make [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                         T9938 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                        T9938B [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                        T10182 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                        T10869 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                        T10320 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                        T10923 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                        T12971 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                        T12955 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                        T13604 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                       T13604a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                                  inline-check [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/T13392/                                 T13392 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/T13710/                                 T13710 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/T1372/                                   T1372 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/T13803/                                 T13803 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/T13914/                                 T13914 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/T14075/                                 T14075 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/T1959/                                   T1959 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/T3007/                                   T3007 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/T437/                                     T437 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/T5147/                                   T5147 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/T7835/                                   T7835 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/T8184/                                   T8184 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/bug1677/                               bug1677 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/conflicting_flags/           conflicting_flags [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/linkwhole/                           linkwhole [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/recomp003/                           recomp003 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/recomp004/                           recomp004 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/recomp009/                           recomp009 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/recomp010/                           recomp010 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/recomp011/                           recomp011 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/recomp012/                           recomp012 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/recomp013/                           recomp013 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/recomp015/                           recomp015 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/recomp016/                           recomp016 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/retc001/                               retc001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/retc003/                               retc003 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/dynlibs/                                       T13702 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                                ffi002 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                                ffi014 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                           ffi018_ghci [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                            T1288_ghci [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                            T2276_ghci [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                                 T5402 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                                 T5594 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                        Capi_Ctype_002 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                        Capi_Ctype_001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                                ffi023 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/gadt/                                          gadt17 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/gadt/                                          gadt23 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/gadt/                                           T7321 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/generics/                                      T15012 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/                                        T6145 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/                                    T8639_api [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/                                        T8628 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/T10052/                                T10052 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/T4891/                                  T4891 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                        parseTree [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                      annotations [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                         comments [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                      exampleTest [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                        listcomps [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10255 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10268 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10269 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10280 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10312 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10307 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10309 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                      boolFormula [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10357 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10358 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10278 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10354 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10396 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10399 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10313 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T11018 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                    bundle-export [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10598 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T10276 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T11321 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T11332 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T11430 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                        load-main [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T12417 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T13163 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/                           T15303 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations-literals/                literals [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations-literals/                  parsed [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/apirecomp001/                    apirecomp001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/show-srcspan/                     showsrcspan [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_fail/                              T7962 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_fail/                         T9905fail1 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_fail/                         T9905fail2 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_fail/                         T9905fail3 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_fail/                        ghc-e-fail1 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_fail/                        ghc-e-fail2 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_fail/                          T9930fail [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                            ghc-e001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                            ghc-e002 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                            ghc-e003 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                            ghc-e004 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                            ghc-e005 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                            ghc-e006 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                               T2228 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                               T2636 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                               T3890 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                               T7299 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                               T9086 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                               T9905 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                              T9905b [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-e/should_run/                              T11478 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/                             ghcilink001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/                             ghcilink003 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/                             ghcilink002 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/                             ghcilink004 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/                             ghcilink005 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/                             ghcilink006 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/                                   T3333 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/dyn/                     load_short_name [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/dyn/                           T10955dyn [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/dyn/                               T1407 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/dyn/                              T10458 [bad exit code] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/prog004/                             ghciprog004 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                                 ghci037 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                                 ghci055 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                                 ghci057 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                                 ghci056 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                                   T2976 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                                   T6106 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                                   T9293 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                                  T10408 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                                  T10989 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                                  T11389 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                                  T12023 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print001 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print002 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print001 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print003 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print002 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print004 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print003 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print005 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print004 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print006 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print005 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print006 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print008 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print008 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print010 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print012 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print010 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print012 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print013 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print014 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print016 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print013 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print014 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print017 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print016 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print017 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print023 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print024 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print023 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print024 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print028 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       print028 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       break001 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       break001 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       break005 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       break006 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       break005 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       break006 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       break026 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       break027 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       break026 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                       break027 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                      dynbrk002 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                      dynbrk002 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                        hist001 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                        hist002 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                          T2740 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                        hist001 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                        hist002 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/                          T2740 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/hpc/                                            T2991 [exit code non-0] (hpc)
   testsuite/tests/hpc/                                           T11798 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/hsc2hs/                                     hsc2hs001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/hsc2hs/                                     hsc2hs002 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/hsc2hs/                                     hsc2hs003 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/hsc2hs/                                     hsc2hs004 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/hsc2hs/                                         T3837 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/hsc2hs/                                         T4340 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/hsc2hs/                                        T10272 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/hsc2hs/                                        T12504 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/                 NewTyCo [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/            IndTypesPerf [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/                   T5955 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/                   T6152 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/                   T8002 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/                   T8011 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/                   T8500 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/T13092b/         T13092b [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/                     T7354a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/                      T8227 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/                      T8129 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T13092/              T13092 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T13092c/            T13092c [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/layout/                                     layout001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/layout/                                     layout002 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/layout/                                     layout003 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/layout/                                     layout004 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/layout/                                     layout005 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/layout/                                     layout006 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/layout/                                     layout007 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/layout/                                     layout009 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/layout/                                     layout008 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/lib/integer/                   integerConstantFolding [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/lib/integer/                            fromToInteger [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/lib/integer/                   IntegerConversionRules [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/module/                                        mod144 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/module/                                        mod146 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/module/                                        mod158 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/module/                                        mod160 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/module/                                        mod165 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/module/                                        mod166 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/module/                                        mod167 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/module/base01/                                 base01 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/module/mod175/                                 mod175 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/numeric/should_compile/                         T7116 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/numeric/should_compile/                        T14170 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/numeric/should_compile/                        T14465 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/                             T7014 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/                        read041 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/T7476/                    T7476 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/                             T8430 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/                            T13414 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/patsyn/should_compile/T13350/                  T13350 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/                                  T4007 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/                            haddock.base [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/                           haddock.Cabal [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/                        haddock.compiler [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                                T3736 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                                T2902 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                                 T149 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                    plugins01 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                    plugins02 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                    plugins03 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                    plugins07 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                    plugins08 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                    plugins09 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                    plugins11 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                    plugins12 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                    plugins13 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                    plugins14 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                    plugins15 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                       T10420 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                       T10294 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                      T10294a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                       T11244 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                      T12567a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                           plugin-recomp-pure [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                                       T14335 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                          plugin-recomp-flags [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                         plugin-recomp-impure [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                         plugin-recomp-change [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                    plugin-recomp-change-prof [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/polykinds/                                      T5881 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/polykinds/                                      T6025 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/polykinds/                                      T6054 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/polykinds/                                      T7022 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/polykinds/                                      T7438 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/polykinds/                                      T8449 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/polykinds/                                      T9263 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr002 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr003 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr004 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr005 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr006 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr007 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr008 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr009 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr010 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr011 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr012 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr013 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr014 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr015 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr016 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr017 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr018 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr019 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr020 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr021 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr022 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr023 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr024 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr025 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr026 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr027 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr028 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr029 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr030 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr031 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr032 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr033 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr034 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr035 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr036 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr037 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr038 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr039 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr040 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr041 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr042 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr043 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr044 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr045 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr046 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       Ppr048 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       T13199 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       T13550 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                      T13050p [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       T13942 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       T14289 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                      T14289b [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                      T14289c [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                                       T14306 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/                      T14931 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                          T11489 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                          scc001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                          scc002 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                          scc003 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                          scc005 [bad profile] (profasm)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                          scc005 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                            T680 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                           T2552 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                    prof-doc-fib [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                   prof-doc-last [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                           T5559 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                   profinline001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                         T11627b [bad exit code] (prof_hc_hb)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                           T5363 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                          T14257 [bad exit code] (prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                          T14257 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                          T12962 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/quasiquotation/                                T14028 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rename/prog006/                            rn.prog006 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rename/should_compile/                  T1792_imports [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rename/should_compile/                          T3823 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rename/should_compile/                          T4003 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rename/should_compile/                          T3449 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rename/should_compile/                          T4239 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rename/should_compile/                          T4240 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rename/should_compile/                          T7963 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rename/should_compile/                          T7969 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rename/should_compile/T3103/                    T3103 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/                             T9032 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/roles/should_fail/                            Roles12 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/roles/should_fail/                              T9204 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                         outofmem [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                        outofmem2 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                      testwsdeque [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                       atomicxchg [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                            T4059 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                            T2615 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                            T4850 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                            T5423 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                    T5435_v_asm_a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                    T5435_v_asm_b [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                     exec_signals [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                      T5435_v_gcc [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                    T5435_dyn_asm [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                    T5435_dyn_gcc [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                            T6006 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                            T7037 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                       T7040_ghci [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                      ffishutdown [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                    linker_unload [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                            T8209 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                            T8124 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                            T8242 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                            T9078 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                    linker_error1 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                    linker_error2 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                    linker_error3 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                            T9405 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                           T11788 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                          T10296a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                           T10728 [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                          T10296b [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                           T14695 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                           T14900 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                 InternalCounters [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                          numa001 [exit code non-0] (debug_numa)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                           T14702 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T11223/                        T11223_simple_link [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T11223/                    T11223_simple_link_lib [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T11223/               T11223_simple_duplicate_lib [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T11223/        T11223_simple_unused_duplicate_lib [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                  nursery-chunks1 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T11223/             T11223_link_order_a_b_succeed [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T11223/             T11223_link_order_b_a_succeed [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T11223/              T11223_link_order_a_b_2_fail [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T11223/           T11223_link_order_b_a_2_succeed [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T15261/                                   T15261a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T15261/                                   T15261b [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T1791/                                      T1791 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T8308/                                      T8308 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T9579/                T9579_stackoverflow_rtsnone [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T9579/                T9579_stackoverflow_rtssome [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T9579/                 T9579_stackoverflow_rtsall [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T9579/  T9579_stackoverflow_rtsall_no_suggestions [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T9579/                    T9579_outofheap_rtsnone [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T9579/                    T9579_outofheap_rtssome [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T9579/                     T9579_outofheap_rtsall [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/T9579/      T9579_outofheap_rtsall_no_suggestions [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/runghc/                                         T7859 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/runghc/                                         T8601 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/                    safePkg01 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/                ImpSafeOnly01 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/                ImpSafeOnly02 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/                ImpSafeOnly03 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/                ImpSafeOnly04 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/                ImpSafeOnly06 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/                ImpSafeOnly05 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/                ImpSafeOnly07 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/                ImpSafeOnly10 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/                ImpSafeOnly08 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/                ImpSafeOnly09 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/showIface/                                    Orphans [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/showIface/                              DocsInHiFile0 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/showIface/                              DocsInHiFile1 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T3234 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T3717 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T3055 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T4908 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T4930 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                 spec-inline [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T4306 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T4201 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T3772 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                    EvalTest [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T4903 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T4918 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T4945 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T4957 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T5168 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                    simpl021 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T5327 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T5615 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T5623 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T13155 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T5776 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T5658b [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T4138 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T7165 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T5366 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T7796 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T7360 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T7865 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T8221 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T8274 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T5996 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T8832 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T8848 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T10083 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T11155 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T3990 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                       T9509 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T12603 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T12877 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T13025 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T13156 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T13143 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                   str-rules [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T13317 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T13340 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T13367 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T13468 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T11272 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T12600 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T13543 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T14140 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T14978 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/                      T15056 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/stranal/should_compile/                        T10694 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/                             HyperStrUse [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/                                  T12370 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/                           CaseBinderCPR [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/th/                                  TH_spliceE5_prof [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/                              TH_spliceE5_prof_ext [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/                                             T2386 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/                                        TH_Depends [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/                                             T7445 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/                                             T8333 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/                                             T8624 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/T2014/                                       T2014 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/T13168/                              T13168 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/bug1465/                            bug1465 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                       tc170 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                       tc173 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                       tc245 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                       T2412 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                       tc266 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                       Tc267 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                       Tc271 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                       T5792 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                       T7171 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                      T13585 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                      T14434 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                      T14774 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                      T14934 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/module/                           sum_mod [bad exit code] (normal)
   libraries/hpc/tests/ghc_ghci/                            hpc_ghc_ghci [bad exit code] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/                                         memo001 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/                                         memo002 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/IO/                                        T3307 [bad exit code] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/IO/                               environment001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/IO/T12010/                                T12010 [bad exit code] (threaded1)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                           compact_simple [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                           compact_simple [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                             compact_loop [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                             compact_loop [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                           compact_append [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                       compact_autoexpand [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                           compact_append [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                       compact_autoexpand [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                       compact_huge_array [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                     compact_simple_array [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                        compact_serialize [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                       compact_huge_array [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                     compact_simple_array [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                         compact_largemap [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                        compact_serialize [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                          compact_threads [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                         compact_largemap [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                            compact_cycle [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                          compact_threads [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                         compact_function [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                            compact_cycle [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                          compact_mutable [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                         compact_function [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                           compact_pinned [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                          compact_mutable [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                               compact_gc [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                           compact_pinned [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                            compact_share [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                            compact_bench [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                               compact_gc [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                            compact_share [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                            compact_bench [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/process/tests/                                   process007 [bad exit code] (normal)
   libraries/process/tests/                                        T3231 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   libraries/process/tests/                                        T3994 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   libraries/stm/tests/                                           stm056 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   libraries/unix/tests/                                   forkprocess01 [exit code non-0] (threaded1_ls)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                                            T7815 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   libraries/base/tests/IO/                                    concio001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/IO/                                concio001.thr [bad exit code] (normal)

Unexpected stat failures:
   testsuite/tests/callarity/perf/                   T3924 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/join_points/               join004 [stat not good enough] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T10359 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T4830 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T14955 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/join_points/               join007 [stat not good enough] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T3586 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/          lazy-bs-alloc [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                   T876 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T3738 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5113 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/            MethSharing [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T4978 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5205 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T4474c [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T4474a [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T4474b [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5237 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/            Conversions [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T7257 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5536 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T7797 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5949 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T4267 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T7619 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/       InlineArrayAlloc [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/   InlineByteArrayAlloc [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/  InlineCloneArrayAlloc [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T9203 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T8472 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T12996 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T13001 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T12990 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/             DeriveNull [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T14936 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T13623 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T15226 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                T15226a [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/space_leaks/        space_leak_001 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/space_leaks/                 T4334 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5549 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/                             T8766 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/                            T13191 [stat not good enough] (normal)

Framework failures:
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                  ffi002 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/             ffi018_ghci [ghci] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/              T1288_ghci [ghci] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/              T2276_ghci [ghci] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                   T5402 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                   T5594 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                  ffi023 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/dyn/                 T1407 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/dyn/                T10458 [ghci] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/prog014/                   prog014 [ghci] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                   ghci056 [ghci] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                     T6106 [ghci] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/should_run/                  T3171 [normal] ([Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/ghci/should_run/')
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/              haddock.base [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../libraries/base/dist-install/haddock.t)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/             haddock.Cabal [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../libraries/Cabal/Cabal/dist-install/haddock.t)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/          haddock.compiler [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../compiler/stage2/haddock.t)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      plugins01 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      plugins02 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      plugins03 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      plugins07 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      plugins08 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      plugins09 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      plugins10 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      plugins11 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      plugins12 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      plugins13 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      plugins14 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      plugins15 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                         T10420 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                         T10294 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                        T10294a [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                         T11244 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                        T12567a [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                         T14335 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/             plugin-recomp-pure [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/            plugin-recomp-flags [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/           plugin-recomp-impure [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/           plugin-recomp-change [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/      plugin-recomp-change-prof [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                              T2615 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                       exec_signals [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                              T6006 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                         T7040_ghci [ghci] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                              T8124 [threaded1] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/  ImpSafeOnly01 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/  ImpSafeOnly02 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/  ImpSafeOnly03 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/  ImpSafeOnly05 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/  ImpSafeOnly04 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/  ImpSafeOnly06 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/  ImpSafeOnly07 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/  ImpSafeOnly08 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/  ImpSafeOnly09 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   testsuite/tests/safeHaskell/check/pkg01/  ImpSafeOnly10 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   libraries/process/tests/                     process007 [normal] (pre_cmd failed: 2)
   libraries/process/tests/                          T3994 [threaded1] (pre_cmd failed: 2)

Let's get this unexpected failures number down. If it's alright, I will use this issue to report the problems that cause those failures and track PRs that address them, along with the new test results that result from my patches. It just didn't feel appropriate to steal existing issues for this.

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Many thanks @alpmestan!

I will check if there are any outdated testsuite related issues and will close them.

There is also this PR #639, which now seems abandoned. Feel free to close it.

This was referenced Sep 1, 2018
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alpmestan commented Sep 3, 2018

hsc2hs is expected under _build/stage1/bin/hsc2hs but not needed by the test rules. This is fixed by #672.

With this patch, f I only run the failing tests from the first comment, I get:

Test results
Unexpected results from:
TEST="CaseBinderCPR Conversions DeriveNull HyperStrUse InlineArrayAlloc InlineByteArrayAlloc InlineCloneArrayAlloc InternalCounters MethSharing Ppr001 Ppr002 Ppr003 Ppr004 Ppr005 Ppr006 Ppr007 Ppr008 Ppr009 Ppr010 Ppr011 Ppr012 Ppr013 Ppr014 Ppr015 Ppr016 Ppr017 Ppr018 Ppr019 Ppr020 Ppr021 Ppr022 Ppr023 Ppr024 Ppr025 Ppr026 Ppr027 Ppr028 Ppr029 Ppr030 Ppr031 Ppr032 Ppr033 Ppr034 Ppr035 Ppr036 Ppr037 Ppr038 Ppr039 Ppr040 Ppr041 Ppr042 Ppr043 Ppr044 Ppr045 Ppr046 Ppr048 T10255 T10268 T10269 T10276 T10278 T10280 T10294 T10294a T10296b T10307 T10309 T10312 T10354 T10357 T10358 T10359 T10396 T10399 T10414 T10420 T10598 T10694 T10728 T11018 T11321 T11332 T11627b T12010 T12370 T12417 T12567a T12603 T12962 T12990 T12996 T13001 T13050p T13143 T13163 T13168 T13191 T13199 T13340 T13543 T13550 T13623 T13702 T13942 T14289 T14289b T14289c T14306 T14346 T14465 T14702 T14931 T14936 T14955 T15056 T15226 T15226a T15303 T2552 T2740 T2976 T3055 T3231 T3429 T3586 T3717 T3738 T3772 T3924 T3994 T4267 T4334 T4474a T4474b T4474c T4830 T4850 T4908 T4930 T4978 T5113 T5205 T5237 T5327 T5363 T5536 T5549 T5558 T5559 T5949 T680 T7257 T7360 T7619 T7797 T7815 T7865 T8124 T8209 T8242 T8472 T876 T8766 T8832 T9078 T9203 T9208 T9293 TH_spliceE5_prof TH_spliceE5_prof_ext atomicxchg boolFormula break001 break005 break006 break026 break027 bundle-export conc069 conc069a conc070 conc072 debug dynbrk002 exampleTest ffi014 ffishutdown forkprocess01 ghci055 ghci057 haddock.Cabal haddock.base haddock.compiler hist001 hist002 inline-check integerConstantFolding join004 join007 lazy-bs-alloc linker_error1 linker_error2 linker_error3 load-main memo001 numa001 numsparks001 nursery-chunks1 plugin-recomp-change plugin-recomp-change-prof plugin-recomp-flags plugin-recomp-impure plugin-recomp-pure plugins01 plugins07 plugins09 plugins11 plugins12 plugins13 plugins14 plugins15 print001 print002 print003 print004 print005 print006 print008 print010 print012 print013 print014 print016 print017 print023 print024 print028 prof-doc-fib prof-doc-last profinline001 scc001 scc002 scc003 scc005 space_leak_001 spec-inline stm056 testwsdeque"

SUMMARY for test run started at Mon Sep  3 15:31:26 2018 CEST
 0:04:11 spent to go through
     708 total tests, which gave rise to
    1660 test cases, of which
     878 were skipped

       0 had missing libraries
     506 expected passes
       2 expected failures

       3 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       1 unexpected passes
     230 unexpected failures
      43 unexpected stat failures

Unexpected passes:
   testsuite/tests/stranal/should_compile/  T9208 [unexpected] (optasm)

Unexpected failures:
   testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/             T10414 [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/         conc069 [bad exit code] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/             T14346 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/        conc069a [bad exit code] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/          debug [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/         conc070 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/         conc072 [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/    numsparks001 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/           T5558 [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/           T3429 [exit code non-0] (debug_numa)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                   inline-check [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/dynlibs/                        T13702 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                 ffi014 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/       exampleTest [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10255 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10268 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10269 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10280 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10312 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10307 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10309 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/       boolFormula [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10357 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10358 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10278 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10354 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10396 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10399 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T11018 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/     bundle-export [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10276 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T10598 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T11321 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T11332 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/         load-main [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T12417 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T13163 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/            T15303 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                  ghci055 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                  ghci057 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                    T2976 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                    T9293 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print001 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print001 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print002 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print003 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print002 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print003 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print004 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print005 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print006 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print005 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print004 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print008 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print006 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print010 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print012 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print013 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print008 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print010 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print012 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print013 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print014 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print016 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print017 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print014 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print023 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print017 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print016 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print024 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print023 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print028 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break001 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print024 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break005 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print028 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break001 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break006 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break026 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break005 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break027 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break006 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break026 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/       dynbrk002 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break027 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/         hist001 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/         hist002 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/       dynbrk002 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/           T2740 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/         hist001 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/         hist002 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/           T2740 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/lib/integer/    integerConstantFolding [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/numeric/should_compile/         T14465 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/             haddock.base [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/            haddock.Cabal [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/         haddock.compiler [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins01 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins07 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins09 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins11 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins12 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins13 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins14 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins15 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                        T10420 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                        T10294 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                       T10294a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/          plugin-recomp-impure [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/            plugin-recomp-pure [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                       T12567a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr002 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr003 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr004 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/           plugin-recomp-flags [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/          plugin-recomp-change [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr005 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr006 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr007 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr008 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr009 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/     plugin-recomp-change-prof [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr010 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr011 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr013 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr012 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr014 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr015 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr017 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr016 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr018 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr019 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr020 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr021 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr022 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr023 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr024 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr025 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr026 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr027 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr028 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr029 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr030 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr031 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr033 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr032 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr034 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr035 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr036 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr037 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr038 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr039 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr041 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr040 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr042 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr043 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr045 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr044 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr046 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        Ppr048 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        T13199 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                       T13050p [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        T13550 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        T13942 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        T14289 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                       T14289b [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                       T14289c [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/printer/                        T14306 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/       T14931 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc005 [bad profile] (profasm)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc002 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc003 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc005 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/             T680 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/     prof-doc-fib [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/            T2552 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/            T5559 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/    prof-doc-last [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/    profinline001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           T12962 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/          T11627b [bad exit code] (prof_hc_hb)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/            T5363 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                        atomicxchg [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                       testwsdeque [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                             T4850 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                       ffishutdown [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                             T8209 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                             T8242 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                             T9078 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                     linker_error1 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                             T8124 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                     linker_error2 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                     linker_error3 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                            T10728 [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                           T10296b [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                           numa001 [exit code non-0] (debug_numa)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                            T14702 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                  InternalCounters [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                   nursery-chunks1 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T3717 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/  spec-inline [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T4908 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T4930 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T3055 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T3772 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T5327 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T7360 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T7865 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T8832 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/       T12603 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/       T13143 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/       T13340 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/       T13543 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/       T15056 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/stranal/should_compile/         T10694 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/              HyperStrUse [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/                   T12370 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/            CaseBinderCPR [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/th/               TH_spliceE5_prof_ext [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/                   TH_spliceE5_prof [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/T13168/               T13168 [bad stderr] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/                          memo001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/IO/T12010/                 T12010 [bad exit code] (threaded1)
   libraries/process/tests/                         T3231 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   libraries/stm/tests/                            stm056 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   libraries/unix/tests/                    forkprocess01 [exit code non-0] (threaded1_ls)
   libraries/process/tests/                         T3994 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                             T7815 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)

Unexpected stat failures:
   testsuite/tests/callarity/perf/                   T3924 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/join_points/               join004 [stat not good enough] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T10359 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T14955 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T3586 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/join_points/               join007 [stat not good enough] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T4830 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/          lazy-bs-alloc [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T3738 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                   T876 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/            MethSharing [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5113 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T4978 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5205 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T4474a [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T4474b [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T4474c [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5237 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T7257 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/            Conversions [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5536 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T7797 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5949 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T4267 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T7619 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/   InlineByteArrayAlloc [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/       InlineArrayAlloc [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/  InlineCloneArrayAlloc [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T8472 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T9203 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T12996 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T13001 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T12990 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/             DeriveNull [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T14936 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T13623 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T15226 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                T15226a [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/space_leaks/        space_leak_001 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/space_leaks/                 T4334 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5549 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/                             T8766 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/                            T13191 [stat not good enough] (normal)

So, 500 unexpected failures are gone with the PR.

Now, as a note for future me, I've noticed that check-api-annotations is expected under inplace/.... This is because of some code in testsuite/mk/ which just doesn't leave any other option at the moment. I guess I'll have to modify it to allow hadrian to completely bypass this and specify a path of its own with a new dedicated variable.

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Collaborator Author should fix all the ghc-api-annotations failures. We do set the CHECK_API_ANNOTATIONS environment variable but it is not picked up. testsuite/mk/, which is included by many (most? all?) test makefiles, didn't give us a chance to specify anything.

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alpmestan commented Sep 4, 2018

With the aforementionned patch, I'm down to 184 unexpected failures

Test results
SUMMARY for test run started at Tue Sep  4 18:18:34 2018 CEST
 0:19:48 spent to go through
    6536 total tests, which gave rise to
   24042 test cases, of which
   17523 were skipped

      27 had missing libraries
    6168 expected passes
      96 expected failures

       3 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       1 unexpected passes
     184 unexpected failures
      43 unexpected stat failures

Unexpected passes:
   testsuite/tests/stranal/should_compile/  T9208 [unexpected] (optasm)

Unexpected failures:
   testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/          debug [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/             T10414 [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/             T14346 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/         conc069 [bad exit code] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/        conc069a [bad exit code] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/         conc070 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/         conc072 [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/    numsparks001 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/           T3429 [exit code non-0] (debug_numa)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/           T5558 [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                   inline-check [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/dynlibs/                        T13702 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ffi/should_run/                 ffi014 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                  ghci055 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                  ghci057 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                    T2976 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                    T9293 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print001 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print002 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print001 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print003 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print002 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print004 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print005 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print003 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print004 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print005 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print006 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print008 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print006 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print008 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print010 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print012 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print010 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print012 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print013 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print014 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print016 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print013 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print014 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print016 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print017 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print017 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print023 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print024 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print023 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print024 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print028 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        print028 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break001 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break001 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break005 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break006 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break005 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break006 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break026 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break027 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break026 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/        break027 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/       dynbrk002 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/       dynbrk002 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/         hist001 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/         hist002 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/           T2740 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/         hist001 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/         hist002 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/           T2740 [bad stdout] (ghci-ext)
   testsuite/tests/lib/integer/    integerConstantFolding [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/numeric/should_compile/         T14465 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/             haddock.base [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/            haddock.Cabal [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/         haddock.compiler [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins01 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins07 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins09 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins11 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins12 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins13 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                        T10420 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins14 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins15 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                        T10294 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                       T10294a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/            plugin-recomp-pure [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                       T12567a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/          plugin-recomp-impure [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/           plugin-recomp-flags [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/          plugin-recomp-change [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/     plugin-recomp-change-prof [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/       T14931 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc002 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc003 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc005 [bad profile] (profasm)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc005 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/             T680 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/            T2552 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/     prof-doc-fib [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/    prof-doc-last [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/            T5559 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/    profinline001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/            T5363 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/          T11627b [bad exit code] (prof_hc_hb)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           T12962 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                       testwsdeque [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                        atomicxchg [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                             T4850 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                       ffishutdown [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                             T8209 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                             T8242 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                             T8124 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                             T9078 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                     linker_error1 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                     linker_error2 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                     linker_error3 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                            T10728 [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                           T10296b [exit code non-0] (threaded2)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                           numa001 [exit code non-0] (debug_numa)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                            T14900 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                  InternalCounters [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                            T14702 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                   nursery-chunks1 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T3717 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T4930 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/  spec-inline [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T4908 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T3055 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T3772 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T5327 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T7360 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T7865 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/        T8832 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/       T12603 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/       T13143 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/       T13340 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/       T13543 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/       T15056 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/stranal/should_compile/         T10694 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/              HyperStrUse [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/                   T12370 [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/            CaseBinderCPR [stderr mismatch] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/th/               TH_spliceE5_prof_ext [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/                   TH_spliceE5_prof [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/T13168/               T13168 [bad stderr] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/                          memo001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/IO/T12010/                 T12010 [bad exit code] (threaded1)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/            compact_simple [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/            compact_simple [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/              compact_loop [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/            compact_append [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/              compact_loop [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/            compact_append [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/        compact_autoexpand [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/      compact_simple_array [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/        compact_autoexpand [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/      compact_simple_array [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/        compact_huge_array [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/         compact_serialize [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/          compact_largemap [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/        compact_huge_array [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/          compact_largemap [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/         compact_serialize [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/           compact_threads [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/          compact_function [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/             compact_cycle [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/           compact_threads [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/          compact_function [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/             compact_cycle [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/           compact_mutable [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/            compact_pinned [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                compact_gc [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/           compact_mutable [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/            compact_pinned [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/                compact_gc [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/             compact_share [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/             compact_bench [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/             compact_share [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/ghc-compact/tests/             compact_bench [exit code non-0] (sanity)
   libraries/process/tests/                         T3231 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   libraries/process/tests/                         T3994 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   libraries/stm/tests/                            stm056 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)
   libraries/unix/tests/                    forkprocess01 [exit code non-0] (threaded1_ls)
   libraries/unix/tests/                     fdReadBuf001 [bad exit code] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                             T7815 [exit code non-0] (threaded1)

Unexpected stat failures:
   testsuite/tests/callarity/perf/                   T3924 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/join_points/               join004 [stat not good enough] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T10359 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/join_points/               join007 [stat not good enough] (optasm)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T14955 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T4830 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T3586 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/          lazy-bs-alloc [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                   T876 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T3738 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/            MethSharing [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5113 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T4978 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5205 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T4474a [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T4474b [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5237 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T4474c [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T7257 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/            Conversions [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5536 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T7797 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5949 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T4267 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T7619 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/   InlineByteArrayAlloc [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/       InlineArrayAlloc [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/  InlineCloneArrayAlloc [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T9203 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T8472 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T12996 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T13001 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T12990 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/             DeriveNull [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T14936 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T13623 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                 T15226 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                T15226a [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/space_leaks/        space_leak_001 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/space_leaks/                 T4334 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/                  T5549 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/                             T8766 [stat not good enough] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/                            T13191 [stat not good enough] (normal)

Framework failures:
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/      haddock.base [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../libraries/base/dist-install/haddock.t)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/     haddock.Cabal [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../libraries/Cabal/Cabal/dist-install/haddock.t)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/  haddock.compiler [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../compiler/stage2/haddock.t)

Note: We're still skipping many many tests for some reason. For reference, a ./validate run from today, on GHC's master branch gives the following numbers:

SUMMARY for test run started at Tue Sep  4 15:34:20 2018 UTC
 0:17:11 spent to go through
    6537 total tests, which gave rise to
   25537 test cases, of which
   18644 were skipped

      40 had missing libraries
    6765 expected passes
      89 expected failures

       0 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       0 unexpected passes
       0 unexpected failures
       0 unexpected stat failures

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Collaborator Author

alpmestan commented Sep 4, 2018

My differential has been merged: ghc/ghc@2254912

Meanwhile, I looked at #15570 and #15286 and it turns out removing those -O0 apparently makes more tests pass! In particular, all the stats failures but one are gone (makes sense), along with a little over 10 unexpected failures. I've got a PR up at #674. An entire test rule run also takes a lot less time now :-)

New test results
SUMMARY for test run started at Tue Sep  4 22:07:26 2018 CEST
 0:18:56 spent to go through
    6536 total tests, which gave rise to
   24042 test cases, of which
   17523 were skipped

      27 had missing libraries
    6225 expected passes
      96 expected failures

       3 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       1 unexpected passes
     169 unexpected failures
       1 unexpected stat failures

Many, many of the remaining failures are due to ghci printing things differently (e.g 0 vs integer-...:Some.Module.S# 0) and therefore giving semantically equivalent but syntactically different outputs. I have seen #13243 which is about the same problem when running tests directly with make instead of through validate, but there isn't any conclusion about why this happens, even less about how to fix it. Somehow validate doesn't have this problem though. I guess I'll be the one figuring this out. But enough for today (and I will likely have to work on a few other things too during the rest of the week).

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Great work, @alpmestan!

I'll try to figure out why ghci prints different results and report back if I find anything.

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Collaborator Author

OK; make sure you use --flavour=perf with the test target.

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#677 makes all the ghc-compact tests pass.

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With #684, I get:

SUMMARY for test run started at Tue Sep 11 17:29:41 2018 CEST
 0:16:40 spent to go through
    6538 total tests, which gave rise to
   24053 test cases, of which
   17532 were skipped

      27 had missing libraries
    6315 expected passes
      94 expected failures

       3 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       1 unexpected passes
      83 unexpected failures
       1 unexpected stat failures

This is looking better and better.

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@alpmestan Awesome!

What about 17532 were skipped -- is this normal?

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alpmestan commented Sep 11, 2018

See my comment above:

Note: We're still skipping many many tests for some reason. For reference, a ./validate run from today, on GHC's master branch gives the following numbers:

SUMMARY for test run started at Tue Sep  4 15:34:20 2018 UTC
 0:17:11 spent to go through
    6537 total tests, which gave rise to
   25537 test cases, of which
   18644 were skipped

      40 had missing libraries
   6765 expected passes
     89 expected failures

      0 caused framework failures
      0 caused framework warnings
      0 unexpected passes
      0 unexpected failures
      0 unexpected stat failures

You can see that the normal validate script skips many tests too. Many tests are restricted to be executed only on some arch, some os, some way, some [something] that'll cause it to be skipped in many situations. We're still missing some tests and probably skipping too many of them, but we're somewhat close to what the make build system does, aren't we?

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Hi @alpmestan, this might not be the right place but I wanted to ask about workflows for the testsuite. Very often I do something like

cd testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run
make TEST=cgrun001 WAY=optasm CLEANUP=0 EXTRA_HC_OPTS=-debug

to run a single test with some custom options. This is really convenient (and fast). Will we have something equally convenient with Hadrian, and will it be just as fast?

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alpmestan commented Sep 11, 2018

@simonmar We don't do anything $PWD-dependent for now. We do have --only=... to specify a specific test, --test-way to specify a particular test way, but I don't think we have anything to specify extra options right now, even though I suspect you can achieve this using --config.

(for reference:

Usage: hadrian [options] [target] ...
  -a FULL=SHORT, --abbrev=FULL=SHORT
                              Use abbreviation in status messages.
  --no-build                  Don't build anything.
                              Change to DIRECTORY before doing anything.
  --color, --colour           Colorize the output.
  --no-color, --no-colour     Don't colorize the output.
  -d[FILE], --debug[=FILE]    Print lots of debugging information.
  --demo                      Run in demo mode.
  --digest                    Files change when digest changes.
  --digest-and                Files change when modtime and digest change.
  --digest-and-input          Files change on modtime (and digest for inputs).
  --digest-or                 Files change when modtime or digest change.
  --digest-not                Files change when modtime changes.
  --exception                 Throw exceptions directly.
  --flush=N                   Flush metadata every N seconds.
  --never-flush               Never explicitly flush metadata.
  -h, --help                  Print this message and exit.
  -j[N], --jobs[=N]           Allow N jobs/threads at once [default CPUs].
  -k, --keep-going            Keep going when some targets can't be made.
  -l, --lint                  Perform limited validation after the run.
  --lint-fsatrace             Use fsatrace to do validation.
  --no-lint                   Turn off --lint.
  --live[=FILE]               List the files that are live [to live.txt].
  -m PREFIX, --metadata=PREFIX
                              Prefix for storing metadata files.
  --numeric-version           Print just the version number and exit.
  --skip-commands             Try and avoid running external programs.
  --rebuild[=PATTERN]         Rebuild matching files.
  --no-rebuild[=PATTERN]      Rebuild matching files if necessary.
  --skip[=PATTERN]            Don't rebuild matching files this run.
  -r[FILE], --report[=FILE], --profile[=FILE]
                              Write out profiling information [to report.html].
  --no-reports                Turn off --report.
  --rule-version=VERSION      Version of the build rules.
  --no-rule-version           Ignore the build rules version.
  -s, --silent                Don't print anything.
  --sleep                     Sleep for a second before building.
  -S, --no-keep-going, --stop
                              Turns off -k.
  --storage                   Write a storage log.
  -p[N], --progress[=N]       Show progress messages [every N secs, default 5].
  --no-progress               Don't show progress messages.
  -q, --quiet                 Print less (pass repeatedly for even less).
  --no-time                   Don't print build time.
  --timings                   Print phase timings.
  -V, --verbose, --trace      Print more (pass repeatedly for even more).
  -v, --version               Print the version number and exit.
  -w, --print-directory       Print the current directory.
  --no-print-directory        Turn off -w, even if it was turned on implicitly.
  -c, --configure             Run the boot and configure scripts (if you do not want to run them manually).
  -o[BUILD_ROOT], --build-root[=BUILD_ROOT]
                              Where to store build artifacts. (Default _build).
  --flavour[=FLAVOUR]         Build flavour (Default, Devel1, Devel2, Perf, Prof, Quick or Quickest).
  --freeze1                   Freeze Stage1 GHC.
  --integer-simple            Build GHC with integer-simple library.
  --progress-colour[=MODE]    Use colours in progress info (Never, Auto or Always).
  --progress-info[=STYLE]     Progress info style (None, Brief, Normal or Unicorn).
  --split-objects             Generate split objects (requires a full clean rebuild).
                              Use given compiler [Default=stage2].
                              congiguration file for testsuite. Default=testsuite/config/ghc
                              Configurations to run test, in key=value format.
                              Output testsuite summary in JUnit format.
  --only[=TESTS]              Test cases to run.
  --only-perf                 Only run performance tests.
  --skip-perf                 Skip performance tests.
  --test-speed[=SPEED]        fast, slow or normal. Normal by default
  --summary[=TEST_SUMMARY]    Where to output the test summary file.
                              A verbosity value between 0 and 5. 0 is silent, 4 and higher activates extra output.
  --test-way[=TEST_WAY]       only run these ways


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In that case can I request that support for this be added? It's really important when developing to be able to work on a single test, or a single directory of tests, and to be able to customize options, compilers and cleanup behaviour. I think we'll need this before we can drop the old build system.

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alpmestan commented Sep 11, 2018

@simonmar I opened #685 and #686 to remember about this (which involves two distinct improvements, AFAICT) and track the progress. Feel free to subscribe to those if you want to get a notification when this gets implemented. Or to even leave comments if you have anything to add to those issues.

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Thanks @alpmestan. To add a bit more to this:

  • Specifying a particular WAY is really important (not covered by those two issues I think)
  • Turning off CLEANUP is really important, so that you can run the binary that the testsuite created, or inspect the actual output that the test produced. Also not covered by those two issues.
  • I also often want to run a test with a different compiler, e.g. make TEST=foo TEST_HC=ghc-8.6
  • Figuring out tests from $PWD is handy but not essential. I'd be OK with having to say TEST=codeGen/should_run/cgrun001, say, or TEST=codeGen/should_run to run all the tests in a subdir.

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@simonmar As I pointed out in earlier comments, we can already specify a particular WAY, through --test-way. And the test compiler with --test-compiler. We however don't have:

Thanks for the input! It's helpful to have very precise TODOs like this :-)

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The PR at #687 fixes another batch of failures, in addition to solving a rather important problem. With this patch I get:

SUMMARY for test run started at Wed Sep 12 16:58:01 2018 CEST
 0:27:00 spent to go through
    6538 total tests, which gave rise to
   24053 test cases, of which
   17532 were skipped

      27 had missing libraries
    6341 expected passes
      94 expected failures

       3 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       1 unexpected passes
      57 unexpected failures
       1 unexpected stat failures

Remaining failures:

Unexpected results from:
TEST="InternalCounters T10294 T10294a T10420 T10989 T12567a T12962 T13168 T13414 T13702 T14931 T2552 T2991 T3103 T5363 T5559 T680 T8209 T8242 T8430 T9203 T9208 T9293 TH_spliceE5_prof TH_spliceE5_prof_ext cabal01 cabal03 cabal04 conc069 conc069a conc070 fdReadBuf001 ghci057 haddock.Cabal haddock.base haddock.compiler memo001 memo002 plugin-recomp-change plugin-recomp-change-prof plugin-recomp-flags plugin-recomp-impure plugin-recomp-pure plugins01 plugins07 plugins09 plugins11 plugins12 plugins13 plugins14 plugins15 prof-doc-fib prof-doc-last profinline001 read041 scc001 scc002 scc003 scc005"
Unexpected passes:
   testsuite/tests/stranal/should_compile/  T9208 [unexpected] (optasm)

Unexpected failures:
   testsuite/tests/cabal/cabal01/               cabal01 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/cabal03/               cabal03 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/cabal/cabal04/               cabal04 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/       conc069 [bad exit code] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/      conc069a [bad exit code] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/       conc070 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/dynlibs/                      T13702 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                ghci057 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                  T9293 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                 T10989 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/hpc/                           T2991 [exit code non-0] (hpc)
   testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/       read041 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/            T8430 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/           T13414 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/           haddock.base [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/          haddock.Cabal [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/       haddock.compiler [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins01 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins07 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins09 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins11 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins12 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins13 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins14 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins15 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      T10420 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      T10294 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     T10294a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     T12567a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/          plugin-recomp-pure [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/        plugin-recomp-impure [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/        plugin-recomp-change [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/         plugin-recomp-flags [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/   plugin-recomp-change-prof [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/     T14931 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/         scc001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/         scc002 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/         scc003 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/         scc005 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           T680 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/          T2552 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/   prof-doc-fib [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/  prof-doc-last [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/          T5559 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/  profinline001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/          T5363 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/         T12962 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/rename/should_compile/T3103/   T3103 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                           T8209 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                           T8242 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                InternalCounters [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/             TH_spliceE5_prof_ext [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/                 TH_spliceE5_prof [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/T13168/             T13168 [bad stderr] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/                        memo001 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/base/tests/                        memo002 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   libraries/unix/tests/                   fdReadBuf001 [bad exit code] (ghci)

Unexpected stat failures:
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/  T9203 [stat too good] (normal)

Framework failures:
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/      haddock.base [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../libraries/base/dist-install/haddock.t)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/     haddock.Cabal [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../libraries/Cabal/Cabal/dist-install/haddock.t)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/  haddock.compiler [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../compiler/stage2/haddock.t)

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Aaaaand we're down to 46 unexpected failures with #688:

Unexpected results from:
TEST="InternalCounters T10294 T10294a T10420 T12567a T12962 T13168 T13702 T14931 T2552 T5363 T5559 T680 T8209 T8242 T9203 T9208 T9293 TH_spliceE5_prof TH_spliceE5_prof_ext conc069 conc069a conc070 fdReadBuf001 ghci057 haddock.Cabal haddock.base haddock.compiler plugin-recomp-change plugin-recomp-change-prof plugin-recomp-flags plugin-recomp-impure plugin-recomp-pure plugins01 plugins07 plugins09 plugins11 plugins12 plugins13 plugins14 plugins15 prof-doc-fib prof-doc-last profinline001 scc001 scc002 scc003 scc005"

SUMMARY for test run started at Wed Sep 12 21:50:48 2018 CEST
 0:20:42 spent to go through
    6538 total tests, which gave rise to
   24053 test cases, of which
   17532 were skipped

      27 had missing libraries
    6352 expected passes
      94 expected failures

       3 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       1 unexpected passes
      46 unexpected failures
       1 unexpected stat failures

Unexpected passes:
   testsuite/tests/stranal/should_compile/  T9208 [unexpected] (optasm)

Unexpected failures:
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/       conc069 [bad exit code] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/      conc069a [bad exit code] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/concurrent/should_run/       conc070 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/dynlibs/                      T13702 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                ghci057 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                  T9293 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/           haddock.base [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/          haddock.Cabal [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/       haddock.compiler [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins01 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins07 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins09 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins11 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins12 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins13 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins14 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                   plugins15 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      T10420 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                      T10294 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     T10294a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     T12567a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/          plugin-recomp-pure [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/        plugin-recomp-impure [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/         plugin-recomp-flags [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/        plugin-recomp-change [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/   plugin-recomp-change-prof [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/     T14931 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/         scc001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/         scc002 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/         scc003 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/         scc005 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           T680 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/          T2552 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/   prof-doc-fib [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/  prof-doc-last [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/          T5559 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/  profinline001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/          T5363 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/         T12962 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                           T8209 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                           T8242 [bad stderr] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/rts/                InternalCounters [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/             TH_spliceE5_prof_ext [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/                 TH_spliceE5_prof [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/T13168/             T13168 [bad stderr] (normal)
   libraries/unix/tests/                   fdReadBuf001 [bad exit code] (ghci)

Unexpected stat failures:
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/  T9203 [stat too good] (normal)

Framework failures:
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/      haddock.base [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../libraries/base/dist-install/haddock.t)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/     haddock.Cabal [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../libraries/Cabal/Cabal/dist-install/haddock.t)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/  haddock.compiler [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../compiler/stage2/haddock.t)

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#689 and solve some more. Down to 42 unexpected failures.

Unexpected results from:
TEST="T10294 T10294a T10420 T12567a T12962 T13168 T13702 T14931 T2552 T5363 T5559 T680 T9203 T9208 T9293 TH_spliceE5_prof TH_spliceE5_prof_ext bkpcabal01 bkpcabal02 bkpcabal03 ghci057 haddock.Cabal haddock.base haddock.compiler plugin-recomp-change plugin-recomp-change-prof plugin-recomp-flags plugin-recomp-impure plugin-recomp-pure plugins01 plugins07 plugins09 plugins11 plugins12 plugins13 plugins14 plugins15 prof-doc-fib prof-doc-last profinline001 scc001 scc002 scc003 scc005"

SUMMARY for test run started at Thu Sep 13 09:04:24 2018 CEST
 0:15:55 spent to go through
    6539 total tests, which gave rise to
   24054 test cases, of which
   17532 were skipped

      27 had missing libraries
    6357 expected passes
      94 expected failures

       3 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       1 unexpected passes
      42 unexpected failures
       1 unexpected stat failures

Unexpected passes:
   testsuite/tests/stranal/should_compile/  T9208 [unexpected] (optasm)

Unexpected failures:
   testsuite/tests/backpack/cabal/bkpcabal02/  bkpcabal02 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/backpack/cabal/bkpcabal03/  bkpcabal03 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/backpack/cabal/bkpcabal01/  bkpcabal01 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/dynlibs/                        T13702 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                  ghci057 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                    T9293 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/             haddock.base [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/            haddock.Cabal [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/         haddock.compiler [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins01 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins07 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins09 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins11 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins12 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins13 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins14 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                     plugins15 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                        T10420 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                        T10294 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                       T10294a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                       T12567a [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/            plugin-recomp-pure [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/          plugin-recomp-impure [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/           plugin-recomp-flags [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/          plugin-recomp-change [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/     plugin-recomp-change-prof [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/       T14931 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc002 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc003 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           scc005 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/             T680 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/            T2552 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/     prof-doc-fib [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/    prof-doc-last [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/            T5559 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/    profinline001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/            T5363 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/           T12962 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/th/               TH_spliceE5_prof_ext [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/                   TH_spliceE5_prof [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/T13168/               T13168 [bad stderr] (normal)

Unexpected stat failures:
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/  T9203 [stat too good] (normal)

Framework failures:
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/      haddock.base [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../libraries/base/dist-install/haddock.t)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/     haddock.Cabal [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../libraries/Cabal/Cabal/dist-install/haddock.t)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/  haddock.compiler [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../compiler/stage2/haddock.t)

I can already smell the wonderful perfume of a completely green hadrian tesŧ running in our future CI jobs in the main GHC repo. 👃 👍

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Earlier today, I ran the test rule (with the perf flavour as usual) and... things went pretty well.

SUMMARY for test run started at Tue Oct 23 11:07:46 2018 CEST
 0:15:00 spent to go through
    6601 total tests, which gave rise to
   25634 test cases, of which
   19054 were skipped

      27 had missing libraries
    6431 expected passes
      89 expected failures

       3 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       1 unexpected passes
      31 unexpected failures
       1 unexpected stat failures

I looked at all the failures and managed to classify them in a few categories.

Require a GHC built with -dynamic

   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                T11462 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                T11525 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/TH_linker/                  path_with_commas [bad exit code] (normal) -- not entirely sure about this one
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                              plugins05 [exit code non-0] (dyn)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                              plugins06 [exit code non-0] (dyn)

This will be fixed once the joint work with David lands (Cabal + ghc + hadrian patch). See #691.

Cannot locate libffi or libHSrts

   testsuite/tests/driver/                           dynHelloWorld [exit code non-0] (dyn)
   testsuite/tests/dynlibs/                                  T5373 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/dynlibs/                                  T3807 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/dynlibs/                                 T13702 [bad exit code] (normal)

We don't build ghc-iserv-prof

The make build system builds a -prof version of ghc-iserv which it calls ghc-iserv-prof, and this is required by a few tests. I'm going to look into how we can produce two executables from just one package...

   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                    scc001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                    scc002 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                    scc003 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                    scc005 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                      T680 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                     T2552 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/              prof-doc-fib [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/             prof-doc-last [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                     T5559 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/             profinline001 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                     T5363 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/                    T12962 [bad exit code] (ghci-ext-prof)
   testsuite/tests/th/                        TH_spliceE5_prof_ext [bad exit code] (normal)

Less output than expected

Those in generally look benign, but I have no idea why the output differs.

   testsuite/tests/annotations/should_compile/th/  annth_compunits [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/annotations/should_compile/th/       annth_make [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                           ghci057 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                             T9293 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/T13168/                        T13168 [bad stderr] (normal)

Bad handling of -osuf + -prof options ?

   testsuite/tests/th/                            TH_spliceE5_prof [bad exit code] (normal)

haddock perf failures

We quite likely don't fit with the expected inplace layout, something like that?

   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/                      haddock.base [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/                     haddock.Cabal [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/                  haddock.compiler [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)

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Thanks @alpmestan -- looks like we're almost there!

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With I get:

Unexpected results from:
TEST="T11462 T11525 T13168 T13702 T3807 T5373 T9203 T9208 T9293 TH_spliceE5_prof annth_compunits annth_make dynHelloWorld ghci057 haddock.Cabal haddock.base haddock.compiler path_with_commas plugins05 plugins06"

SUMMARY for test run started at Wed Oct 24 13:53:33 2018 CEST
 0:14:42 spent to go through
    6601 total tests, which gave rise to
   25634 test cases, of which
   19054 were skipped

      27 had missing libraries
    6444 expected passes
      89 expected failures

       3 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       1 unexpected passes
      18 unexpected failures
       1 unexpected stat failures

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Collaborator Author

Test run against ghc/ghc@1a3b9bd:

Unexpected results from:
TEST="T11462 T11525 T13168 T13702 T3807 T5373 T9203 T9208 T9293 TH_spliceE5_prof annth_compunits annth_make dynHelloWorld frontend01 ghci057 haddock.Cabal haddock.base haddock.compiler path_with_commas plugins09 plugins11"

SUMMARY for test run started at Mon Nov  5 11:32:48 2018 CET
 0:13:08 spent to go through
    6656 total tests, which gave rise to
   25841 test cases, of which
   19176 were skipped

      28 had missing libraries
    6526 expected passes
      90 expected failures

       3 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       1 unexpected passes
      19 unexpected failures
       1 unexpected stat failures

Unexpected passes:
   testsuite/tests/stranal/should_compile/  T9208 [unexpected] (optasm)

Unexpected failures:
   testsuite/tests/annotations/should_compile/th/       annth_make [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/annotations/should_compile/th/  annth_compunits [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/driver/                           dynHelloWorld [exit code non-0] (dyn)
   testsuite/tests/dynlibs/                                  T5373 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/dynlibs/                                  T3807 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/dynlibs/                                 T13702 [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                           ghci057 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/                             T9293 [bad stdout] (ghci)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/                      haddock.base [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/                     haddock.Cabal [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/                  haddock.compiler [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/'] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                              plugins09 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                              plugins11 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/plugins/                             frontend01 [bad stdout] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/                            TH_spliceE5_prof [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/th/TH_linker/                  path_with_commas [bad exit code] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/T13168/                        T13168 [bad stderr] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                T11462 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/                T11525 [exit code non-0] (normal)

Unexpected stat failures:
   testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/  T9203 [stat too good] (normal)

Framework failures:
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/      haddock.base [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../libraries/base/dist-install/haddock.t)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/     haddock.Cabal [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../libraries/Cabal/Cabal/dist-install/haddock.t)
   testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/  haddock.compiler [normal] (extra_file does not exist: ../../../../compiler/stage2/haddock.t)

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I believe this issue is out of date, so closing.

ghc-mirror-bot pushed a commit to ghc/ghc that referenced this issue Jul 29, 2019
snowleopard/hadrian#187 was superseded by
snowleopard/hadrian#669, which has also
been closed.

So, optimistically, dropping this as a limitation issue.
ghc-mirror-bot pushed a commit to ghc/ghc that referenced this issue Jul 29, 2019
snowleopard/hadrian#187 was superseded by
snowleopard/hadrian#669, which has also
been closed.

So, optimistically, dropping this as a limitation issue.
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